Tagamet for anal cancer

StruTanToot Member Posts: 126 Member

A friend of mine, who is a physician, recently informed me that there has been success with Tagament to treat anal cancer/warts. He said the dosage is 400mg twice a day. He said studies are underway, but it's not well known.

Well, I entered "Tagamet for anal warts" into a search engine and indeed found that there is something to this claim. I've started taking the 400mg twice a day. Some docs suggest three times a day.

Check it out!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Thanks for posting this--I will definitely check it out.  I'm not posting much this summer--taking some time away from cancer stuff.  However, I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well--it's been awhile since we heard from you!


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Tagamet or...

    ...cimetidine(generic) is an heartburn medication thay has been shown to reduce the chance of cancer spreading especially during surgery. Many colorectal cancer patients took it, including myself and I certainly recommend it to everyone before and after surgery from what I read.

    I did not rea any claim of it actually curing cancer, but I obviously did not read everything. Would be great!


  • StruTanToot
    StruTanToot Member Posts: 126 Member
    mp327 said:


    Thanks for posting this--I will definitely check it out.  I'm not posting much this summer--taking some time away from cancer stuff.  However, I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well--it's been awhile since we heard from you!


    Hi Martha...I hope all is

    Hi Martha...I hope all is well. I need to be on the site more, but not sure what I can contribute. People on the site were so very helpful to me, and I wish I could do something more.

    I'm almost three years past treatment, but my doctor thinks the cancer will return at some point. It's hard for my body to fight off hpv. 

    Anyway...would love to stay in touch with you. Perhaps we can email?