
Girl2 Member Posts: 27

 I have been very worried as my dad has a fever since last night ? We have called the hosp as they said to keep an eye as he already had bloods checked a few days ago to rule out infections .

does anyone have any advice as to what can be causing fever on chemo . I recall that he had a similar episode last cycle

too but that only lasted 1 day ?




  • pilarica
    pilarica Member Posts: 44 Member
    When I started my chemo

    When I started my chemo FOLFOX around day 6 of the cycle I would get feve,r it would last 2 days , after checking me for infection etc. my oncologist came to the conclusion that I had cancer fever, it happens she said, sometimes it is related to the tumor dying.

    All the best


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Make a List and Ask The Doctors

    You have many questions that they should be able to help you with, more so than we can without details.  Not that we all are not willing to help, but there seems that in "real life" (not the board life Cool) somewhere there is a disconnect about information(?). For instance, the fever are pretty much standard warnings and cautions that the doctors will normally tell you about before trreatment.  He had the fever last time.  He has been tested for infections (due to the fever?).  At that point someone should have told you people get fevers on chemo.  Keep on eye on the temperture and if it goes over x degrees or lasts more than y hours, call.  We were given paperwork both before I started chemo and the day of my first treatment saying exactly that.  Otherwise it is standard chemo stuff.  Some other things may not be as "standard", including specifics of how certain things may show.   Nothing is totally standed when it comes to cancer and a specific patient, but there is some things that are close.  

    If you can get a bit more information from the doctors, it could help to put your mind at ease.  Going through this with your Dad is tough for sure and you are doing a great job being there for him and trying to get as much information as possible.  And everyone here is great and helpful.  But waiting for people to respond here to so many questions may be adding stress for you, especially when some of the things seem like the doctors should have been covering with you.