Chemo isn't working

I haven't been here for about 2 months, and when I read about all that Ro is going through I feel like a cry-baby.  I am a bit frightened by my situation.  I did 3 rounds of taxol - carboplatin in less than 2 1/2 years before becoming platinium resistant.  The next step was doxil and my CA 125 doubled after each of the 3 treatments.  Then I started on Avastin - cytoxan and after 3 treatments my CA 125 jumped again.

Has anyone out there been through this sequence and if so, what did you do next?  I'm afraid I'm running out of options.

Bless you all, and Happy Mother's Day!



  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    Sounds similar to me

    I progressed straight through frontline, Doxil, Avastin 22 treatments total plus radiation.  I have five tumors and most recently was stable and then started progressing again.  My doctors sent out frozen sections from my original surgery to Foundation One for genome testing which identified six genes and 21 mutations I carry.  I met with a Principal Researcher for NCI based out of USC two weeks ago to look at clinical trial options.  Based on the genome analysis and my two plus years of progression they have opened up a variety of trials to me based on my most dominant mutations and solid tumors.  Not just trials for uterine cancer.  We are working on getting me into one of two that go after the Notch mutation that I carry.  My point is there are other options via clinical trials.  there is a trial out there for Cabozantinib which I am not a candidate for due to a tumor on my heart.  It is showing success.  Despite it all I am actually feeling pretty good, working full time, riding horses and living fully during all of this.  You aren't alone.  Sending hugs.

  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    PS quick question

    What have your scans revealed?  Ca125 is just one tool in the toolkit.  Sending hugs - Anne