Surgery scheduled - optimistic after MRI CT Scan

We got my husband's MRI results and met with his surgeon this past week.  The good news is that there was no evidence of cancer in the liver or other organs and that the cancer is localized in the colon.  That was a huge relief!  His surgery is scheduled for 14 July.  We are hoping he is stage 1 but we won't be sure until after the surgery.  The MRI said that he had some suspicious activity in the lymph nodes, but the surgeon said it was 50/50 if there was cancer there.  We are hoping and praying for the best after the surgery.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    That is a great news. I never fail to recommend patients here to take at least 2 times 400mg Cimetidine (Tagamet) over the counter medication many article saying may prevent the spreading of cancer before, during and after surgery. Many members agree on this and if you consider dart taking it now and at least for two more weeks after surgery.

    All the best to you guys.
