Radiation Therapy

Hello dear forum members!

I wish you health and happy life!

I've some questions about Radiation therapy during HL.

My wife (24 years) was diagnosed HL on september 2014. We've got six courses BEACOPP regimen of 21 day cycles (As i know it's standards).

Two weeks ago we made PET/CT, the results were good. There was not found any cancer cells (Negative PETCT).

But our doctor advices us to make radiation therapy (As i understand for prevention). She says that my wife has a really good chances for getting rid of these HL, and after making Radiation Therapy the chances will be better.

I don't know what to do. I found many Articles where it's written that Radiotion Therapy has many side effects (Second Cancer, etc) , and doctors are not using  it any more.

Can you share some experience or advice me what to do. 

Thanks you in advance,



    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289



    You need to be very careful what website you are looking at.  I have not had Radiation Therapy.  But have you checked with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  There is a website.  Memorial Sloan Kettering  Cancer Center

