"Your scan looks good...but"


I got my results today from my first CT scan and I have a reactive lymph node under my jaw on the opposite side of original cancer.  My onc says there is no way it is reccurrance from the tonsil.  It is either backed up lymph fluid (neck dissection removed 40 lymph nodes on opposite side) or it is a completely new cancer.



Has anyone ever had backed up lymph like this?  He said both scenario's are rare.  I said "lovely".  I see the ENT on Thursday and he will either want to do a simple needle biopsy or surgery.

I haven't decided yet if I'm not worried at all or if I'm completely devastated.



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Hope for the best but get a biopsy.  I had perineural invasion and I did have a lymph node on the opposite side of original cancer (upper lip, right side) one year later.  If it is it is still treatable.  Feel free to contact me.  Second time around I knew better what to do and expect.

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Chin Up!

    Shell can only imagine you must be sh*****g yourself but a separate occurrence must be incredibly unlikely. Good luck candle will be lit in Liverpool Cathedral tomorrow - not religious but it seems to bring good luck. Best wishes, Gary

  • Shell_7801
    Shell_7801 Member Posts: 71
    Guzzle said:

    Chin Up!

    Shell can only imagine you must be sh*****g yourself but a separate occurrence must be incredibly unlikely. Good luck candle will be lit in Liverpool Cathedral tomorrow - not religious but it seems to bring good luck. Best wishes, Gary

    Thank you Gary. 

    Thank you Gary. 

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    "Your scan looks good"...but it might not be that bad.....

    When they did the neck dissection do you know where they did it, I would guess leval 2-5 and did not do 1. That's what they did to me. One is under your chin. It might be a lymph gland just doing what it is suposed to do. It fights infection and can get larger doing it. Or as they said just fluid backed up. Don't worry yet, but a biopsy yould be good.

    I had an inlarged lymph gland removed when I was about 12. It just got big and hurt so they just removed it and thats the last  ever heard of it.

    I do like that you said "Lovely", I can't type what I might have said. I had a failed colonoscopy, The meds didn't work and I woke up screaming "you stop NOW". He said he was sorry but he gave me twice what I should have, and we can reschedule. My answer was" I don't care if you tell me I have cancer, you will never do that again".  I was wrong, had to have it done the next year but a differant Dr.

    Remember you are strong and will be just fine soon.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Take a deep breath, Shell....

    This soon after the end of treatment, I'm placing my money on the back up lymphatic system....let the ENT take a look at it, he might even decide it's not biopsy worthy after seeing the scan....you never know.  ENT's seem to know everything above the shoulders better than all the others on the cancer team.

    Tucking you in my pocket just the same....


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Shell

    For now don’t let it worry you, there are a lot of things still going on inside of your body from the treatment. After my treatment I would light up a PET scan like a Christmas tree and the doctors at MDA did not know if they should or should not go in to remove some of it or wait. I am glad that they waited because it took many many months before my PET scan started to look anything close to normal. Also remember in 2006 I was giving 6 months to a year when it came back a 3rd time, well I am still here. So it is not C until the doctor tells you it is C, I am praying for you that it is just a lymph node draining off some left over fluid in your system.



  • Shell_7801
    Shell_7801 Member Posts: 71
    Hondo said:

    Hi Shell

    For now don’t let it worry you, there are a lot of things still going on inside of your body from the treatment. After my treatment I would light up a PET scan like a Christmas tree and the doctors at MDA did not know if they should or should not go in to remove some of it or wait. I am glad that they waited because it took many many months before my PET scan started to look anything close to normal. Also remember in 2006 I was giving 6 months to a year when it came back a 3rd time, well I am still here. So it is not C until the doctor tells you it is C, I am praying for you that it is just a lymph node draining off some left over fluid in your system.



    Thank you for being here for

    Thank you for being here for me.  My official announcement on facebook and to my family was that my scan was clear.  They all burst into tears and are so happy right now.  I'm keeping this to myself and my husband of course knows.

    My therapist told me to live my life regardless of what the scans show or doctors say to me.  Live my life.  Make plans.  I'm just beginning to do that and forget about cancer.  I pray that it is nothing and life will be easier to focus on.  If not I know I can count on all of you for support.


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    My oncologist called me to say my PET scan showed "complete response to treatment". She went on to say that there is "something"on the other side and they'll do another scan in March to check it. The ENT took a look with a scope and said it was consistent with radiation damage. I think these little surprises will forever be a part of our lives. So, like you,  my FB post says NED and my family is cheering too. Positive thoughts and prayers!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    Thank you for being here for

    Thank you for being here for me.  My official announcement on facebook and to my family was that my scan was clear.  They all burst into tears and are so happy right now.  I'm keeping this to myself and my husband of course knows.

    My therapist told me to live my life regardless of what the scans show or doctors say to me.  Live my life.  Make plans.  I'm just beginning to do that and forget about cancer.  I pray that it is nothing and life will be easier to focus on.  If not I know I can count on all of you for support.


    Live your life to the fullest.............

    Live....... You knoe we are all hear if you need for the bad days, as well as the really good days. You have the support of us all and were open 24/7


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    shell, i can imagine how

    shell, i can imagine how worried you must be and i'm so sorry it was all clear.  i'm praying for it to just be a node.  like P said, chances are pretty good this early that it is the lymph node.  i'm crossing my fingers for that.

    God bless you,


  • Shell_7801
    Shell_7801 Member Posts: 71

    shell, i can imagine how

    shell, i can imagine how worried you must be and i'm so sorry it was all clear.  i'm praying for it to just be a node.  like P said, chances are pretty good this early that it is the lymph node.  i'm crossing my fingers for that.

    God bless you,


    I saw my new ENT today and he

    I saw my new ENT today and he does not seem worried at all.  He said that the location makes it nearly impossible to be metastatis from anywhere.  He thinks it is an infected node from backed up lymph.  He gave me antibiotics and I go back in a month.  

    I liked him.  He said we'll see each other every 2 months for the next year.  He also said that 2 years is the new 5 years as far as predicting survival rates and "cured".  I liked hearing that and left there with renewed hope of living my life now.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    I saw my new ENT today and he

    I saw my new ENT today and he does not seem worried at all.  He said that the location makes it nearly impossible to be metastatis from anywhere.  He thinks it is an infected node from backed up lymph.  He gave me antibiotics and I go back in a month.  

    I liked him.  He said we'll see each other every 2 months for the next year.  He also said that 2 years is the new 5 years as far as predicting survival rates and "cured".  I liked hearing that and left there with renewed hope of living my life now.


    Great News.......

    Laughing  Sounds like very good news, and a good doctor as well.  Cellabrate.  Laughing

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Good news

    What good news! I really like the statement "Two years is the new five years!"

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    I saw my new ENT today and he

    I saw my new ENT today and he does not seem worried at all.  He said that the location makes it nearly impossible to be metastatis from anywhere.  He thinks it is an infected node from backed up lymph.  He gave me antibiotics and I go back in a month.  

    I liked him.  He said we'll see each other every 2 months for the next year.  He also said that 2 years is the new 5 years as far as predicting survival rates and "cured".  I liked hearing that and left there with renewed hope of living my life now.


    shell, that sounds like a

    shell, that sounds like a winning report to me, wooowhoooo!
