Praying for a friend.

lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

My oncologist introduced me to a 32 year old man who had the same rectal cancer as I and ended up with colostomy. He was after the surgery and we became close friends. I gave him advise about the colostomy bag and started preparing him for the chemo. However he wasn't getting better. Consent blockages and pain. They took a PET scan and now  2 months after the surgery the cancer  is all over in his abdomen and a inoperable place in his liver. He is 32 and skin and bones. How could the be that they did not notice anything 2 months ago. The thought that the surgeon who operated on him would have been my surgeon since that hospital was 5 minutes from my house. I did not trust him from the minute he stepped into the room. I decided to go to Los Angels 2 hours away and I found a surgeon that liked and still love. I know every situation is different and I'm very concerned about my friend. I'll do everything I can to help him out, but it doesn't look good. 



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I am so sorry for your friend

    I hate when I hear that that Cancer is 'all over'. I met a woman this week who told me that her mothers Cancer was everywhere, even in her brain; and she was desperate for me to tell her that everything was going to be OK. 

    I had a fairly similar expereine to yours, in that a lady at church, after heraring me tell people over 50 to get a colonoscopy, was diagnosed. Her expreince was so vastly different to mine, that I continue to this day to be shocked at how she is treated. I could have easily been reffered to her Oncology team, and thank the Lord that I wasn't. Thankfully her Cancer is at bay, but her treatment over the past few years defies descriptoin. 

    I pray that your friend will recover his strenght and fight on, but it does sound bad. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Sorry To Hear This

    Thoughts are with you and your friend.   I have been in the same place as you in terms of a friend who became sick and where it spread quickly.  It is not easy.  

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    It's so hard to read this

    It's so hard to read this kind of stories. I will keep your friend in my prayers and thoughts.

  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    First oncologist makes all the difference

    I am certain my husband's first oncologist did him harm.  Laz, I am glad you went with your gut feeling to seek another doctor.  I wish we had known more at the beginning.  Bad hospital + bad oncologist = bad experience.  We can all say "what if" but it does no good.  There was no one to guide us except to the clown we first went to - what did we know back then?  I have such bad memories, I'm trying to shake them, but finding it difficult.  I'm sure you will be able to help your new friend as best you can.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm sorry for your friend...

    I always wonder whether some of these doctors or just schmucks or if the cancer can actually spread that quickly. That's such a sad story, he's so young. 

    Hoping things improve for him. 

    Stay well.
