Your thoughts - creatinine levels, gfs

Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member


I am from the uterine board, but have developed some kidney issues and wanted to see if you had any advice.

I am required to have a stent due to moderate left-sided hydronehrosis and my left kidney has shrunk.  My right kidney is 10.8 and my left kidney is now 8.3.  I do have a soft tissue mass wherein the ureter passes through it.  It is partially mildly PET positive (6.8) and they have been watching it.  As a result, I need a stent replacement procedure every three months.

Here's my question:

Prior to my stent, my creatinine was 1.1 and my GFRe was 52.   After the stent, my creatine went down to .94 and GFR 65, but has been creeping up ever since.  I just had my second stent replacement surgery and my creatinine was a 1.05 and my GFRe 60.

Also, I had developed HB pressure since July which I am now on medication.

I really don't exhibit any signs (either before or now) other than some achiness (which I am now experiencing in my right side) and which I have brought up to my doctors who do not feel it is anything even though I told them it was like I felt on my left side.

Is there certain foods I should be avoiding?   Salt, of course.   But is there anything I should or should not be doing to protect my kidneys?

Sorry to bother you all with my minor problem, but my first urologist failed to see my problem because I didn't have the "classic" symptoms and as a result I have loss of left kidney now, and my new urologist I am not too sure of.

Thanks for listening.

My best to all of you.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Kathy,
    So sorry to hear of

    Hi Kathy,

    So sorry to hear of your new issues, Your GFR and creatinine after your first stent were ideal. Your high BP could be indicative of kidney issues. I suggest perhaps another urologist... Where do you live? Maybe members who live in your vicinity can make a good urologist recommendation. I am no doctor, but these are flags to look into your kidney health further.

    Foods: water, water, water.Low sodium, cut back on caffeine, not too much protein, no aspartame (of course), avoid processed foods (watch for phosphates in ingredients list - stay away - a lot of frozen meat has phosphate added). Eat healthy and fresh.

    Good luck to you, and I know others will chime in here with some recommendations!




  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Hi Kathy,
    So sorry to hear of

    Hi Kathy,

    So sorry to hear of your new issues, Your GFR and creatinine after your first stent were ideal. Your high BP could be indicative of kidney issues. I suggest perhaps another urologist... Where do you live? Maybe members who live in your vicinity can make a good urologist recommendation. I am no doctor, but these are flags to look into your kidney health further.

    Foods: water, water, water.Low sodium, cut back on caffeine, not too much protein, no aspartame (of course), avoid processed foods (watch for phosphates in ingredients list - stay away - a lot of frozen meat has phosphate added). Eat healthy and fresh.

    Good luck to you, and I know others will chime in here with some recommendations!




    Hi JoJo:
    Thanks for

    Hi JoJo:

    Thanks for responding.   For about four years we have been on a healthy eating plan.   Organic when possible.  Make all of our meals, etc.   At first I had lost over 30 pounds and kept it off for about 2 1/2 years.   Then when I started having symptoms, I gained weight without changing my diet.  In fact, I thought I was eating less because I wasn't feeling hungry.

    With this new urologist, I did bring up about diet and she said there isn't anything.  I specifically asked her about protein because we use protein snacks for inbetween meals.   She indicated to me that there is no restrictions on that.   From what I have read on this site, I decided to limit my amount of protien to be on the safe side.  I also limit my alcohol.  I noticed that since I have kidney issues, even one glass of wine will give me an all day headache the next day and it is really only one glass. - I believe that I am not filtering out the alcohol properly.   And its not like I drank everyday.  It was mainly special occasions.

    I gave up some of my other favorites too:  pickles and pickled vegetables.

    My first urologist was in a different state as I travel 3 hours for my gyne/onc appointments.   This newer urologist is local.

    Thanks for the hugs and the reply!


    P.S.  Are there any other blood tests that I should take?    I had my thyroid checked - it is good.   Excellent cholesterol.  But my doc wants my B12 higher (315) and my vitamin D was low again (26)

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Hi JoJo:
    Thanks for

    Hi JoJo:

    Thanks for responding.   For about four years we have been on a healthy eating plan.   Organic when possible.  Make all of our meals, etc.   At first I had lost over 30 pounds and kept it off for about 2 1/2 years.   Then when I started having symptoms, I gained weight without changing my diet.  In fact, I thought I was eating less because I wasn't feeling hungry.

    With this new urologist, I did bring up about diet and she said there isn't anything.  I specifically asked her about protein because we use protein snacks for inbetween meals.   She indicated to me that there is no restrictions on that.   From what I have read on this site, I decided to limit my amount of protien to be on the safe side.  I also limit my alcohol.  I noticed that since I have kidney issues, even one glass of wine will give me an all day headache the next day and it is really only one glass. - I believe that I am not filtering out the alcohol properly.   And its not like I drank everyday.  It was mainly special occasions.

    I gave up some of my other favorites too:  pickles and pickled vegetables.

    My first urologist was in a different state as I travel 3 hours for my gyne/onc appointments.   This newer urologist is local.

    Thanks for the hugs and the reply!


    P.S.  Are there any other blood tests that I should take?    I had my thyroid checked - it is good.   Excellent cholesterol.  But my doc wants my B12 higher (315) and my vitamin D was low again (26)




    Most of your medical questions are above my paygrade so let me stick to the GFR. So far your creatine and GFR look managable. As you get older your GFR will go down with age. In addition to your Urologist I would seek out a Nephrologist (Kidney doctor) to consult  with on your kidney issues.





  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Creatinine and eGFR

    This article might be helpful for you. It explains the different stages of CKD and how it is difficult to differentitate between stages 1 and 2 when kidney function measures near normal.

    Why don't you see a nephrologist instead of a urologist? They really know this stuff.

    Your creatinine is perfectly normal. 0.94-1.1 is ideal. By the way, 0.94 is BETTER than 1.1. So your kidney function got slightly better with the stent, not worse. Higher is bad with creatinine. Lower is good.

    These creatinine numbers you are getting are all within a normal variation of the same person on different days. It can vary by 0.1 easily just by how much water you drank just before the test.

    Your eGFR seems low to me based on your creatinine.

    GFR is opposite to creatinine. Higher is better. Lower is worse.

    Still, over 60 GFR is normal kidney function, but could be stage 1 or 2 CKD (most of us on this board have stage 3 CKD).

    Look at the website. They explain how to tell if you have CKD and also what to do. Still, if you want info on your kidneys, see a nephrologist not a urologist. They really, really know this stuff.

    IF you have CKD 1-2 (a nephrologist is the one to make this diagnosis), there are some actions you can take. Keep your blood pressure low, avoid salt, avoid too much protein, etc. Look at the website.

    Hope something in the random mess I just wrote helps you out.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Thanks Icemantoo and Todd:

    Thanks Icemantoo and Todd:

    I appreciate your input and advice.  I will definitely check these other things out.   I knew there was some other type of doctor I should be seeking (nephrologist).

    I just don't like my creatinine levels going back up - now 1.05 and my eGRF going.   Thanks again for your advice.

    My best to both of you.   


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Thanks Icemantoo and Todd:

    Thanks Icemantoo and Todd:

    I appreciate your input and advice.  I will definitely check these other things out.   I knew there was some other type of doctor I should be seeking (nephrologist).

    I just don't like my creatinine levels going back up - now 1.05 and my eGRF going.   Thanks again for your advice.

    My best to both of you.   





    For what it is worth there is nothing wrong with Creatine at 1.05.

    Mine with 1 kidney is now about 1.4, much improved from 1.6 and 1.7 over the last 12 years.



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    icemantoo said:




    For what it is worth there is nothing wrong with Creatine at 1.05.

    Mine with 1 kidney is now about 1.4, much improved from 1.6 and 1.7 over the last 12 years.



    Thank you!   It means more to

    Thank you!   It means more to me coming from you as I have read many of your posts And you have been dealing with it for quite some time.   And I will check out a nephrologist.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Thank you!   It means more to

    Thank you!   It means more to me coming from you as I have read many of your posts And you have been dealing with it for quite some time.   And I will check out a nephrologist.






    For what it is worth a normal male has a creatine of .6 to 1.2. A normal female has a creatine of .5 to 1.1. Those of us with 1 kidney havel a level up to 1.8.

    Your creatine is still fine.


