Can taste buds grow back ?

Hi there, 

just wondering if taste buds can grow back ? I have very smooth sections on my tongue and have to confirm in 2 wks with my oncologist  that this is geographic tongue, my go has already said yes. Had a good look at my tongue and there is red very smooth sections, can taste buds grow back ? This is the result of the radiation.




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Didn't Leave...

    My opinion.., your buds didn't leave. They might have received some sever damage.., but more than likely it's temporary.

    A large portion of his here lost all or most saliva and taste for several months, even out to a year or so..

    It took all of two years for me to regain all of my taste back, and nearly all saliva... I do get a little dry at sleep during the night.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Robyn
    My first treatment

    Hi Robyn

    My first treatment it was almost 3 months before I could taste anything, but little by little it came back. Not a 100% but about 90% of it, a lot of things I loved to eat I did not like anymore and a lot of stuff I did not like before I started eating; not sure why the switch with taste. Remember one thing about radiation “it is the gift that will keep giving all through your life”; some good and some not so good. Just continue to give it time as everyone if different in how we will heal.


    All the best to you

    Tim Hondo   

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Didn't Leave...

    My opinion.., your buds didn't leave. They might have received some sever damage.., but more than likely it's temporary.

    A large portion of his here lost all or most saliva and taste for several months, even out to a year or so..

    It took all of two years for me to regain all of my taste back, and nearly all saliva... I do get a little dry at sleep during the night.


    Hi John


    Now that I am laid-off from work and got nothing to do I plan to make a trip to Tampa with my Son and his Wife sometime in April. Hope you are feeling good as I am hopping to be able to see you.  


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Can they, YES. But will they?

    Yes they can, but it is hard if caused by radaition.

    Some medical procedures that can also result in the loss of taste buds. These include radiotherapy, which has the potential to kill cancer cells as well as other normal cells in the body, including the taste bud cells. The taste buds on the tongue go through a two-week life cycle, which means that they are renewed every 10 to 14 days. If a person loses the ability to taste due to a loss of taste buds, the sense of taste should start returning within this two-week time frame.

    If the loss of taste is due to another lesion, such as a cut in the nerve leading from the tongue to the brain, it might not be possible to determine whether the sense of taste is likely to return. In this sort of case, the loss of taste is not a result of a problem with the taste buds, but with the nerves themselves.

    Best of luck and just give it some time.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    taste on


    My taste buds and saliva are (still) improving at 3 years post.

    I had some Marion Berries and ice cream tonight and it was great (and better than last time).
