cough/sleeping problems

butchl Member Posts: 11

My brother is having problems with a cough and not able to sleep after his surgery.  Does anyone have any suggestions


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,391 Member
    A dry cough after surgery is fairly common

    I had a dry cough after surgery for about two months. My surgeon prescribed an over the counter cough medication that helped some but it really just took time until my throat recovered from the surgery and all the tubes that had been down there. I was taking a medication for high blood pressure called Lisinopril that my doctor also felt contributed to the cough and he switched me to a medication called Atenolol. I did have some difficulty sleeping because I still had some discomfort from my incisions and learning to sleep on my back and on an incline took some getting used to. I took pain medication for a few weeks after surgery that made me drowsy so that helped a bit but since I was frequently falling asleep during the day in my recliner sleeping at night was a challenge. Again time and increased activity improved things in that area.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina
    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009
    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Four Year Survivor


  • butchl
    butchl Member Posts: 11
    paul61 said:

    A dry cough after surgery is fairly common

    I had a dry cough after surgery for about two months. My surgeon prescribed an over the counter cough medication that helped some but it really just took time until my throat recovered from the surgery and all the tubes that had been down there. I was taking a medication for high blood pressure called Lisinopril that my doctor also felt contributed to the cough and he switched me to a medication called Atenolol. I did have some difficulty sleeping because I still had some discomfort from my incisions and learning to sleep on my back and on an incline took some getting used to. I took pain medication for a few weeks after surgery that made me drowsy so that helped a bit but since I was frequently falling asleep during the day in my recliner sleeping at night was a challenge. Again time and increased activity improved things in that area.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina
    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009
    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Four Year Survivor


    Thank you Paul it always

    Thank you Paul it always helps to have some information from other people.  His wife and I are concerned because of the open wound still on his abdomen.  When he was released from hosp 10 days after surg and sent home with the open wound that we were to change the dressings twice a day was very overwhelming for us.  Then when the bowel came out and he had to have another surg to repair the bowel we are just so worried.  He came home again with the wound vac and returned to the doc to see how that turned out just to be told that it was'nt healing the way he would have liked so doctor took out staples and left it open again.  So now dressings are being changed once a day.  Have you experienced anything like this? He is scheduled for endoscopy on April 3 Good Friday(maybe thats a good omen)  Also has to see  chemo doc.  They removed 40 lympnodes and one had cancer in it.  I know it will be a long recovery for him but it seems the cough is wearing him down.  Also the home nurse said he has some fluid on his right lung.  So doing a lot of deep breathing in his spirometer.  Thank you again.  How long since your surg?  God bless you.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,391 Member
    butchl said:

    Thank you Paul it always

    Thank you Paul it always helps to have some information from other people.  His wife and I are concerned because of the open wound still on his abdomen.  When he was released from hosp 10 days after surg and sent home with the open wound that we were to change the dressings twice a day was very overwhelming for us.  Then when the bowel came out and he had to have another surg to repair the bowel we are just so worried.  He came home again with the wound vac and returned to the doc to see how that turned out just to be told that it was'nt healing the way he would have liked so doctor took out staples and left it open again.  So now dressings are being changed once a day.  Have you experienced anything like this? He is scheduled for endoscopy on April 3 Good Friday(maybe thats a good omen)  Also has to see  chemo doc.  They removed 40 lympnodes and one had cancer in it.  I know it will be a long recovery for him but it seems the cough is wearing him down.  Also the home nurse said he has some fluid on his right lung.  So doing a lot of deep breathing in his spirometer.  Thank you again.  How long since your surg?  God bless you.


    I also had a positive node and had post surgery chemo

    It has been about 5 years and six months since my surgery. I also had a large open incision and the wound vac helped it heal relatively quickly. I had 1 lymph node found positive in my post surgical pathology so I had six rounds of Cisplatin, Epirubicin, and 5 FU after I had recovered a bit from surgery. I have to admit that chemotherapy after surgery was a challenge but I am still here and so far my scans have been clear.

    I know recovery from a surgery this major is difficult and takes a long time. Patience, a positive attitude, and the ability to take one day at a time is the best approach. I hope he will be feeling better soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009


    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Four Year Survivor

  • butchl
    butchl Member Posts: 11
    paul61 said:

    I also had a positive node and had post surgery chemo

    It has been about 5 years and six months since my surgery. I also had a large open incision and the wound vac helped it heal relatively quickly. I had 1 lymph node found positive in my post surgical pathology so I had six rounds of Cisplatin, Epirubicin, and 5 FU after I had recovered a bit from surgery. I have to admit that chemotherapy after surgery was a challenge but I am still here and so far my scans have been clear.

    I know recovery from a surgery this major is difficult and takes a long time. Patience, a positive attitude, and the ability to take one day at a time is the best approach. I hope he will be feeling better soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/2009 T2N1M0  Stage IIB - Ivor Lewis Surgery  12/3/2009 - Post Surgery Chemotherapy 2/2009 – 6/2009


    Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU - Four Year Survivor

    Thank you so much.  Very

    Thank you so much.  Very encouraging.  He had a very good night and also he does take Atenolol for blood pressure.  You ars so right about one day at a time and keeping a positve attitude.  So happy to hear about your scans being cancer free.  

    Thank you again

    Butch's sister



    I will keep you informed, just so good to talk to you.