New Diagnosis - Sifting Through Options



  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    stoniphi said:

    I agree...

    ..a Gleason score of 3+4=7 is especially not good in such a young man. I would suggest a new, closer look to make sure that number is accurate. "Knowledge is power." I am 64, my urologist was not happy at all with my Gleason of 3+4=7 after biopsy when I was 62.



    I too went through the same choice of options and chose Robotic surgery.  Once you do the radiation thing if you need surgery later it can be not as effective.  Surgery 1st, radiation 2nd as a back up was my choice.  I was told radiation changes the tissue structure and makes it harder for the surgeon to get all the cancer later.  Many confusing options are out there, take time to think about the best option for your family.  I stayed one night in the hospital and was home the next day.  The cath. was the the worst part of the whole post op thing.  I am on the way to getting my ED & bladder under control and making I feel good progress.  Hope the best for your family as they go through this.


    3+4   PSA 5.1