what to do prior to starting treatment



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, where you’ve already received a bunch of good advice.  I was stage  IVa,  scc bot,  lymph node, hpv+  (surgery, rads  & Erbitux)

    One of the best and easiest pieces of advice I received here was to drink lots of water (fluids) and swallow, swallow, swallow, it becomes important.


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    Dear CeeCee

    I just read your post. Please feel free to private message me as sailor suggested.I am also a single mom. My daughter was 13 when I started treatment. contact me and we can chat. 


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Bunnymom said:

    Dear CeeCee

    I just read your post. Please feel free to private message me as sailor suggested.I am also a single mom. My daughter was 13 when I started treatment. contact me and we can chat. 


    Eat non stop

    Seriously, eat and eat and then eat some more. Get the triple  cheeseburger. You are headed to a time when you won't be able to eat, now is the time, you have free license to eat any damn thing you want. Eat for calories. Welcome to the Board.

  • turbomustang84
    turbomustang84 Member Posts: 5
    first off sorry to hear your

    first off sorry to hear your having to go through this.

    i went through it myself at age 38 and in july i will be turning 55 , so dont think for a minute you can not beat this because you can .

    Now as far as what to do before starting treatments it really varies from person to person .

    but if i had it all to do over i would have had all my teeth removed because i have endured horrible pain and still in the end no matter how good i took care of my teeth it was a losing proposition ,i am not suggesting this is right for you because not everyone has the problems i have had .

    your most important job is to eat  and if at all possible gain some pounds while you can .
    stock up on products like boost or ensure and milk shakes and ice cream are your best friends .

    now the one really smart thing i did was to seek help from the mental health community joinng a group and taking anti-depression drugs because it really helped me through it of course the internet really did not offer at that time what it does now .

    but good luck and may God Be With You through your struggle to come