Hubs First PET scan today. Scanxiety

Hubby had his PET today. I am nervous and scared about his future. I have been trying to find patients that have my hubbys diagnosis/treatment so I can feel like im comparing Oranges to Oranges..Im not an Ostrich about this whole thing..on the other hand my hubby likes to be.. I want to know what to expect, whats down the line. Not sure I posted these specifics, so I will as I would like some responses if at all possible with people in same situation. Here goes it..APPOLOGIZE FOR THE LENGTH, BUT A LOT TO COVER.

Hubs diagnosed 8/2/14. lump on side of neck, and much pain up to the side of head, Artery pressure. went to Sloan here in Jersey. Then through recomendation from daugher (in Columbia P&S in NYC) went to the leading Head and Neck guy formerly at Sloan, and now At Lenox Hill in NYC. He saw my Hubs, to evaluate him for possible Robotic surgery. He was put under, and the Doc. looked at his margins, tumor size, thickness etc. to see if he was eligible for surgery. We were very deflated to find out that it was too extensive, crossing the midline, (which I read makes his cancer inoperable)so surgery is not an option for him...The doc quickly proposed we return to Sloan, and continue on the standard of treatment for him there....The docs findings were then given to sloan, and they started his care analysis, and said they were confident he can be cured.. Which I was happy to hear, however didnt' feel they were telling me everything. His diagnosis was then given as: T4 N2a Mo G3 the G one was a new one to me.. But looked I looked it up and its the Grade of the tumor. Anyhow, from my findings this was not the best of news.. Oh Hubs drinker. HPV 16  postive.

We had to wait on starting 35 rounds of Rads, and 3 rounds Cisplatin, for 7 weeks, unfortuantly since they found my Hubs had an issue with retaining urine in his bladder that needed surgery..The process didnt start off well...sign..So finally on 10/20 hubs starts the journey..I took him everyday, and we found a way to enjoy our time together. After 2 days of treatment his face started to massively swell, and was sent 911 to hospital. Came home, and back we went..for a out, started up again. and then on 12/6 ended up getting super dizzy, and eventualy started to fall, and go unconscious. Back to hospital. He was diagnosed with Ortho-static hypotension. Blood pressure would drop to 52-39 when he stood up. We left the hospital to have his final chemo on 12/8 and was so sick pressure 49/39 they sent him via ambulance back to hospital where he stayed for 10 days, not eating, talking, just laying there..He finally came home, however he was still falling, so he stayed in bed for a month, slowly making progress...We  were hopeful that the meds would start wearing off and he would start feeling better, eating, gaining weight, etc...It really didnt happen..Its a slow go over here.  After a while I wanted to find out more about his disease, and see what I can find in terms of stories, new medical procedures, and basically anthing else I could find with the information the doctors gave me.  I have carefully (with the assistance of my med-school daughter) hunted for info in regards to his prognosis and what may lay ahead. My concerns are this, (as  they have not answered me in front of my hubby) Do they always do surgery later? what are his risks for recurrence? and are his chances higher than those of you whom have had surgery? Will he need more Chemo? Cyber Knife? etc. I ask all of this, because my hubby is so weak.. He was 245 and now is 180 (which is a lot to most, however hubs is 6'3" and I call him my sasquach..He's not heavy, just big boned.. I like that term) He is sooo cold all the time, barely eats, just drinks shakes, maybe a pancake.. He cant stand for long at his Ortho static is still there, just not as strong. How would my hubs be able to withstand more treatment? Has anyone of you experienced any of these issues? I just worry for him so much... I don't know what to do..

Any help would be appreciated.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Many H&N patients are treated successfully with and without surgery.

    He made it through, be it a terribly rough ride and chances are his first post scan will be good.  The scanxiety cannot be helped, but try to stay positive.

    Good luck,


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Many of us know the nervousness of those post PET scan days. It sounds like you have really had a rough time with treatment. As far as surgery, I didn't have it, just chemo and radiation for Stage 4 cancer. My first PET was clear, so it worked! My thoughts and prayers are with you.  

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    What I hear in the long list

    list of questions and their content, is a massive case of scanxiety (I am the queen of scanxiety, so I recognize it immediately Smile).  I'm sure his PET scan is going to show nothing to worry about....there's always some chance of inflamation lighting things up a little, after all the rads etc....we hear that often. 

    If he's not taking in much liquid via the shakes...and hopefully LOTS of water....he might need fluids.  Dehydration happens after treatment as well as during.  Dehydration will make a person dizzy, nauseous, weak....pretty much every crappy symptom except thirsty....

    Hopefully you'll get the scan results in a day or so....and you can breathe a sigh of relief, and know you got over this hump.  This is a one day at a time disease....there's no getting around it.  Just get through this day, that's all that is required.  Tomorrow will be here soon enough. 

    Sending you hugs....scans always scare the be-geezus out of me....and so far it's been wasted emotion.


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member


    I finished treatment for oral tongue cancer in September 2014. I came down with a stomach virus in October which dehydrayed me. I was already compromised because of the treatment. 

    I developed Ortho-static hypotension too. It was very scary and I was alone with my daughter. My blood pressure would drop very low when I stood up. I would then become very dizzy, start shaking, fall down and go out for a few seconds. In hind sight, I should have been hospitalized but I couldn't go because I'm a single mom and had no help. What I did do was to drive myself to get IV fluid. I did this quite a lot. They added something to the fluids to help but I can't think what it was at the moment.

    It stopped after about a month. He needs to keep hydrated. He may not think he is dehydrated because you can't tell. So keeping hydration is very important. It can get away in you very fast if you don't keep the fluids up!

    Hang in there. It's a rough road but with your support, he can get through it.

  • Luckyme65
    Luckyme65 Member Posts: 9
    Bunnymom said:



    I finished treatment for oral tongue cancer in September 2014. I came down with a stomach virus in October which dehydrayed me. I was already compromised because of the treatment. 

    I developed Ortho-static hypotension too. It was very scary and I was alone with my daughter. My blood pressure would drop very low when I stood up. I would then become very dizzy, start shaking, fall down and go out for a few seconds. In hind sight, I should have been hospitalized but I couldn't go because I'm a single mom and had no help. What I did do was to drive myself to get IV fluid. I did this quite a lot. They added something to the fluids to help but I can't think what it was at the moment.

    It stopped after about a month. He needs to keep hydrated. He may not think he is dehydrated because you can't tell. So keeping hydration is very important. It can get away in you very fast if you don't keep the fluids up!

    Hang in there. It's a rough road but with your support, he can get through it.

    Hi Bunny,
    wow, you are the

    Hi Bunny,

    wow, you are the first that I found had my hubby's issue, with the orth-static. His is so bad he has to be on meds to increase his BP every day. His BUN level is fine, showing he has a great fluid intake...It just not enough to keep him steady. They said this will take a long time to go away, so he has to manage it everyday and take meds until it stabalizes..It's a rough road for sure..Sorry you don't have anyone to help. I can imagine my hubby doing alone. THey said if he was alone, he would of had to have the treatment in the hosptial due to his issues...Im glad to be here for him...I wish you the best.. Keep me posted as to your tests, and overall condition. Blessings to you..

  • Luckyme65
    Luckyme65 Member Posts: 9
    MrsBD said:


    Many of us know the nervousness of those post PET scan days. It sounds like you have really had a rough time with treatment. As far as surgery, I didn't have it, just chemo and radiation for Stage 4 cancer. My first PET was clear, so it worked! My thoughts and prayers are with you.  

    Hey there BD,
    You never had

    Hey there BD,


    You never had surgery either huh? did you have mets to lymph nodes? did they say why no surgery?  How long out are you?  Sorry so many quesitons.. Im very tenatious..


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    Luckyme65 said:

    Hi Bunny,
    wow, you are the

    Hi Bunny,

    wow, you are the first that I found had my hubby's issue, with the orth-static. His is so bad he has to be on meds to increase his BP every day. His BUN level is fine, showing he has a great fluid intake...It just not enough to keep him steady. They said this will take a long time to go away, so he has to manage it everyday and take meds until it stabalizes..It's a rough road for sure..Sorry you don't have anyone to help. I can imagine my hubby doing alone. THey said if he was alone, he would of had to have the treatment in the hosptial due to his issues...Im glad to be here for him...I wish you the best.. Keep me posted as to your tests, and overall condition. Blessings to you..

    Hi Kay,
    your husband's

    Hi Kay,

    your husband's Otho-Hypo is the first I've seen too. It was very scary. I would stand up, get dizzy, and almost have a convulsion (started shaking), loose consciousness for only a few seconds and drop to the floor. There wasn't anything I could do to stop or prevent it other than the IV fluids. I never considered taking BP meds. 

    I started taking my blood pressure which tends to run low anyway and it was very low. I was very worried and really didn't know what to do. I figured I was dehydrated. I'm glad your husband is not dehydrated. 

    The doctors said it would take a long time to go away? How long did they say? Mine lasted about a month but I was very weak long afterward. Also, mine started after treatment not during. 

    Treatment is rough but doable. Your husband is blessed to have you there with him! 

    Blessings to you both!

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    Luckyme65 said:

    Hi Bunny,
    wow, you are the

    Hi Bunny,

    wow, you are the first that I found had my hubby's issue, with the orth-static. His is so bad he has to be on meds to increase his BP every day. His BUN level is fine, showing he has a great fluid intake...It just not enough to keep him steady. They said this will take a long time to go away, so he has to manage it everyday and take meds until it stabalizes..It's a rough road for sure..Sorry you don't have anyone to help. I can imagine my hubby doing alone. THey said if he was alone, he would of had to have the treatment in the hosptial due to his issues...Im glad to be here for him...I wish you the best.. Keep me posted as to your tests, and overall condition. Blessings to you..



    Has his thyroid been checked? Sometimes its affected by radiation as mine was. This could be the reason why he is cold.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    They do keep track of a person's thyroid

    after radiation to the head and neck.....and many (maybe most of us) are taking thyroid medication now that treatment is over.  My thyroid showed damage within 2 or 3 months from the end of radiaiton.....and the dosage has since been increased twice.

    That being said....I think if you took a poll of everyone who has had chemo, you'd find a LOT of cold people.  Even after my thyroid was back in working order it took me darn near two years to warm up.  Even in the dead of summer while everyone else was in tank tops and shorts, I had long pants, socks and a sweater....and I was totally comfortable.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Karen, I just want to say I

    Karen, I just want to say I will be praying for you and your hubs.  I hope your nerves don't get the best of you.  we all know what you're going through and its rough.  hang in there and try to stay positive.  I'm sure the scan will be fine but I will be praying for good results also.

    God bless and be with you both.
