But the oncologist said just eat what you want...



Higher sugar-sweetened beverage intake was associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer recurrence and mortality in stage III colon cancer patients.


Higher dietary glycemic load and total carbohydrate intake were statistically significant associated with an increased risk of recurrence and mortality in stage III colon cancer patients.


Higher intake of a Western dietary pattern may be associated with a higher risk of recurrence and mortality among patients with stage III colon cancer treated with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy.


These findings support previous reports that dietary sugars, especially diet high in simple carbohydrates relative to complex carbohydrates, increase risk of colon cancer, possibly through their impact on plasma glucose levels.



Our findings suggest that diets high in fruit and antioxidant vitamins that are common in plant foods reduce the risk of colon cancer, whereas diets high in red meat, eggs, and preserved foods increase the risk.



In Caucasians, high refined carbohydrate and red meat consumption (amount and frequency) was associated with a statistically significant 2-fold increased risk in non-energy adjusted models.



These results suggest that at high intakes, micronutrients commonly found in plant and other foods (in particular, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and calcium in whites and vitamins C and E in African Americans) exhibit independent associations consistent with 30-70% reductions in colon cancer risk.




Specific dietary patterns, which include healthy and western patterns, may be associated with the risk of colorectal cancer. This diet-disease relationship can be used for developing interventions that aim to promote healthy eating for the prevention of chronic disease, particularly colorectal cancer in the Iranian population.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    There's a saying

    'You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't'

    I think this applies. 

    I think of Mike (thxmiker), who just passed away. How conscious he was of his diet and yet he succumbed. Nanab, she tried everything, and she is gone. The list goes on. 

    I have always eaten a pretty decent diet; well, compared to many I know. I've eaten organic for many years, way before it became poplual. I  even grew up in a pretty self-sufficient home, with most of our food grown on our land and chickens in the coup. I used to drink a soda once a week at the most, I don't drink it any more. I certainly ate/eat helathier than 80% of my acquaintences; yet here I am, Stage IV. 

    I REALLY do believe that diet plays a HUGE roll in many diseases. With so much availiable to us, it is easy to overindulge. 

    There is a balance, and I'm trying to attain that balance. Its a work in progress, and I do so hope to live to see it through. 

    Thank you for the info mwnn. Its good to see you here again. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • db8ne1
    db8ne1 Member Posts: 142 Member
    Who knows?

    My mother-in-law had CRC when she was in her 50's.  Surgery and radiation.  She's a heavy woman and has always eaten what she wants - including carbs and sugar. She's always been inactive.  She's now 86 years old.  Never had a reoccurance.

    I don't know what the answer is.  However, eating healthy is always good for you...!


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    all I've read I'm going with vegan/fish most of the time with less but not zero sugar, dairy, red meat and processed foods.  I  occasionally cheat when I feel like it. I'm encouraging my kids to eat that way now. I also take a handful of supplements daily, including curcumin, mushroom, milk thistle and green tea concentrate. I find it easy to do and I dont feel deprived. I weigh what I did in high school. I do think if you're wasting away pack in the calories, I also think physicians receive very poor nutritional education and it's crazy how our health care system doesn't even talk to our food industry. Sadly, it's all about money.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Nice to see you here, Tony...

    but I do feel compelled to note that your title references "oncologists", who are talking to their patients who already have colon cancer, and this paper is addressing the "prevention of chronic disease".  Apples and oranges, really.  I don't think you will find too many here who would disagree with the role a good diet can play in helping to avoid (in some cases) certain diseases, but that's not the primary concern of the oncologist.

    Hope your son is doing ok!


    ETA I do see that the first conclusion you listed deals with recurrence, but it's kind of a no-brainer that people who drink a lot of soda probably have many other unhealthy habits as well which may (or may not) lead to recurrence.  Trying to take a correlative relationship and turn it causal isn't great science...

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Nice to see you here, Tony...

    but I do feel compelled to note that your title references "oncologists", who are talking to their patients who already have colon cancer, and this paper is addressing the "prevention of chronic disease".  Apples and oranges, really.  I don't think you will find too many here who would disagree with the role a good diet can play in helping to avoid (in some cases) certain diseases, but that's not the primary concern of the oncologist.

    Hope your son is doing ok!


    ETA I do see that the first conclusion you listed deals with recurrence, but it's kind of a no-brainer that people who drink a lot of soda probably have many other unhealthy habits as well which may (or may not) lead to recurrence.  Trying to take a correlative relationship and turn it causal isn't great science...

    One oncology nurse told me

    One oncology nurse told me that the patients that eat right and run and keep themselves on a strict exercise program get colon cancer most often, as compared to other cancers. She also said they're the angriest patients because they've done everything 'right' and felt that they shouldn't get sick. Just one person's observations but still interesting.

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Site the work

    I didn't see who you or what peer review paper you got this from, especially the sugar one, do you mind siting the work please?

    I'm on the eat what you want and what you can diet, do to a malnutrition stint I went through, weighing in at a 106 pounds.  If I want to survive I need to get massive calories in.

    Also, I must say once again as this is brought up every couple of years, a lot of those with the best of diets, well, it doesn't, seem to matter.  And as for myself, I'm going to die eventually from this disease but I sure am going to enjoy dong things and not denying myself other things that I enjoy.  

    life is meant to enjoy, with those around you and even yourself, the more I can smile, laugh and whoop and holler, the happier my life will have been and the memories I leave behind for my loved ones, will be some of the best, so that smiles linger on their faces, not sadness.  Not remember how much mom wanted that darn surgar cookie but denied herself it because she was told she shouldn't. But to each their own.

    Winter Marie

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Site the work

    I didn't see who you or what peer review paper you got this from, especially the sugar one, do you mind siting the work please?

    I'm on the eat what you want and what you can diet, do to a malnutrition stint I went through, weighing in at a 106 pounds.  If I want to survive I need to get massive calories in.

    Also, I must say once again as this is brought up every couple of years, a lot of those with the best of diets, well, it doesn't, seem to matter.  And as for myself, I'm going to die eventually from this disease but I sure am going to enjoy dong things and not denying myself other things that I enjoy.  

    life is meant to enjoy, with those around you and even yourself, the more I can smile, laugh and whoop and holler, the happier my life will have been and the memories I leave behind for my loved ones, will be some of the best, so that smiles linger on their faces, not sadness.  Not remember how much mom wanted that darn surgar cookie but denied herself it because she was told she shouldn't. But to each their own.

    Winter Marie


    I've always watched my diet and very few fried foods, sweets, low fat, and when they told me that it wasn't anything in my diet, my thought was to heck with all those statistics because they banned coffee, orange juice, shrimp, sugar, red meat, veggies unless organic, too much fruit because of sugar, fish because of mercury, etc.  It always seems there is a retraction.  Eat and be happy but do it and be responsible - don't eat at McDonald's everyday Wink.  Oh I'm loving my diet now but it's pretty much the same except I'll eat more popcorn.


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I'm sure every one of us know someone who had a horrific lifestyle as far as diet, smoking, drinking, etc goes and they didn't die from cancer. As others pointed out, there were members of this forum who were perfect examples of a proper diet and lifestyle yet they are no longer with us.

    I'm not saying that we should all eat Twinkies and smoke but cancer is a series of diseases that play out differently in each and every one of us. As of now there is no magic cure at all. After X amount of years on this site and my own experiences, I'm convinced of that.

    That said, cancer or no cancer people should try to eat as healthy as they can. In my opinion, this GMO stuff is a disaster waiting to happen. One can only imagine what the cancer rates will be 25 years from now. 

  • manwithnoname
    manwithnoname Member Posts: 402

    Site the work

    I didn't see who you or what peer review paper you got this from, especially the sugar one, do you mind siting the work please?

    I'm on the eat what you want and what you can diet, do to a malnutrition stint I went through, weighing in at a 106 pounds.  If I want to survive I need to get massive calories in.

    Also, I must say once again as this is brought up every couple of years, a lot of those with the best of diets, well, it doesn't, seem to matter.  And as for myself, I'm going to die eventually from this disease but I sure am going to enjoy dong things and not denying myself other things that I enjoy.  

    life is meant to enjoy, with those around you and even yourself, the more I can smile, laugh and whoop and holler, the happier my life will have been and the memories I leave behind for my loved ones, will be some of the best, so that smiles linger on their faces, not sadness.  Not remember how much mom wanted that darn surgar cookie but denied herself it because she was told she shouldn't. But to each their own.

    Winter Marie


    you cut and paste the paragraphs into google you will find the peer reviewed papers.

  • manwithnoname
    manwithnoname Member Posts: 402

    Nice to see you here, Tony...

    but I do feel compelled to note that your title references "oncologists", who are talking to their patients who already have colon cancer, and this paper is addressing the "prevention of chronic disease".  Apples and oranges, really.  I don't think you will find too many here who would disagree with the role a good diet can play in helping to avoid (in some cases) certain diseases, but that's not the primary concern of the oncologist.

    Hope your son is doing ok!


    ETA I do see that the first conclusion you listed deals with recurrence, but it's kind of a no-brainer that people who drink a lot of soda probably have many other unhealthy habits as well which may (or may not) lead to recurrence.  Trying to take a correlative relationship and turn it causal isn't great science...

    Hey Anne

    My post was about oncologists still living in the past, enough published info already warrants some diet advice, sometimes it takes a generation for new theories to get accepted.

    You can always read the full papers and draw your own conclusions, I believe the first 3 were specifically for active stage 3 colon cancer patients.

    For the record in one of my first posts here I said I believed better to have a cookie and be happy than not and be sad.... But there is a difference between the occasional cookie and a cookie diet.


    "In summary, this prospective analysis, imbedded in a clinical trial, suggests that increased sugar-sweetened beverage intake is associated with a significantly worse disease-free and recurrence-free survival for stage III colon cancer patients"


    I hope the lurkers here at least do some research and not take forum anecdotes as health guidelines.

    We also hope he is doing ok, scan next week. ;-)

  • manwithnoname
    manwithnoname Member Posts: 402
    Trubrit said:

    There's a saying

    'You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't'

    I think this applies. 

    I think of Mike (thxmiker), who just passed away. How conscious he was of his diet and yet he succumbed. Nanab, she tried everything, and she is gone. The list goes on. 

    I have always eaten a pretty decent diet; well, compared to many I know. I've eaten organic for many years, way before it became poplual. I  even grew up in a pretty self-sufficient home, with most of our food grown on our land and chickens in the coup. I used to drink a soda once a week at the most, I don't drink it any more. I certainly ate/eat helathier than 80% of my acquaintences; yet here I am, Stage IV. 

    I REALLY do believe that diet plays a HUGE roll in many diseases. With so much availiable to us, it is easy to overindulge. 

    There is a balance, and I'm trying to attain that balance. Its a work in progress, and I do so hope to live to see it through. 

    Thank you for the info mwnn. Its good to see you here again. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Hi Sue

    Of course there are 'outliers' who buck the trend but there are also mutations, especially Pi3K that will determine if diet effects or not, cancer isn't straight forward, I believe each cancer is completley unique.

    Still, the research coming out over the last few years is proving (slowly) that a high carb/glucose diet creates spikes in the blood releasing growth hormone (IGF-1) this seems to trigger aggressive growth.

    Our son was also raised on an organic farm drinking spring water, it didn't stop him getting 10+ tumors in his brain or 2 in the spine, but he is on active treatment now, we don't allow too much sugar, fruit he can eat as much as he wants.


    I also believe that for some patients taking control over the diet is a form of empowerment when people are powerless.


    Take care.

  • DD3
    DD3 Member Posts: 136 Member
    PhillieG said:


    I'm sure every one of us know someone who had a horrific lifestyle as far as diet, smoking, drinking, etc goes and they didn't die from cancer. As others pointed out, there were members of this forum who were perfect examples of a proper diet and lifestyle yet they are no longer with us.

    I'm not saying that we should all eat Twinkies and smoke but cancer is a series of diseases that play out differently in each and every one of us. As of now there is no magic cure at all. After X amount of years on this site and my own experiences, I'm convinced of that.

    That said, cancer or no cancer people should try to eat as healthy as they can. In my opinion, this GMO stuff is a disaster waiting to happen. One can only imagine what the cancer rates will be 25 years from now. 


    my wife has always eaten a fairly good diet her whole life got CRC. Obviously or I wouldn't be posting here.  Wink  Maybe diet plays a role, maybe not.  I think there are a lot more determineing factors that I would be way more concerned with.  Family history/genetics and etc. 

    If in the end following a strict diet gives you peace of mind... I say go for it.... 

    This thread kind of made my hungry.  Off to look for a snack... Laughing

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member

    Hey Anne

    My post was about oncologists still living in the past, enough published info already warrants some diet advice, sometimes it takes a generation for new theories to get accepted.

    You can always read the full papers and draw your own conclusions, I believe the first 3 were specifically for active stage 3 colon cancer patients.

    For the record in one of my first posts here I said I believed better to have a cookie and be happy than not and be sad.... But there is a difference between the occasional cookie and a cookie diet.


    "In summary, this prospective analysis, imbedded in a clinical trial, suggests that increased sugar-sweetened beverage intake is associated with a significantly worse disease-free and recurrence-free survival for stage III colon cancer patients"


    I hope the lurkers here at least do some research and not take forum anecdotes as health guidelines.

    We also hope he is doing ok, scan next week. ;-)

    Come back and let us know, Tony...

    I think about your son whenever I run into an article about childhood cancers, and really hope for the best for him.  He's one tough dude.