Checking In

todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

Just stopped in to say hello. I haven't been on the board in several weeks, but I haven't forgotten about you guys...or my former friend my poor, missing right kidney.

Great to see so many familiar faces. Nice to see new ones, even though I'd rather not see you here (and I mean that in a good way).

Been busy busy with work. About to spend most of the next two months in northern Italy working. Everybody I know seems to think that's great, but I'm dreading it. I have to come back in the middle of the trip to get my six month scan. The study I was in is very inflexible on my scan dates. It has to be 6 months +/- 1 week. The last time I was there (one year ago in December) I was sick the whole time and miserable. My last two business trips have not been great and I think I've developed a slight case (I hope) of agoraphobia. The first one I went on two years ago, I started peeing blood and found out I had kidney cancer on my trip. Then the last one I was on everolimus on the trial I was on, and was sick with all kinds of weird symptoms and ended up in the ER in a small town in northern Italy. Being sick in a foreign country all alone (and not speaking the language) SUCKS.

Just before this trip I got sick with a really bad cold that my doc said might be pneumonia. So I started having panic attacks about having to go on this trip. I postponed my trip for a week and started antibiotics. I'm feeling better. I hope I get over this before the trip and end up having a good business trip for a change.

Having a bit of scanxiety. I'm just past my two year anniversary for having my kidney removed. I was actually glad my doc did a chest xray last week to check me for pneumonia. When they said it was possibly pneumonia I was happy (because they didn't see any tumors). I know. Having this disease starts to twist your mind a little.

I've been having a lot of pain on my surgery side. That's been making me nervous. It's probably just adhesions. They hurt and get sore when I cough a lot. Also, I'm a little heavy and my scar i just below my ribs on my right side and my ribs kind of poke into the scar on that side. I really think it's just the scar tissue. Anybody notice their surgery area gets sore when the weather gets cold and damp? I seem to have that going on too.

I may find time to read and post again soon, since I'll be in Italy and I don't speak Italian. Lol. My computer will probably be my only outlet on weekdays. It's going to be really cold where I'll be so will be stuck indoors.

Hope to catch up with my reading and see how you guys are all doing.

Best to you all. Happy New Year!





  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Hey Todd,

    Northern Italy sounds divine to some of us. But hearing about your issues, it is understandable that you are not exactly looking forward to your trip. Especially when not too many Italians speak English. I went there almost 15 years ago with some girlfriends. One night we stopped into a cafeteria type restaurant and we forgot our translation book. Since nobody there could speak English, we resorted to pointing to foods and the young man who worked behind the counter would make whatever animal sound was associated with the meat we were pointing at! We had so many laughs. All the locals were strolling in and were also helping us with our choice of meal. It was one of my favourite memories of that glorious country.

    At least you will be able to go home for a brief bit for your scan and get caught up on your laundry! Laughing And the scan might put your mind at ease about the pain you are feeling at your surgery site. Once in a while I feel pain there as well....but I figure it is just my insides still healing. I have more pain at my remaining kidney's side. I have been to the doctor several times, and he has done lots of follow up tests and just has knocked it down to muscle pain. I know it isn't muscle pain. But I think it may be just that my remaining kidney has grown in size to compensate for the missing kidney. I have read a bit about that. I can feel discomfort when I lean against the chair, etc. (It is nice to talk about this here - I feel my husband just thinks that I am looking for health problems - but everybody here knows exactly what I am talking about).

    I hope you at least do get a chance to get caught up a bit and take some time for yourself - you sound like you have been very busy!

    Buon viaggio!!




  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Happy New Year!

    Hey Todd,

    Northern Italy sounds divine to some of us. But hearing about your issues, it is understandable that you are not exactly looking forward to your trip. Especially when not too many Italians speak English. I went there almost 15 years ago with some girlfriends. One night we stopped into a cafeteria type restaurant and we forgot our translation book. Since nobody there could speak English, we resorted to pointing to foods and the young man who worked behind the counter would make whatever animal sound was associated with the meat we were pointing at! We had so many laughs. All the locals were strolling in and were also helping us with our choice of meal. It was one of my favourite memories of that glorious country.

    At least you will be able to go home for a brief bit for your scan and get caught up on your laundry! Laughing And the scan might put your mind at ease about the pain you are feeling at your surgery site. Once in a while I feel pain there as well....but I figure it is just my insides still healing. I have more pain at my remaining kidney's side. I have been to the doctor several times, and he has done lots of follow up tests and just has knocked it down to muscle pain. I know it isn't muscle pain. But I think it may be just that my remaining kidney has grown in size to compensate for the missing kidney. I have read a bit about that. I can feel discomfort when I lean against the chair, etc. (It is nice to talk about this here - I feel my husband just thinks that I am looking for health problems - but everybody here knows exactly what I am talking about).

    I hope you at least do get a chance to get caught up a bit and take some time for yourself - you sound like you have been very busy!

    Buon viaggio!!




    Hello there Todd! Glad to

    Hello there Todd! Glad to hear from you and get updates on your life. I can understand why you are reluctant to go back to Italy. Think more positively and you'll attract more goodness is my motto. Yeah, easier said than done.

    Please stay in touch and let us know how things are going there. Some of us, live vicariously ya know!

    Sending you only good wishes and caring light to guide you through this time.

    Warmly, Jan