Here I go again

Mike99 Member Posts: 22

i have been coming here for a long long time. I have met some really great people and I just want to thank everyone for always being here because no matter how dark it may look the CSN family has always been there for me. This time tomorrow I will be wheeled into the OR for what will be my third different typefaces since 1998 and yet even though there has never been any cancer until me in my family they say the three cancers are not related. I find this to be unbelievable because how does a healthy guy like me get three different types of cancer without any history? Well for now I will just sit back and let the. Doctors do what they do and then when it is over I am scheduling an appointment at the NCI in Bethesda Md Because I need to know what is going on to protect my boys.

Any advice as to what I can expect from a total Left Kidney removal? Any former experience with this would be helpful. thank you all for always being here.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Upcoming Neph



    I wish I could say something nice about your upcoming nepherectomy. Mine was almost 13 years ago. It is major abdominal surgery. If your tumor is not very large or aggressive it can be a total cure. A small price to pay for the surgery. You will be in the hospital a few days and than on the couch for a week or two. Each day will get a little better with maybe a bad day. About a week or 10 days later you will be ready for a steak dinner. May you have an uneventful and as tolorable surgery as possable.





  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    I wish you a boring surgery and a remarkable recovery

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    I wish you a boring surgery and a remarkable recovery

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    I wish you a boring surgery and a remarkable recovery

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member


    I wish you a boring surgery and a remarkable recovery

    I was so pleased with the message

    I thought I'd send it thrice

  • Guinavere
    Guinavere Member Posts: 5
    I had my left kidney and

    I had my left kidney and adrenal removed in 2007 and I qent back to a normal life.  I was told that drinking tea was not good because it can help cause kidney stones and lemonade good because it helps desolve them.  Other than that scans every 6 mo.  Good luck you will be inmy prayers. 

  • Timbomba
    Timbomba Member Posts: 48
    Left Kidney removal

    Hi Mike,

    Wow....3 different types of C ?? must be connected surely??......anyway mate....Oct 2014 I had my left kidney removed.....14 inch incision due to large tumor on my kidney...lots of abdominal muscle cut ...I hope yours is less invasive, in which case for every inch you arent cut the better....after the surgery they had me up and about and my body was willing but the drugs really didnt agree with me much, I am one of those that doesnt take to drugs unfortunately. I was out of hospital in 6 days nurses and drs. unbelievable....recovery was slow, lots of aches and pains, stiffness and general malaise/nausea for weeeks but got physically stronger every week. Make the effort to some stairs and increase your time as you careful not to overdo the abdominal stuff because it will come back to bite you. Rest as much as you can also. The doctors really dont go into all of the things you might expect because they dont really know from person to person...but I had low BP, dizziness,headaches, restlessness at night...some time nightsweats (after working my abs) neck and central chest stiffness, shortness of th end of the day mate, the old body has taken a major shock to the system and its working itself out...8 months later I think I am generally getting there, although I now have mets on my lungs and maybe another big op to remove half a lung...not looking forward to that. If in doubt see your own doctor...get some things checked if you are worried. All the best, go for it and stay strong.


  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member


    Wow, man, that's a terrible hand to be dealt.  Unlike you, I do have somewhat of a family history of cancer (both grandparents on my mother's side died of it), so this is basically my worst nightmare.  But a positive way to spin it is: if you hadn't had the previous cancer, you probably wouldn't have been scanned as closely as you most likely were and, thus, your cancer was hopefully found early.

    My tumor was found incidentally after some gallbladder issues.  I was supposed to have a robotic PARTIAL neph but the surgeon took the whole thing when he discovered I had a third artery near the tumor site.  He felt trying to cut it out would have caused serious bleeding, so he took the whole thing.  I was fine with that.  Not sure how they are going in, but a laparoscopic procedure is certainly preferable when it comes to recovery.  I had worse fatigue than anything after the nephrectomy.  Pain was not that bad at all.  

    A quick 6 months after my neph I had some serious gallbladder flare ups and the doctor thought it was time to come out.  Again, scheduled for a laparoscopic procedure but it was switched to open because of my "exceptionally bad" (his words) gallbladder.  So I had a 7+ inch incision on my right side that hurt like a B****, let me tell you.  Pain is obviously worse the longer the incision site.  

    Either way... the tumor coming out is GOOD not bad.  I wonder if the doctor would want to do genetic testing to see if their is a correlation between your 3 cancers... what were the others if you don't mind me asking?  Good luck to you, my friend.

    - Jay

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member



    Wow, man, that's a terrible hand to be dealt.  Unlike you, I do have somewhat of a family history of cancer (both grandparents on my mother's side died of it), so this is basically my worst nightmare.  But a positive way to spin it is: if you hadn't had the previous cancer, you probably wouldn't have been scanned as closely as you most likely were and, thus, your cancer was hopefully found early.

    My tumor was found incidentally after some gallbladder issues.  I was supposed to have a robotic PARTIAL neph but the surgeon took the whole thing when he discovered I had a third artery near the tumor site.  He felt trying to cut it out would have caused serious bleeding, so he took the whole thing.  I was fine with that.  Not sure how they are going in, but a laparoscopic procedure is certainly preferable when it comes to recovery.  I had worse fatigue than anything after the nephrectomy.  Pain was not that bad at all.  

    A quick 6 months after my neph I had some serious gallbladder flare ups and the doctor thought it was time to come out.  Again, scheduled for a laparoscopic procedure but it was switched to open because of my "exceptionally bad" (his words) gallbladder.  So I had a 7+ inch incision on my right side that hurt like a B****, let me tell you.  Pain is obviously worse the longer the incision site.  

    Either way... the tumor coming out is GOOD not bad.  I wonder if the doctor would want to do genetic testing to see if their is a correlation between your 3 cancers... what were the others if you don't mind me asking?  Good luck to you, my friend.

    - Jay


    Forget it, I read your profile and it answered the questions of the other cancers and the genetic testing.  Good luck again, man.

    - Jay

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311


    Forget it, I read your profile and it answered the questions of the other cancers and the genetic testing.  Good luck again, man.

    - Jay



         I can not believe 3 different cancers, wishing and praying for the best for you!  By the way I had my right kidney removed in August 2011, and I was fortunate enough to have it done laprscopic.  I was only in the hospital 3 days and back to work in 4 weeks, not much pain and a fairly quick recovery.

         Hoping that yours will be a quick painless surgery with recovery being just as fast!

                                                 Prayers for good health!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    danbren2 said:



         I can not believe 3 different cancers, wishing and praying for the best for you!  By the way I had my right kidney removed in August 2011, and I was fortunate enough to have it done laprscopic.  I was only in the hospital 3 days and back to work in 4 weeks, not much pain and a fairly quick recovery.

         Hoping that yours will be a quick painless surgery with recovery being just as fast!

                                                 Prayers for good health!


    You have had your share


    You have had your share of setbacks. I am hoping your surgery will go well and you will be feeling your normal self again quickly.

    Please keep us posted!

