No sure if this is allowed

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

This is a link for a petition for a young mother in Israel who has Ovarian cancer.  She is loosing her battle.  I have followed her for several years, but don't know a lot about clinical trials or recurrences{Thank God!}  She writes a blog of what she has been going through.  I signed the petition, maybe you ladies would like to also.  Alexandria, maybe you know what all of this is about and if it affects the women in the States.   Hope I got all that right...never did learn to "cut and paste" !


  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    Thank you Debra jo

    I signed it too. There is a long thread about it on It looks like Erixka / Love Faith / Ahava Emuna recurred while on PARP maintenance trial (66% drug / 33% placebo) and now wants to know what she was in fact taking. And trial sponsor Tesaro for some reason is refusing her (and her doctors) this info despite admitting that legally they have to release it. Very strange...

    Personally I would save myself aggrevation and legal fees and would get leftover pills tested in the nearest chemical lab. That if I coudn't hack into Tesaro's database first.

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Alexandra said:

    Thank you Debra jo

    I signed it too. There is a long thread about it on It looks like Erixka / Love Faith / Ahava Emuna recurred while on PARP maintenance trial (66% drug / 33% placebo) and now wants to know what she was in fact taking. And trial sponsor Tesaro for some reason is refusing her (and her doctors) this info despite admitting that legally they have to release it. Very strange...

    Personally I would save myself aggrevation and legal fees and would get leftover pills tested in the nearest chemical lab. That if I coudn't hack into Tesaro's database first.

    Hey girl!

    How the heck are you doing?!  I knew you could figure this out.  I never get when it;s the truth and when I'm getting scamed on something!  I do believe you would and could hack your reports and get all the information.  Maybe you ought to go into business hacking for people like me that are too dumb!  I feel wsorry for this young woman, I believe she has six children.  How are you "daughters" doing? LOL!  I miss your post, but know you are there in the background.  Come out and play with us one day, if only to tell dirty stories!  Best, Debra




  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    debrajo said:

    Hey girl!

    How the heck are you doing?!  I knew you could figure this out.  I never get when it;s the truth and when I'm getting scamed on something!  I do believe you would and could hack your reports and get all the information.  Maybe you ought to go into business hacking for people like me that are too dumb!  I feel wsorry for this young woman, I believe she has six children.  How are you "daughters" doing? LOL!  I miss your post, but know you are there in the background.  Come out and play with us one day, if only to tell dirty stories!  Best, Debra




    I signed

    I used to follow this lady's  blog then somehow lost track of her.  Thanks for the update and the chance to help in a small way.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    I signed

    I used to follow this lady's  blog then somehow lost track of her.  Thanks for the update and the chance to help in a small way.

    It worked

    Just got an email that the study has been opened for her

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    ConnieSW said:

    It worked

    Just got an email that the study has been opened for her

    Awesome news for Erixka!

    And a nice precedent for all phase 3 placebo trials' participants. Notice how fast Tesaro caved compared to Biomarin 2013 fight with late Andrea Sloan over compassionate access to their PARP. I guess Tesaro's PR & legal have some common sense after all.

    Debra - I'm more or less OK, on chemo (Cisplatin) for second recurrence. Had ascites drained today, lost 6 lbs in an hour. I am also taking cannabis oil, the next best cancer cure after broccoli.

    I'll have to pass on hacking for hire because I'd look horrible in an orange jumpsuit dragging an IV pole behind bars.