
col43 Member Posts: 4

I am stage IV Lobular Breast Cancer with bone mets.   I am currently on falsodex injections and zometa infusions.   I'm just over the 3 month mark on the falsodex so we aren't sure if it working or not yet although my cancer antigen number only went up about 20 points last month compared to 80  to 100 points per month lately.   I suddenly developed ascites in my abdomen last week.  I had an ultrasound this morning and will probably be having a paracenthesis done early next week. I am so bloated and uncomfortable.   My Doctor said that depending on what they find in the fluid, she will probably be putting me on Xoleda.  This will be the first chemo that I have ever been on.   So far in the last 2 years, it has been only hormone therapy.   Arimidex worked for about 6 months, then we tried Aromasin which did nothing or me except terrible side effects.   Then the current protocol of the falsodex injections.    I'm wondering if anyone here has had any experience with ascites.  i'm pretty scared right now and the more I have searched about the subject, the more depressed I get and feeling hopeless.   My Dr. know of my feelings right now and I have an appointment with her on Monday before we do any of this procedure.  I'm hoping that she can give me some hope and help me to feel better so that I can go on with a positive attitude.  I know how import that is in fighting this disease but sometimes it's just so hard to maintain.   


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Good luck with your procedure


     I am sorry that you have to have this procedure dne. Please think positive, outcome will be beneficial for you. Xeloda is a reasonable and effective drug, do not worry about it now. You have a good and carring doctor.

    Keep us posted

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308

    Hello col43. I am probably too late replying to your post and you already had ascites drained.

    Paracenthesis is a simple and straightforward outpatient procedure. With or without ultrasound the doctor (or nurse) freezes abdominal skin, sticks in a catheter and fluid drains into a bag under gravity. Sometimes they use vacuum jars that suck the fluid out. It's only painful for a second when the needle penetrates the sack, it may or may not leave a bruise. 

    I had ascites drained 5 times (twice in 2012 when I was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer, twice in 2014 - first recurrence, once more a month ago - second recurrence). This procedure gives you much needed relief from pressure and bloating and improves quality of life - at least for a while, because ascites tend to come back if underlying cause (cancer) is not resolved with chemo.

    Good luck to you!

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    hi col43.... missed your post did it go Monday?    I'm not up on the drugs you mentioned ...THANK GOD.... but if Xoleda will be your first chemo drug  what is that Armidex drug or the Aromasin considered to be?  I'm only Stage 3 so I can only imagine what you are going thru... but every pain causes a worry of course...and it's just a Waiting Game for most of us ....try not to think of the bad part and just try to get thru each day one day at a time....and so far so good for me.    You are in my prayers for Strength & Courage and I hope you will find the time to fill out your home page for us so we can see what has happened with you and what is happening now.   xxoo  hugs,  Glo

  • col43
    col43 Member Posts: 4
    GlowMore said:


    hi col43.... missed your post did it go Monday?    I'm not up on the drugs you mentioned ...THANK GOD.... but if Xoleda will be your first chemo drug  what is that Armidex drug or the Aromasin considered to be?  I'm only Stage 3 so I can only imagine what you are going thru... but every pain causes a worry of course...and it's just a Waiting Game for most of us ....try not to think of the bad part and just try to get thru each day one day at a time....and so far so good for me.    You are in my prayers for Strength & Courage and I hope you will find the time to fill out your home page for us so we can see what has happened with you and what is happening now.   xxoo  hugs,  Glo

    I had the paracentesis done 2

    I had the paracentesis done 2 days ago.  Everything went well.  They drained 2.2 litres out of me.  It was such a relief.  I could breathe again.  However, yesterday it felt like it was coming back already.   I'm a little bloated today but not too bad.  Can still breathe okay.   I have an appt. with the Dr. tomorrow.  Hopefully they will be able to tell what is causing it from the fluid tests.  I'm usulally a pretty upbeat person through this cancer that I've had but for some reason the fact that this has started to happen has scared the crap out of me.  Most of what I've read points to a bad prognosis.  I hope my Dr. tomorrow can help me to feel better about this.  They found that I had stage 4 about 2 years ago and it was all in my bones.  My Cat Scan a few weeks ago indicated that my bones actually looked improved so I was elated until this bout with ascites.  I know I need to take a deep breath, listen to some calming music and get myself out of this mental pit.  Thank you for responding to my post.  Sometimes I feel so alone.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    col43 said:

    I had the paracentesis done 2

    I had the paracentesis done 2 days ago.  Everything went well.  They drained 2.2 litres out of me.  It was such a relief.  I could breathe again.  However, yesterday it felt like it was coming back already.   I'm a little bloated today but not too bad.  Can still breathe okay.   I have an appt. with the Dr. tomorrow.  Hopefully they will be able to tell what is causing it from the fluid tests.  I'm usulally a pretty upbeat person through this cancer that I've had but for some reason the fact that this has started to happen has scared the crap out of me.  Most of what I've read points to a bad prognosis.  I hope my Dr. tomorrow can help me to feel better about this.  They found that I had stage 4 about 2 years ago and it was all in my bones.  My Cat Scan a few weeks ago indicated that my bones actually looked improved so I was elated until this bout with ascites.  I know I need to take a deep breath, listen to some calming music and get myself out of this mental pit.  Thank you for responding to my post.  Sometimes I feel so alone.


    mental pit = yep, we have been to there - hate that we go thru this, so if calming music helps you get out of that FUNK, listening away. 

    Are there any support groups in your area?  That may be another avenue to investigate when time permits.

    Hoping for brighter days ahead ...

    Vicki Sam

  • col43
    col43 Member Posts: 4
    VickiSam said:


    mental pit = yep, we have been to there - hate that we go thru this, so if calming music helps you get out of that FUNK, listening away. 

    Are there any support groups in your area?  That may be another avenue to investigate when time permits.

    Hoping for brighter days ahead ...

    Vicki Sam

    Saw the Dr. today.

    The tests on the asciatic fluid showed BC cells.  I am bloating again already so she made me another appointment for a paracentesis.  :(     I am starting on Xeloda tonight.  She said if this works, it should take care of the ascites problem but it takes a month usually for it to start working.  She was optimistic about the chemo pill working.  I'm hoping I don't get too many side effects.