Two year scan tomorrow



  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I am so going to steal this

    I am so going to steal this if I am Ned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is great.  I can't wait for tomorrow, this is absolute torture.  The scanxiety hit the minute I got out of the machines.

    Take It Now

    Bummer about waiting now until tomorrow, but might as well get NED ready :)

    Want to see some good stuff tomorrow and thoughts with you.  Really wish these radilogists took a speed reading and report preparation course :)

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Helen321 said:

    lol Thanks.  Today I switched

    lol Thanks.  Today I switched places, teen is on the backburner (my sister took him so that I wouldn't kill him, she thinks we need time away from each other.  awwww.  She was right.) And the minute I got out of the last machine, the scanxiety took over.  Doc says no results until tomorrow=(  Blahhhhhhhhhh.  Another night of finger tapping.  This is the worst part and then you worry for nothing.


    Sending positive thoughts that all will be great on scan :)!!!!

    On teenager, my son was getting in great trouble, kicked out of school, I had to pay for private school which he got kicked out of, ended up sending him out of state to his sister (7 years older) which just killed me almost not having him around.  I had given up on him graduating school or turning into a productive citizen, and here he is today, a High School graduate, with almost all A's his senior year, he went to summer school his Junior year to make sure he had enough credits, I swear I was the proudest parent there, now he works for the city and is just 7 classes from graduating from college.  Sometimes they can amaze you, just getting through some of the teen years without killing them is the hardest part. Wishing you luck and the fortitude to get through this.

    Winter Marie