Wasn't home long

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

Wasn't home long. My brother got me home Saturdsy at 530 and went to pick up scripts. By 730 I was back to hospital via ambulance. Vomiting and dry heaves. Was worried sick about tearing out surgery. Not sure if too many narcotics or last minute switch in narcotics as I left hospital or obstructed bowel. Couldn't keep down Zofran By IV. Finally last bad bout at 1am. Now ready to try going home again but doc thinks skilled nursing a few days. I quit all narcotics and am handling pain. My insurance won't send me were my husband is in rehab from his stroke. Hating to delay hyperbarics and healing. Some depression Wanting to creep in. Trying to stay strong and do what is easiest for family. Hopefully I can be on my own by the weekend. Missing daily visits with my husband.

thanks for listening


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    So sorry

    So sorry to hear this news.  Glad you were able to get back to the hospital.  Trying to do it without meds., big ouch.  Hopefully you can get a grip on emotions, listen to music or watch movies.  Prayers going out to you.

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    How miserable! It is hard to

    How miserable! It is hard to keep your spirits up when you've had such setbacks. You are in my prayers for quick healing and a comforted heart.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    dang, Candi, i'm truly sorry

    dang, Candi, i'm truly sorry to hear this.  life sure is being rough on you.  I'm praying for you to get better and be able to visit with your hubby again real soon.  i hope the pain doesn't get past tolerable since you can't take meds.  what a mess.  i am keeping you and your hubby in my T's and P's.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Just give a person a break......

    You have so much on your plate at the same time. It might be the sudden switch in pain meds. Not sure I I would try to guite all pain meds, maybe just cut down s l o w l e y , sudden stop can cause problems too. Thoughts and prayers for both you and your husband.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    wmc said:

    Just give a person a break......

    You have so much on your plate at the same time. It might be the sudden switch in pain meds. Not sure I I would try to guite all pain meds, maybe just cut down s l o w l e y , sudden stop can cause problems too. Thoughts and prayers for both you and your husband.



    They decided blocked bowel most likely. Went from Monday til Saturday night and no one charted the inactivity.  I just gave in and asked for half a dose of oxyCodone. Otherwise doing ok. Three dressing changes a day packed but haven't asked to see it yet, after all, it is what is. Just so it heals shut that is what I pray for. Tomorrow I will move to skilled nursing. Moving where my husband is now a possibility if I pay out of network 40% and pay all feeding tube expense and dressing changes. Cheaper to stay at Ritz with room service. Other facility paid for, it's just missing my husband. May opt for paid since we are talking five days tops...I hope. I think if I chose the paid place, family can drive me to visit my husband. Holding that decision for tomorrow. Was to have started hyperbarics  this morning but now maybe Wednesday.  Current pain is doable. 

    Happy life events too as one nephew got engaged and another purchased a house this week. Family brightens my days And keeps me going. 

    My best to all. 

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Haven't been on the site in

    Haven't been on the site in awhile. Sorry to hear of your troubles and am praying they are better now.
