Gm2873 Member Posts: 65

just received news from my genetic testing, and I'm BRCA2. This was a total surprise because no one on either side of my family has ever has Breast cancer going back all the way to my great grandparents. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen. Could the mutation originated with me? Like am I "patient zero" for the family. The genetic counselor is telling me all my siblings and cousins should be tested. My parents are both still alive and in their 90's. Heart disease and stroke have always been the killers om both sides of the family, though most everyone has lived into their 80's. Been trying to research but haven't been able to find anything like my. Situation.

had cancer in the right breast 20 years ago. Did a mastectomy with reconstruction. Now I've got a cancer in the left breast and a met on bone. I wanted a lumpectomy this time, but docs are saying I should do a mastectomy.


  • Desmonds1
    Desmonds1 Member Posts: 54 Member
    Sorry you have to go through

    Sorry you have to go through this again-



  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203

    My GYN told me over 20 years ago to watch a video he gave on BRCA and to have myself tested.  I ignored his advice and developed BC when I was in my 50's. They tested me then and I am BRCA1 so had bilateral and hysterectomy.  I wish I had taken his advice...."coulda, woulda, shoulda".  That's what an old friend used to say to me.  Kind of means if I knew then what I know now things would have turned out differently.  Your chances for uterine cancer are also greatly increased due to gene mutation.  Please discuss this with your oncologist.