Please - some advice or encouragement

pxd4211 Member Posts: 2

just diagnosed with Grade 2 breast cancer, no levels yet. Tumor is 1cm. I am 69 years old.  I am panicked about how bad this could be. Lost my wonderful husband 2 months ago to cancer. He was diagnosed and gone from us in just 7 weeks.  I have dr appt on Monday morning, I have not told my children anything yet. We are all deelpy grieving for my wonderful husband. I did  not want to worry them until I knew something definite, right now my heart is breaking for them.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    Unfortunately, I don't have time now to write a longer post now but will later.

    I will be 69 next Thurs, was DXd at 63 with IBC.

    I will get back to you with my thoughts - for what they are worth.

    Winyan - The Power Within



  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Rague said:


    Unfortunately, I don't have time now to write a longer post now but will later.

    I will be 69 next Thurs, was DXd at 63 with IBC.

    I will get back to you with my thoughts - for what they are worth.

    Winyan - The Power Within



    Here's some encouragement

    I just turned 68.  Five years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 1 b, grade 2, ER/PR+, HER-2 neg breast cancer.  My tumor was .9 cm, so you "beat me" by .1 cm.  I understand how frightened you are and how this must be even more frightening given your recent loss.  All you can do is put one foot in front of the other and walk through it.  Always take someone with you to doctor apponitments.  Take notes.  Take questions.  You really need that extra set of ears and extra brain to help you process all of this. 

    This is one of my favorite links for a free on-line brochure about breast cancer. 

    Stay with this group.  There is so much support here and I'm sure other "old timers" will chime in with encouragement.  There is no one-size-fits all when it comes to breast cancer as you will learn.  It can be a nasty monster, but it isn't always.  I had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation, followed by hormone therapy (almost done with that part).  It was no walk in the park, but it was very doable.  Mostly it was inconvenient, but an inconvenience you cannot ignore.   Your protocol may be different than mine, depending on so many variables that won't all be known until after the final pathology from your surgery. 

    Best wishes to you.  We're here.


  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    Hang in there!

    Hi pxd4211,

    Suzanne pretty much took the words from my mouth.  You are going through so much right now that you really need to take it one day or even one hour at a time.  If it makes you feel better, I was diagnosed at 40 with stage 2 cancer, grade 3.  I had two tumors in the same breast that totalled over 5cm.  I am 46 and still here and no recurrence (*knock on wood*) that I know of.  It is completely understandable that you are feeling panicked right now (I felt that way and I hadn't just lost my husband), but know this if nothing else - this IS doable.  You will get through the treatment, whatever it ends up being for you.  Like Suzanne said, we are all different but one thing we have in common is that we are here to support each other and get each other through the tough times.  Please lean on us whenever you need.

    I hope your appointment today shed some light on the situation.  Please check in and let us know how you are doing.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    So sorry to her of your

    So sorry to her of your loss...........sending hugs and good thoughts...


    I'll check back fro an update...

