Pre Procedure Angst

SMD15 Member Posts: 32

This is a long story but I will try to make it short.  I have another procedure Friday.  I am pretty nervous about it.  Last month I had a bad experience when having a biopsy done, which the surgeon admitted was pretty deep.  This month I am having the rest taken out and then fulguration done.  Last month the surgeon said it was too deep to remove all of it.  Now he says he is going to try.  He said it was unusual because normally with a low grade dysplasia the area is flat but there is substance to this, meaning he can feel it and it is deep.  This is the third time this will be done in this area.  I am thrilled that my cancer was caught so early but still have a lot of dread about the procedure.  First cancer in situ, then high grade dysplasia and now the low grade area beneath it all.  I have had many surgeries in my life and have to admit I have never been so nervous. 

The main reason I have so much dread is obviously the pain.  While the worst of it lasts only a day or two, it sure smarts.  The surgeon said this WILL be very painful, especially because of the fulguration. 

Next reason is the post op nurse I had last time.  She spent 30 minutes questioning why I had pain and said I shouldn't have so much pain there are no nerves in the rectum.  I kept telling her it was not my rectum but my anus.  She would not give me any pain medication.  Before I became conscious she talked to my husband about how I was crying while I was still unconscious.  Something that is really hard to prevent btw.  My husband assured her that I am pretty tough when it comes to pain, so obviously it must be pretty painful.  Anyway when she did finally give me a shot of morphine I was much better.  However, when I got home my husband proceded to tell me other weird things she did while I was in there.  For the first time in my life, I made a complaint after hearing what my husband had to say.  The surgery center said what happened was wrong and will never happen again.  BUT I have to go to the same center Friday.  I am one not to burn my bridges and wish I had not made a complaint.  I know better than that.  She wasn't mean she was just goofy.  Had I not still been under the effect of anesthesia, I probably would have let it go.  I told my surgeon about it at my post op appt and my pre op appt (combined) a few weeks ago.  I said I think there was confusion over whether this was the rectum or the anus and they often are coded together.  He said he would make clearer notes for the next surgery. 

Anyway, I can't quit thinking about a potentially vengeful nurse.  I know that is silly but anxiety often wins over logic.  Any similar experiences/advice?  Although I really don't have much of a choice, I have to get this done. 


  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member

    I had to request another nurse because the original nurse could not find a vein to insert IV after trying several times.  A different nurse came in and hit a vein the first time.  Discuss this with you doctors before procedure.


  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32

    I had to request another nurse because the original nurse could not find a vein to insert IV after trying several times.  A different nurse came in and hit a vein the first time.  Discuss this with you doctors before procedure.


    Thanks Mike

    Don't you hate when that happens!  It's pretty painful to go digging around like that trying to find a vein.  My husband said he is going to keep an eye out for this one particular nurse if she turns up and request that I have a different one if she is there.  I don't want to make a scene and feel sure he will watch out for me, it's just the dread of it all. 

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    SMD15 said:

    Thanks Mike

    Don't you hate when that happens!  It's pretty painful to go digging around like that trying to find a vein.  My husband said he is going to keep an eye out for this one particular nurse if she turns up and request that I have a different one if she is there.  I don't want to make a scene and feel sure he will watch out for me, it's just the dread of it all. 


    Before you even get there I would contact them and insist that she has nothing to do with your care. I had to complain about the specialist nurse when I was having treatment. I was trying to avoid infection at all times, and there was she in the same room as me blowing her nose because she had a cold. Incredible! 

    good luck for your procedures


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member


    Remember that it doesn't matter who is paying (insurance, you, state, or anyone else) your medical team works "FOR" you. If you have any concerns about any one of them it is perfectly acceptable to make a change. I have family members that work in health care and people request a different nurse, doctor, assistant, etc. quite often and the reasons vary. You could simply call ahead of time and just state that you have a personal conflict with this nurse and while you don't have a complaint you are requesting she not be involved with your care.

    Most hospitals or clinics are required to put an "alert" on your chart or file if you did voice a complaint or concern and then usually other people treating you will see that and work with you to ensure you are comfortable with your team.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for problem free and pain free treatment and quick healing!


  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32
    The surgery center called me a little bit ago for the pre-op to do list and I expressed my concerns. The nurse said that she would make sure that same nurse wouldn't be in charge of my care Friday. I told her I didn't think she was being mean and perhaps it was a communication thing, but after reporting her this last time in May, it was going to be much too awkward for me if she was my nurse on Friday. She fully agreed, actually seemed a bit shocked by what I told her happened and reassured me that it was important to let them know again what happened. I told her I haven't been able to sleep much since this new surgery has been scheduled worrying about it and that perhaps I would be getting some good rest tonight from her reassurance.

    Thanks again you all. I don't know why but I really feel like I'm being whiny complaining like this. I guess it was the way I was raised, or something, or perhaps we all like to put a brave face on when things like this are happening.
  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32
    pializ said:


    Before you even get there I would contact them and insist that she has nothing to do with your care. I had to complain about the specialist nurse when I was having treatment. I was trying to avoid infection at all times, and there was she in the same room as me blowing her nose because she had a cold. Incredible! 

    good luck for your procedures


    Thanks Liz!
    I would be freaking out with that blowing nose thing. When there is a lack common sense in medical care, it's pretty scary. I'm glad you stood up for yourself.

    Thanks again!
  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32
    eihtak said:



    Remember that it doesn't matter who is paying (insurance, you, state, or anyone else) your medical team works "FOR" you. If you have any concerns about any one of them it is perfectly acceptable to make a change. I have family members that work in health care and people request a different nurse, doctor, assistant, etc. quite often and the reasons vary. You could simply call ahead of time and just state that you have a personal conflict with this nurse and while you don't have a complaint you are requesting she not be involved with your care.

    Most hospitals or clinics are required to put an "alert" on your chart or file if you did voice a complaint or concern and then usually other people treating you will see that and work with you to ensure you are comfortable with your team.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for problem free and pain free treatment and quick healing!


    Thanks Katheryn
    You are so right about the fact that they work for us. I think that is forgotten these days in many cases. I think I was protesting loudly that very same thing all the way home from surgery last time.

    I didn't know there was an alert they could put on my chart. I am hoping that is what the nurse did today that I talked to.

    Thanks again for your kind words. It really means a lot to be able to chat with you all here. Some of this stuff just goes round and round in my head and I hesitate to post here but I am ALWAYS comforted after I do.

    Hearts and flowers to you all!
  • dpatter03
    dpatter03 Member Posts: 23
    SMD15 said:

    The surgery center called me a little bit ago for the pre-op to do list and I expressed my concerns. The nurse said that she would make sure that same nurse wouldn't be in charge of my care Friday. I told her I didn't think she was being mean and perhaps it was a communication thing, but after reporting her this last time in May, it was going to be much too awkward for me if she was my nurse on Friday. She fully agreed, actually seemed a bit shocked by what I told her happened and reassured me that it was important to let them know again what happened. I told her I haven't been able to sleep much since this new surgery has been scheduled worrying about it and that perhaps I would be getting some good rest tonight from her reassurance.

    Thanks again you all. I don't know why but I really feel like I'm being whiny complaining like this. I guess it was the way I was raised, or something, or perhaps we all like to put a brave face on when things like this are happening.

    So glad that you expressed

    So glad that you expressed your concerns.   Good Luck!


  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32
    dpatter03 said:

    So glad that you expressed

    So glad that you expressed your concerns.   Good Luck!


    Thanks Dpatter

    Me too!  I am happy to say I had the best nights sleep since this surgery was scheduled.  I slept all night and not even a trip to the bathroom, which is really rare.  I don't think I could have gotten the nerve up to address what was bothering me without the support of you all.   It's funny, I am always suggesting to others to address what is bothering them, but don't follow the advice myself.  I usually wait until it builds up but that was not an option this time. 

    Thanks again!  Smile

  • SMD15
    SMD15 Member Posts: 32
    Update to update
    My procedure went very well. Thank you all for your support. The procedure was like night and day compared to the one in May. I was so relieved when I got home I called to thank them for making such a difference in my experience this time. I have to go back in 6 months to for another procedure to see if any dysplasia comes back and if so the same procedure again. I guess this is going to be something I have to get used to doing for awhile. Next up the LEEP procedure for a second bad pap smear, which according to the gyn was too much take care of with a colpo, so he will be doing a LEEP.

    Thanks again.