Craig and nanab updates?



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member

    Criag and Nan. You are both

    Criag and Nan. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.


    hope nana gets better too.  She is going after it.

    im not even fighting cancer and have been out of treatment sincd November - that's no good.

    but I'm chasing and fighting all the thing I've been fighting.

    so surgery next up would be lung...then hopefully back into treatment - but the meter is running and these other delays have cost me and I worry about more spreading.

    hopefully some success as I try.....if they dont...I don't know.

    going to be starting new drug - LINZESS.  Supposed to help bowel nerves relax to facilitate "going".  It's new and just recently advertised on tv and released to public.  Nobody wants me to go thru impaction again so I hope this works.

    the key is eliminating or reducing the narcs I'm dking now.  Narcs are hard on bowels and bladder.  How I loathe them so...

    Supposedly this lung surgery gets the pain pump installed in body and directly into spine.  This way the new memds mix with the spinal fluid and you don't have the mitigating factors, such as the constipation that comes from the pills themselves.

    so that would be good news:)

    ill carry on best I can and will think of nana as well as I've been doing.

    thanks guys!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Sundanceh said:


    hope nana gets better too.  She is going after it.

    im not even fighting cancer and have been out of treatment sincd November - that's no good.

    but I'm chasing and fighting all the thing I've been fighting.

    so surgery next up would be lung...then hopefully back into treatment - but the meter is running and these other delays have cost me and I worry about more spreading.

    hopefully some success as I try.....if they dont...I don't know.

    going to be starting new drug - LINZESS.  Supposed to help bowel nerves relax to facilitate "going".  It's new and just recently advertised on tv and released to public.  Nobody wants me to go thru impaction again so I hope this works.

    the key is eliminating or reducing the narcs I'm dking now.  Narcs are hard on bowels and bladder.  How I loathe them so...

    Supposedly this lung surgery gets the pain pump installed in body and directly into spine.  This way the new memds mix with the spinal fluid and you don't have the mitigating factors, such as the constipation that comes from the pills themselves.

    so that would be good news:)

    ill carry on best I can and will think of nana as well as I've been doing.

    thanks guys!


    Next week as in...

    this coming week, 23 - 27th? 

    You are certainly in many peoples prayers and good thoughts. 

    I hope this pump works well for you in helping keep that pain at bay without compromising your bowel and bladder habbits. 

    I know you feel the love, but we still want to tell you. Craig, you're loved and cherished. 

    Cyber hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Next week as in...

    this coming week, 23 - 27th? 

    You are certainly in many peoples prayers and good thoughts. 

    I hope this pump works well for you in helping keep that pain at bay without compromising your bowel and bladder habbits. 

    I know you feel the love, but we still want to tell you. Craig, you're loved and cherished. 

    Cyber hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit

    Craig & Raquel

    Sending love, hope, strength, and good vibes to each of you as you continue your fierce battles.



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Next week as in...

    this coming week, 23 - 27th? 

    You are certainly in many peoples prayers and good thoughts. 

    I hope this pump works well for you in helping keep that pain at bay without compromising your bowel and bladder habbits. 

    I know you feel the love, but we still want to tell you. Craig, you're loved and cherished. 

    Cyber hugs!

    Sue - Trubrit

    Thanks Sue

    this is actually the endoscopy procedure.

    in 3 weeks we meet with pain surgeon for evaluation....then hopefully I'm a good candidate and we schedule the pain pump surgery.

    just didn't want you to worry plate remains least my hospital food plsaate remains mostly bare.nibbling more sinice I got home but that pain robs appetite.

    thanks for support sue!


  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


    Hold on!

    Craig - YOu're fighting so valiantly.  I hope the weather clears and you can get in and get the answers you need then on to the pump installation.  Praying for you!  Traci

  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Craig, hang in there, praying

    Craig, hang in there, praying for you!

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


    My thoughts

    and prayers are with you.  You already know that we all walk with you.  It's a wonderful thing really to have all your friends holding you (even if it's in cyber space). 



  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


    Craig, I have you close in my

    Craig, I have you close in my thoughts and prayers.  You will get there .. I know you will! Take that key and swing that next door open! 

    Try to gain some strength and be ready!  Big cyber hug to you!

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Will post

    ive got one hell of a story to tell you.

    ill gather strength and get an update to you.


    Hey, Friend

    Can't wait to hear your story!




  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


    Hang in there!

    Keep fighting! We're all cheering for you in cyberspace!


  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Surgery cancelled

    due to inclement weather...

    wI'll see if we can schedule for later in week or when we can get it set.

    i want the answer to this problem if there is one...with endoscopy and colonoscopy done that should spell it out.

    in hanging infor these next two surgeries...

    they hold the key for me...


    Craig, thanks for the

    Craig, thanks for the updates! You continue to be in my prayers as well.  Blessings to you today.  Phil.