Still very tired - 6 weeks after radiation treatment . Is it normal?


I am wondering if it is normal to get tired easily 6 weeks post radiation treatment. I actually had more energy during treatment than now. Also, I need to eat every 2 hours to avoid dizziness.

I did lose only 2 lbs since the beginning of treatment so it is strange to me that I need to keep eating to maintain my energy up.

My family wants to book our spring vacation for April, but if I do not improve it will be hard for me to travel. Will I get better?



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Fatigue is a side effect. I felt pretty well during treatment, but all the effects really hit me later. It started to improve about two months after treatment ended. I'm three months out and now need 9-10 hours of sleep a night and am starting to feel almost normal again. You will feel better. It just takes a while. You might also want to have your thyroid checked because fatigue and hunger can mean it was damaged by the radiation. In that case, there is medication to help. Hang in there! You'll get lots of great advice from this site. I know I did!




  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    It took a good year to get back some assemblance of normal (new normal) and a decent energy level. Even now, going on two years, I don't have the stamina I had prior to cancer but I'm doing well. It takes time and effort (as in exercise) to build things back up. Hang in there, it will get better.

    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Fatigue....even after 6 months

    to a year is very common.  But like all other aspects of healing, it gets better week by week, month by month.  DO plan your vacation for spring.....just the new scenery will jack you up...and you won't feel so tired.  At six weeks out I was still sleeping 11 hours a day....all I did was go to work and 18 months out, I was sleeping 9 hours a two years out, I finally got it down to's a process, so be easy on yourself.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    cancer is a weird bedfellow


    At 2y 10m I am still tired.  As they dial in my thyroid, it is getting better.  Also, I sleep and eat great, but my pre-cancer life had more energy with no sleepiness.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still feel pretty darn good and do a lot and get a lot done, but it is different.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Moki, unfortunately you need

    Moki, unfortunately you need to allow yourself more time.  getting energy back will take a while. 

    God bless you,


  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    You sound like some


    You sound like some kind of superhero.  You only lost 2lbs?  How did you manage that?  

    I sure understand your desire to get back to normal as quickly as possible.  Nothing seems to happen fast on this rollercoaster.  It does get better progressivley though.

    I am 8 months out of treatment and only lost nine lbs.  I feel really good, finally, but am not running yet.  I can walk the trail I used to run pretty easily, but like someone else said, exersize is my only hope of getting my stamina back.  I hope to run a race this Fall, but haven't yet mustered up the energy to start training.  I work less than half the hours I used to.  I could push myself to do more but its very uncomfortable.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck to you.

    Oh, and i've just planned my first vacation since treatment.  I will be 11 months post treatment when I go and up until now I have not been ready for a trip.  Allow yourself to go slowly.


  • Moki
    Moki Member Posts: 53
    Thank you to all the

    Thank you to all the comments. I just booked the trip....let's hope I will recover enough energy to enjoy it.

    I will increase my exercise routine; I used to walk 10K every day. lately 5K but with the cold I became lazy. I am just doing yoga so I need to get back on the treadmill...

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Moki said:

    Thank you to all the

    Thank you to all the comments. I just booked the trip....let's hope I will recover enough energy to enjoy it.

    I will increase my exercise routine; I used to walk 10K every day. lately 5K but with the cold I became lazy. I am just doing yoga so I need to get back on the treadmill...

    You're doing Great...

    You are doing just great. Yes it can be a slow process and you do need to push your self a little. Just don't over do it as it takes much longer to recover now. Start out slow and build up like you ase doing and you will get back to where you were or at least very, very close. Be proud of what you have done so far, we are.


  • Sailor123
    Sailor123 Member Posts: 97
    Moki said:

    Thank you to all the

    Thank you to all the comments. I just booked the trip....let's hope I will recover enough energy to enjoy it.

    I will increase my exercise routine; I used to walk 10K every day. lately 5K but with the cold I became lazy. I am just doing yoga so I need to get back on the treadmill...

    I agree with Bill.  Dont push

    I agree with Bill.  Dont push yourself too hard.  I did repeatedly and it set me back everytime.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Moki said:

    Thank you to all the

    Thank you to all the comments. I just booked the trip....let's hope I will recover enough energy to enjoy it.

    I will increase my exercise routine; I used to walk 10K every day. lately 5K but with the cold I became lazy. I am just doing yoga so I need to get back on the treadmill...

    Hi Moki

    Same here as with everyone else, it took a good while before energy level to get back up after treatment ended. Keep doing what you can just don’t overdo it.



  • Moki
    Moki Member Posts: 53

    Both yesterday and today I started slowly walking on treadmill for 30 min (10% elevation, 3.7 mph) and I feel much better. I hope I will keep improving and be at good energy for sping break


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Moki said:


    Both yesterday and today I started slowly walking on treadmill for 30 min (10% elevation, 3.7 mph) and I feel much better. I hope I will keep improving and be at good energy for sping break


    Sounds like . .

    Sounds like you are doing well.  Better than most on the exercise.  You might consider taking an extra adult with you on your vacation (or a babysitter that you really trust) just in case fatigue hits.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Sounds like . .

    Sounds like you are doing well.  Better than most on the exercise.  You might consider taking an extra adult with you on your vacation (or a babysitter that you really trust) just in case fatigue hits.

    All different

    For me personally, I felt like I turned the corner week 5 post tx and week 6 I got all of my energy back plus some. Hopefully, you will see same.

  • Moki
    Moki Member Posts: 53
    KTeacher said:

    Sounds like . .

    Sounds like you are doing well.  Better than most on the exercise.  You might consider taking an extra adult with you on your vacation (or a babysitter that you really trust) just in case fatigue hits.


    My husband is coming with me; I will never goes alone with 2 young kids and a toddler, I am not crazy enough Smile