Another Check-Up

osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

While I don't post here often anymore , I do check in and read the posts ..I saw my oncologist today and am now officially 40 months cancer free, the only thing is she said she wants me to loose 20lbs by the time she sees me again in October, she won't let me out of the 6 month routine until I hit the 5 year mark, my ENT visit is tomorrow , so I expect a clear scope and exam from him.

It still makes me sad to see all the new names , to read about the strong and valiant warriors of this beast who we have lost in their battle, but knowing that there is strength in numbers, and to let you know while it's not or never will be an easy path , it can be done , especially with the support and wisdom of all that participate here.

Blessings and light to each and everyone of you in your journey.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    I'm now six years out, chose to see my ENT annually, onco moved me to annual CT.. Though she did give me the all clear and complete remission...

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Glad to see your update.

    Good to see your update and 40 months is great. NED a word I never new existed 18 months ago, but so glad to hear it now. All the acronyms to learn I never knew or wanted to for that matter. But the real sad part is seeing all the new ones that need to join. I'm glad they found this group, but just sad they need it. I guess what would be worse is the ones that need it and have not found it yet. It is so good to have persons that do understand how you feel. Good one day and can be a wreak the next. Having my extended family here has helped and you get to know some wonderful people.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member
    check this out

    Hi Linda,

    Congratulations on NED 40!



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Linda, congrats on 3+

    Linda, congrats on 3+ years!!!  you are very close to the "cured" mark!  I hope the next  2 yrs pass as quickly as these 3 did.  Here's to 95 more years of being cancer free!


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Linda



    Glad to see you doing well and getting back in to a new normal. I too was ever 3 to 6 months when treatment stopped, but most of that was due to it coming back so quickly the 2nd time, now 10 years later it is more about learned how to deal with side effects.


    God Bless


  • avisemi
    avisemi Member Posts: 172
    Congrats!  Where was the

    Congrats!  Where was the photo taken?  Have never seeing such a big star fish!


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    the starfish pic is from the Cayman Islands, we were on a snorkel trip , with a stop where the water is shallow and starfish abundant 

  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408

    I'm also 6 years finished with treatment for left Tonsil Cancer, and for the last two years, seeing oncologist/surgeon every 6 months.  Was just about to go on a annual cycle, when I developed an intermediate Melanoma between my right ear lobe and sideburn.  Two full-blown surgeries and one more using a skin graff from my right thigh to re-construct half of my right ear, dad-gummitt, I'm back to every 3 months for quite a while now.  "They" are now having me do chest ex-rays every 6 months, I assume, for the duration due to possible spread.  Was told it looks like from the last PET, a small spread of involvement in my facial nerves.  Seems like a unique treatment modality may have to be used since rads and chemo are out of the equation.  Sounds pretty dire, but I'll make it.


  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Hi Linda

    so glad you are doing well.  Hope all else is good in Arizona.

    all the best,


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member


    I'm also 6 years finished with treatment for left Tonsil Cancer, and for the last two years, seeing oncologist/surgeon every 6 months.  Was just about to go on a annual cycle, when I developed an intermediate Melanoma between my right ear lobe and sideburn.  Two full-blown surgeries and one more using a skin graff from my right thigh to re-construct half of my right ear, dad-gummitt, I'm back to every 3 months for quite a while now.  "They" are now having me do chest ex-rays every 6 months, I assume, for the duration due to possible spread.  Was told it looks like from the last PET, a small spread of involvement in my facial nerves.  Seems like a unique treatment modality may have to be used since rads and chemo are out of the equation.  Sounds pretty dire, but I'll make it.


    Larry, every time i hear of a

    Larry, every time i hear of a warrior having to fight this damn disease again, it BREAKS my heart.  i'm so sorry for your news.  I'm very glad they caught it and that you stay on top of things.  I will be praying for you to be well and that the extra doc visits won't interfere too much with you living life.

    God bless you, Larry.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    hawk711 said:

    Hi Linda

    so glad you are doing well.  Hope all else is good in Arizona.

    all the best,



    Glad to hear your positive results...keep them coming!

  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    hwt said:


    Glad to hear your positive results...keep them coming!


    Hey Linda,

    Great news!  Glad to hear you're doing well!! 
