Rising CA-125

Hi, I have not been on this board for a while, I have been busy trying to forget cancer.    I was diagnosed with UPSC in Feb. 2011 and finished treatment in Sept. 2011.  I have been cancer free since then with a few little bumps in the road but no recurrences.  My CA-125 has been rising in the last year.  Nothing alarming until the last six months. It is no longer an up and down fluctuation only up!!  It is now up to two points from where it was when I was diagnosed, the highest ever.  My oncologist retired at the end of last year, so today was my first appointment with his replacement.  I had a CA-125 two months ago that showed the rising pattern and had another last week and it was up more.  He ran another ca-125 today and it was up another point from just one week ago!  He is very concerned with the pattern and ordered a CT that will be done on Tuesday.  I am very concerned and terrified of a recurrence.  I lost my husband to cancer a couple years ago, so I am alone and just wanted to talk to someone and see if there is anyone else that this happened to and what the results were.  I realize that there are people worse off than I am and I am sorry if this sounds like I am whinning.  I have just recently lost two friends to cancer recurrences...it came back with vengence!!  Of those people that have experienced recurrence, what were the symptoms?



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Pat, I am sorry you have had

    Pat, I am sorry you have had to come back to visit us again. I can't help with any experience re: recurrence but I don't think anyone here will think you are whining.

    I am sure the other wonderfull women who are battling or battled recurrence will chime in. 

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    I have had two recurrences since I started this roller coaster ride in Aug. 2012.  I had no symptoms either time.  I also had no symptoms before my initial diagnoses.  I though I had a yeast infection and I did.  I guess that was a blessing.  My CA 125 was raised both times, not much, 50s both times, but it was enough for a red flag for my doctor.  Sadly both times the cancer had metastizised.  Ist recurrence we were able to beat down  This 2nd recurrence is proving to be a tougher problem.  I wish I had better news for you.  Everyone is different.  I do know that CA125 results raise ifyou have a cold or infection.  Wishing you the best.  Prayers, Lou Ann

  • mamamoody
    mamamoody Member Posts: 28
    Lou Ann M said:

    I have had two recurrences since I started this roller coaster ride in Aug. 2012.  I had no symptoms either time.  I also had no symptoms before my initial diagnoses.  I though I had a yeast infection and I did.  I guess that was a blessing.  My CA 125 was raised both times, not much, 50s both times, but it was enough for a red flag for my doctor.  Sadly both times the cancer had metastizised.  Ist recurrence we were able to beat down  This 2nd recurrence is proving to be a tougher problem.  I wish I had better news for you.  Everyone is different.  I do know that CA125 results raise ifyou have a cold or infection.  Wishing you the best.  Prayers, Lou Ann

    hi Pat

    I'm dealing with recurrent uterine cancer to the lungs.  Apparently, recurrent cancer is fairly common.  I've met a lot people also going through it.  I had no symptoms at all ... the lung nodules were found through a routine CTscan.    I can tell you this ... there are many survivors of recurrent cancers out there!  Let us know what you find out.  May God bless you.

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Pat the CA-125 is just a number

    That is what my doctors always tell me.  My CA -125 was 1996 a month ago and now it is 1426.  I have never had any symptoms as to why the marker rises.  Lately I have had the cough which is caused by damage from radiation to the trachea.  But it is when the CAT scan shows increase in multiple lymph nodes that I have gone back on chemo.  I will have a repeat scan in August to determine if I will go back on chemo again.

    try not to worry about the number unless something else is happening.   I know that is not easy to do.   But try to find some joy in each day.   In peace and caring.

  • Pat51
    Pat51 Member Posts: 130
    Ro10 said:

    Pat the CA-125 is just a number

    That is what my doctors always tell me.  My CA -125 was 1996 a month ago and now it is 1426.  I have never had any symptoms as to why the marker rises.  Lately I have had the cough which is caused by damage from radiation to the trachea.  But it is when the CAT scan shows increase in multiple lymph nodes that I have gone back on chemo.  I will have a repeat scan in August to determine if I will go back on chemo again.

    try not to worry about the number unless something else is happening.   I know that is not easy to do.   But try to find some joy in each day.   In peace and caring.

    Thank you Ro

    Thank you for your reply. The CA-125 that I had run today showed another increase from just a week ago, which sent me into a panic!  I have a CT scheduled for Tuesday but I am a worrier.  I have been very fortunate so far but always continue to worry about recurrence as I suspect all of us do.    My husband was my rock when I was diagnosed and during treatment, in spite of the fact that he had stage 4 melanoma himself.  I am grateful that I was well enough to care for him before his passing, but feel very alone right now.   I have read your posts on this board and know that you have had a long journey, so I really value your experience and input.  I admire the warrior that you are and an inspiration to all of this board.  I am going to try to remember that it is just a number and stay calm until I have CT results....which is much easier said than done fore me!!!  Thank you again for your reply.

  • Pat51
    Pat51 Member Posts: 130
    Lou Ann M said:

    I have had two recurrences since I started this roller coaster ride in Aug. 2012.  I had no symptoms either time.  I also had no symptoms before my initial diagnoses.  I though I had a yeast infection and I did.  I guess that was a blessing.  My CA 125 was raised both times, not much, 50s both times, but it was enough for a red flag for my doctor.  Sadly both times the cancer had metastizised.  Ist recurrence we were able to beat down  This 2nd recurrence is proving to be a tougher problem.  I wish I had better news for you.  Everyone is different.  I do know that CA125 results raise ifyou have a cold or infection.  Wishing you the best.  Prayers, Lou Ann

    Lou Ann M Thank you for the Info

    Thank you so much for the reply and information.  I happened to have just had a severe sinus infection.  I have just finished a round of antibiotics a little over a week ago.  I have been taking claritin since then to keep the symptoms down.  The skin on my hands is also peeling over the last few days.  The doctor did tell me that he thought that the peeling was a reaction to the infection that I had.   I did not know that a cold or infection could affect the CA-125 numbers.  The doctor did not mention that today.   My new oncologist is just new to my case today and I am told that there have been no other UPSC cases since mine at this cancer center.  I have a CT scheduled for Tuesday but I tend to be a worrier.  I am sorry to hear that you are now dealing with a second recurrence.  I pray that you will find a chemo that works on this recurrence.  Chemo was very very tough for me, I hope that you find a chemo that works and is tolerable.  This is a scary disease, my prayers are with you.

  • Pat51
    Pat51 Member Posts: 130
    mamamoody said:

    hi Pat

    I'm dealing with recurrent uterine cancer to the lungs.  Apparently, recurrent cancer is fairly common.  I've met a lot people also going through it.  I had no symptoms at all ... the lung nodules were found through a routine CTscan.    I can tell you this ... there are many survivors of recurrent cancers out there!  Let us know what you find out.  May God bless you.

    Thank you Mamamoody

    Thank you for your reply and support.  I know that there are many people that have recurred and my heart goes out to each of them as well as you.  Since my husband passed away I feel very alone and I don't deal with these things very well alone.  I try to stay strong but unfortunately I tend to panic.  I will certainly let everyone know that results of the CT.  My doctor said that he would call me Wed with results.  Thank you again for your reply.

  • Pat51
    Pat51 Member Posts: 130

    Pat, I am sorry you have had

    Pat, I am sorry you have had to come back to visit us again. I can't help with any experience re: recurrence but I don't think anyone here will think you are whining.

    I am sure the other wonderfull women who are battling or battled recurrence will chime in. 


    Thank you for your support.  I have dealt with cancer for many years now between myself, my husband, and my parents.  I just needed a break from cancer after my husband's death.  I am happy to be welcomed back to this board and to find that there are still so many wonderful, supportive, knowledgeable women here helping each other.  This is a wonderful sisterhood!!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Pat51 - Recurrence

    Pat, I am very new to this cancer fight. I'm so sorry that you are alone. My sister has had three different cancers over the last several years. And, we live so far apart (she is in Hawaii and I'm in Florida) that she has had to deal with her fight alone as well. Now that I am facing the cancer personally, I have a much better understanding of how hard this can  be. One thing my sister told me that helped a lot, GET some anti-anxiety meds. I didn't want to do it but I'm so glad I listened. Lorazapam has helped me for those times that I can't get out of my head. I don't use them often, but when I need them they help a lot.  I will pray for your health and hope you can find a support group to lean on. I believe all of us on this board are here to help each other as well. Take care of yourself. Cindi