My 1st TAC chemo tomorrow

Sallyo Member Posts: 3

Hi...I have my first of 6 TAC chemo sessions tomorrow...really anxious!  Any words of advice from those who have been down this road?


  • Best wishes

    I did the TAC regiment 5 years ago followed by a Neulasta shot a couple of days after the infusion.  

    Just follow the advice of the professionals caring for you and don't be shy about discussing anything with your oncology nurses...they are very wise.

    Don't try to be supwerwoman, give yourself permission to rest, and be a pain in anyone's rump that you want.

    You are in the prayers of many.



  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    You'll Do Fine

    Three years ago tomorrow I started the first of 8 infusions of ACT.  It is very do-able.  I did infusions every other Monday, followed by a Neulasta shot on Tuesdays.  The Friday before infusions, I had to go get blood drawn to be sure my numbers were good.

    The anti-puke pills work.  At the very worst, I had a few queasy days around Thursday and Friday of chemo week, but I was able to eat.  I just did not eat a LOT.  I did not need the anti-puke pills after I finished the AC portion of infusions.

    Drink lots of water.  Don't feel guilty taking it easy.  I did not stay holed up in my house more than necessary; but because I work with little kids in a school setting, I did not work because parents do send their kids to school sick. 

    I had a few challenges with Taxol, reacting the last two times; but I got through it all right.

    I did manage to get to a family reunion for my parents' 60th anniversary -- about 750-miles-round-trip -- the weekend after my second infusion.  That went quite well.  Ten days after I finished all of my chemo, I was on a trip with my husband, traveling about the same distance.  At that point, I just had to pace myself (because of quirks I had with my taxol) and not be in a hurry.  BUT, that did go very well, much to the amazement of friends.

    How we respond to our treatments, though, is very individual -- even if we have the same diagnosis and treatment.  So, don't be discouraged if your trip is different.  I found that the info others shared with me gave me a variety of possibilities as to what to expect.  I did not have too many shockers.

    Hope things go smoothly for you.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    You'll Do Fine

    Three years ago tomorrow I started the first of 8 infusions of ACT.  It is very do-able.  I did infusions every other Monday, followed by a Neulasta shot on Tuesdays.  The Friday before infusions, I had to go get blood drawn to be sure my numbers were good.

    The anti-puke pills work.  At the very worst, I had a few queasy days around Thursday and Friday of chemo week, but I was able to eat.  I just did not eat a LOT.  I did not need the anti-puke pills after I finished the AC portion of infusions.

    Drink lots of water.  Don't feel guilty taking it easy.  I did not stay holed up in my house more than necessary; but because I work with little kids in a school setting, I did not work because parents do send their kids to school sick. 

    I had a few challenges with Taxol, reacting the last two times; but I got through it all right.

    I did manage to get to a family reunion for my parents' 60th anniversary -- about 750-miles-round-trip -- the weekend after my second infusion.  That went quite well.  Ten days after I finished all of my chemo, I was on a trip with my husband, traveling about the same distance.  At that point, I just had to pace myself (because of quirks I had with my taxol) and not be in a hurry.  BUT, that did go very well, much to the amazement of friends.

    How we respond to our treatments, though, is very individual -- even if we have the same diagnosis and treatment.  So, don't be discouraged if your trip is different.  I found that the info others shared with me gave me a variety of possibilities as to what to expect.  I did not have too many shockers.

    Hope things go smoothly for you.


    Good luck tomorrow

    Hello and welcome,

    Wishing you an easy ride tomorrow. Please drink a lot of water today and after Chemo. Agree with Theresa and desertgirl, let your self rest, relax and be weak, or strong. Ask questions, connect with nurse they are very helpful. If you cannot sleep night before take medications and rest. Steroids often cause exciety.

    Hugs to you 

  • Sallyo
    Sallyo Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for your positive thoughts and comments.  I think that I have allowed what I have read to scare the heck out of me.  I am obviously not the first to experience this, nor the last, unfortunately!  You are all an inspiration! Many thanks!