Low Back pain

mcin777 Member Posts: 66

I have been on active survelliance since being diagnosed in Oct or 2011.  I check my psa every three months. In Jan 2014 psa was 5.05.  In Aug 2014 6.02 and in Feb of 2015 it was 6.70.  When I see my urologist (his assistant), I am always told that my prostate feels normal, no indication of tumor growth that she can feel.  No indication that I should immediately get treatment.  Last month I randomly chose another urologist for a second opinion.  He gave me essentially the same report.  In fact he went so far as to say that if I did nothing for the next ten years my outcome would be similar to those who had treatment.  My gleason score several years ago was a 6.  This was my second biopsy.

Well, about a month ago, I started having lower back pain mostly on my right side.  Many times it makes it so i walk crooked and much discomfort when I turn or bend over.

I have been sing a chiropractor each week and I get an hour long message each week as well.   The discmfort has not decreased.  I will be getting a MRI on Tuesday the 26th.

When I sit or lay in bed, there really is not any pain or discomfort at all.    

I am wondering if those of you who have experienced low back pain did it turn out to be unrelated to prostate cancer?  I am very concerned that I have been stupid for staying under active surveillance.  

For those of you who have had your cancer matastized into the bone, what are/were your symptoms like.    In the middle of February, I was hit from behind and sent down over a 25 foot embankment.  The Honda element that I was driving rolled and ended up on its side against a neighbor's fence.  I was uninjured.  Praise Jesus!  I am aware that the accident may have triggered the resultant back pain but the fact that it has not iimproved with chiropractic treatment makes me worried.


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,601 Member
    Many possibilities for lower back pain

    But prostate cancer seems an unlikely cause considering your prostate evaluations.

    Let's hope the medical exams will allow you to pinpoint the cause.

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    back pain

    I was rear ended 9/2014. Have had referred pain down my left leg from L4/L5. Had 16 Physical therapy sessions, then finally saw a doctor at a pain managment center, who prescribed an MRI.....as a result had an epidural which cured my pain. 

    The chances of you having back pain from prostate cancer e are probably  non existant.

  • mcin777
    mcin777 Member Posts: 66
    Thank you Old Salt and Hopeful and Opt..


    I appreciate your encouragement.  I have my MRI tomorrow and will post when I find out the good results.  Smile

  • havit2
    havit2 Member Posts: 21
    bone metastatis symptoms

    I was dx in Jan 2010, Stage IV with mets throughout my entire skeleton. I had lower back pain, leg pain and joint pain. The pain was worse at night when I tried to sleep, and there were nights when I slept in our jacuzzi tub because the hot water was the only relief from the pain.

    I wish you well in your decision and hope the MRI is clean.


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,601 Member
    havit2 said:

    bone metastatis symptoms

    I was dx in Jan 2010, Stage IV with mets throughout my entire skeleton. I had lower back pain, leg pain and joint pain. The pain was worse at night when I tried to sleep, and there were nights when I slept in our jacuzzi tub because the hot water was the only relief from the pain.

    I wish you well in your decision and hope the MRI is clean.


    PSA etc?

    What was your PSA at that point in time?

    Although not directly relevant to this thread, how was your case 'managed'?

  • mcin777
    mcin777 Member Posts: 66
    Old Salt said:

    PSA etc?

    What was your PSA at that point in time?

    Although not directly relevant to this thread, how was your case 'managed'?

    Old Salt - PSA?

    My PSA was last checked in Feb and it was 6.70.  It has gone up about a point in a years time.  

    Several years ago when I had my second biopsy  my Urologist told me that my gleason score was 7.  I had them send it to John Hopkins and it came back a 6.

    Once i decided that I was not going to have go the robotic route...the Urologist had me see his medical assistant who has done the digital rectal exams, etc.  She always has told me that the prostate feels just fine and then smiles and lets me ask questions.  My questions tend to be on the 'fearful' side, like "do you think I am stupid for watching and waiting?"   Her reply is always "no."  In March I randomly picked another Urologist and he examined me and took a urine sample and said no blood in the urnine and my prostate felt normal.

    I guess to answer your question of "how was my case managed"....I would have to say that it has been managed fairly well.  I have made sure that my PSA is taken about every three months.  I see a Urologist every 6 months or so.   I also had a physical in march and my medical doctor said the prostate felt normal.

    Sometimes I think that all I am doing is playing Russian Roulette.  I will most likely have cyber knife in a few months.  I am just having difficulty getting it covered by my Regence Blue Cross Med Adv.


    I will post MRI results once I hear something.  Praying for sure!  :)

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    mcin777 said:

    Old Salt - PSA?

    My PSA was last checked in Feb and it was 6.70.  It has gone up about a point in a years time.  

    Several years ago when I had my second biopsy  my Urologist told me that my gleason score was 7.  I had them send it to John Hopkins and it came back a 6.

    Once i decided that I was not going to have go the robotic route...the Urologist had me see his medical assistant who has done the digital rectal exams, etc.  She always has told me that the prostate feels just fine and then smiles and lets me ask questions.  My questions tend to be on the 'fearful' side, like "do you think I am stupid for watching and waiting?"   Her reply is always "no."  In March I randomly picked another Urologist and he examined me and took a urine sample and said no blood in the urnine and my prostate felt normal.

    I guess to answer your question of "how was my case managed"....I would have to say that it has been managed fairly well.  I have made sure that my PSA is taken about every three months.  I see a Urologist every 6 months or so.   I also had a physical in march and my medical doctor said the prostate felt normal.

    Sometimes I think that all I am doing is playing Russian Roulette.  I will most likely have cyber knife in a few months.  I am just having difficulty getting it covered by my Regence Blue Cross Med Adv.


    I will post MRI results once I hear something.  Praying for sure!  :)


    Are you writng about an MRI of the spine, or area surrounding the prostate?

    I suggest that you see a pain management doc, or neurosurgeon to manage you back issue.

  • mcin777
    mcin777 Member Posts: 66


    Are you writng about an MRI of the spine, or area surrounding the prostate?

    I suggest that you see a pain management doc, or neurosurgeon to manage you back issue.

    MRI of Spine

    The MRI of Spine came out clean and clear.  Nothing abnormal showed up.  Whew!  Praise Jesus.

    I finally realized that I am no longer a good candidate for watching and waiting.  I think I live in denial and do not even think about the cancer too often.  However when there is a twich, pain, lump, hiccup, etc., I get stressed out wondering if I have waited to long.  I like your tag hopeful and optimistic.  My mind needs renewing in this area of worry.  I do believe that once I get the issue of insurance handled so that it will pay for Cyber Knife...I will proceed in that direction.

    This board is so very helpful to so many men who face the known and unknown.  To those of you who read and respond, thank you!  I hope you can grasp the enormity of support and enclouragement that is given to others by your responses.


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    mcin777 said:

    MRI of Spine

    The MRI of Spine came out clean and clear.  Nothing abnormal showed up.  Whew!  Praise Jesus.

    I finally realized that I am no longer a good candidate for watching and waiting.  I think I live in denial and do not even think about the cancer too often.  However when there is a twich, pain, lump, hiccup, etc., I get stressed out wondering if I have waited to long.  I like your tag hopeful and optimistic.  My mind needs renewing in this area of worry.  I do believe that once I get the issue of insurance handled so that it will pay for Cyber Knife...I will proceed in that direction.

    This board is so very helpful to so many men who face the known and unknown.  To those of you who read and respond, thank you!  I hope you can grasp the enormity of support and enclouragement that is given to others by your responses.



    It's my opinion that the more educated one is about the bandit..... stress from  situations not related to prostate cancer will be non  existant; and there will be less stress from prostate releated situations. I have been in an Active Surveillance program for 74 months so far...to be honest, I have had times of stress due to various test such as PSA and Biopsis that I have had; most of this was due to my lack of knowledge at theses times.

    Additionally education is also important to manage active treatments such as SBRT of which Cyberknife is one of the platforms that deliver this radiation.

    Read, attend support groups, internet, etc.