colon and liver cancer with cirrhosis

ealeman Member Posts: 5

hello my 80 year old dad has just been diagnosed. we understand it it not good and he may live less than a year. we are having a hard time decisiding whether or not to treat with chemo. he is afraid of the treatment and would rather live his remind time in peace and feeling sick from meds. doctor says not everyone reacts to chemo with side effects. would the chemo prevent the pain of complications? I know there are no definitive answers but any advise will be helpful. especially from anyone who has been thru this. 




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Colon Cancer

    Probably your dad has Colon Cancer that has spread to his liver, unless he is really unfortunate and has both. 

    Many of us here, including myself, have had our colorectal cancer spread to the liver. Treatment is indeed rough, but for the most part, doable. 

    I guess you need to find out exactly how many tumours that are on the liver, what size, where they are placed and why surgery can't be done to remove them. 

    It is a hard decision, especailly at his age; and also depends on his health at the moment. 

    I suggest getting a nice notebook and pen, writing down all questions from the sublime to the ridiculous, and asking them at your dad's next appointment. 

    And keep coming here. We can be a wonderful support system for you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    It's hard to say.  I was 77 when diagnosed.  Currently 83. It was a bumpy ride ,but doable.  Good luck to you!

  • ealeman
    ealeman Member Posts: 5
    danker said:


    It's hard to say.  I was 77 when diagnosed.  Currently 83. It was a bumpy ride ,but doable.  Good luck to you!

    thank you for your input. so

    thank you for your input. so you have been fighting few years, how are you feeling if you don't mind me asking.

  • ealeman
    ealeman Member Posts: 5
    Trubrit said:

    Colon Cancer

    Probably your dad has Colon Cancer that has spread to his liver, unless he is really unfortunate and has both. 

    Many of us here, including myself, have had our colorectal cancer spread to the liver. Treatment is indeed rough, but for the most part, doable. 

    I guess you need to find out exactly how many tumours that are on the liver, what size, where they are placed and why surgery can't be done to remove them. 

    It is a hard decision, especailly at his age; and also depends on his health at the moment. 

    I suggest getting a nice notebook and pen, writing down all questions from the sublime to the ridiculous, and asking them at your dad's next appointment. 

    And keep coming here. We can be a wonderful support system for you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    thank you sue, unfortunately

    thank you sue, unfortunately doctor said it it both. liver is from cirosis, he has two tumors there and colon he has three. 

    i think doctors fell obligated to offer treatment but they are not the ones going thru it. his gastro doc was honest and said if it was his father he wouldnot want treatment he would just make him comfortable. 

    God only knows our time of course, but the doctor say even with treatment we are only talking months not years. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    ealeman said:

    thank you sue, unfortunately

    thank you sue, unfortunately doctor said it it both. liver is from cirosis, he has two tumors there and colon he has three. 

    i think doctors fell obligated to offer treatment but they are not the ones going thru it. his gastro doc was honest and said if it was his father he wouldnot want treatment he would just make him comfortable. 

    God only knows our time of course, but the doctor say even with treatment we are only talking months not years. 


    Oh my!

    That is awful! 

    That really isn't fair. But alas, fair doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. 

    I am truly sorry for the situation. We want to extend life, but sometimes it is not worth the discomfort. 

    Sadly, one doesn't know how well your dad will do on chemo. It is a very tough decision, and my heartfelt thougts go to you. 

    Come here for whatever infor or support you need. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    ealeman said:

    thank you for your input. so

    thank you for your input. so you have been fighting few years, how are you feeling if you don't mind me asking.

    I did

    folfox and I was very nervous about it but it wasn't bad at all. They have a drug for pretty much most side effects. However if it's just going to add months not possibly years I would skip it. Is there any way to try it and see how he toletates it? Everyone reacts differently to chemo. Most of us have had surgery too, is this off the table? If he doesn't want to do it I probably would respect his wishes and just leave him alone. He's been around the block a few times and probably knows himself pretty well by now. I would get the docs to assure him in the end he'll be comfortable and encourage him to live it up for awhile. Sorry for the somewhat disjointed response, best of luck on whatever you decide.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    I am so very sorry to hear about your dad's situation.

    Have you discussed the possibility of starting chemo, and if your dad finds it too difficult then stopping it?  My sister also feared chemo, but did it with the understanding that she could stop at any time.  It did not save her, but did give her more time.

    If your dad is really set against chemo, then I think you need to follow his wishes.  As things progress and if he has signicant pain the only options will be strong pain killer meds (opiates).

    I wish there were better options.

    Wishing your dad the easiest and longest time possible.

    Marie who loves kitties


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    ealeman said:

    thank you for your input. so

    thank you for your input. so you have been fighting few years, how are you feeling if you don't mind me asking.


    Except for occasional diarrhea, I feel fine,health,normal.  Been NED(no evedence of disease) for five years. Still see oncologist every 6 months.  Again,best of luck to you!!!

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,431 Member

    The people above gave very good across the board.  Not much I can add, other than I am on chemo now since March (FOLFOX treatment, one of the so-called "easier" or "well-tolerated" ones, but varies from patient to patient).  Some side effects, but nothing as horrific as what was in my mind.  Of course it all depends on general health and the rest.  Some people had it tougher with this.

    Ultimately it is balancing the scenarios.  It may be worthwhile to try the chemo (which may include a surgery for a port).  Just try to reach a place of peace and acceptance with whatever decision is made.