Any Experience with DOXIL?

Hi.  This is my first post.  I was diagnosed in Jan 2014 with Stage IVB and had surgery, chemo, and vaginal brachytherapyy.  I was NED in July 2014 but had a recurrence in December when they found some enlarged nodes in my pelvic area on a CT scan.  That was followed by PET which confirmed cancer.  So far no tumors, no spread to organs.  Have just started a second six months of chemo, this time with DOXIL (first time was Cisplatin and Taxil).  No side effects so far, but it's only been a week.  Am very nervous about finding myself in a continual cycle of chemo, remission, recurrence, and more chemo.  Anyone had positive results with DOXIL?  Am mostly a positive person, but feel like cancer has taken over my whole life sometimes....


  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member

    Welcome to the site, but am sorry you have to be here.  I do not have experience with Doxil.  Luckily I am still platinum sensitive even after 3  rounds of taxol/ platinums.  I have never been NED.

    On the first page if you type Doxil in the keyword box you will get posts about doxil.  These will be  from people who have been on doxil.  Hopefully it will answer some of your questions?

    I can certainly understand how you feel about Cancer taking over your life.  Most of your year has been spent with treatment and trying to recover from the treatment.  Come back with any fears, frustrations, or anxieties you may have. This is a safe place to vent or rant.   There are no subjects you can't bring here.  Someone here will be able to relate to what you are feeling.  And there are no wrong feelings.  They are what you feel and they are real.

    Good luck with your Doxil treatments.  In peace and caring.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Ro10 said:


    Welcome to the site, but am sorry you have to be here.  I do not have experience with Doxil.  Luckily I am still platinum sensitive even after 3  rounds of taxol/ platinums.  I have never been NED.

    On the first page if you type Doxil in the keyword box you will get posts about doxil.  These will be  from people who have been on doxil.  Hopefully it will answer some of your questions?

    I can certainly understand how you feel about Cancer taking over your life.  Most of your year has been spent with treatment and trying to recover from the treatment.  Come back with any fears, frustrations, or anxieties you may have. This is a safe place to vent or rant.   There are no subjects you can't bring here.  Someone here will be able to relate to what you are feeling.  And there are no wrong feelings.  They are what you feel and they are real.

    Good luck with your Doxil treatments.  In peace and caring.

    I concur with Ro.  I am sorry

    I concur with Ro.  I am sorry you have had to find us, but there are good people here. Please do not hesitate to askanything.

  • pipscout
    pipscout Member Posts: 24

    Hello there,

    I used Doxil for about eight months when I had a recurrence after my original treatment. The cancer responded for that time period, but then started growing and so we made a switch to another drug. I had relatively few side effects on the Doxil. I remember that I had to be careful not to have my hands or feet in hot water while I was on it. There was a little bit of stomach upset but not too bad. And I got to keep my hairstyle!

    I remember how discouraged I felt when I had the recurrence (in 2012). Since that time I've had various treatments. I am thankful for my port as that makes things easier. Luckily my cancer is behaving right now with just an oral hormone. It's still there but staying small. It's been more than six months away from chemo for me, which I'm enjoying a lot! I've done both platinum based chemo (like Taxol and Carbo), and inhibitors (like Avastin). And kept living and having a life. It's unlikely that I will have a cure, or "NED", but I've found a kind of "new normal". I wish you the best! Teresa

  • daylady
    daylady Member Posts: 122
    pipscout said:


    Hello there,

    I used Doxil for about eight months when I had a recurrence after my original treatment. The cancer responded for that time period, but then started growing and so we made a switch to another drug. I had relatively few side effects on the Doxil. I remember that I had to be careful not to have my hands or feet in hot water while I was on it. There was a little bit of stomach upset but not too bad. And I got to keep my hairstyle!

    I remember how discouraged I felt when I had the recurrence (in 2012). Since that time I've had various treatments. I am thankful for my port as that makes things easier. Luckily my cancer is behaving right now with just an oral hormone. It's still there but staying small. It's been more than six months away from chemo for me, which I'm enjoying a lot! I've done both platinum based chemo (like Taxol and Carbo), and inhibitors (like Avastin). And kept living and having a life. It's unlikely that I will have a cure, or "NED", but I've found a kind of "new normal". I wish you the best! Teresa

    Thanks so much for sharing

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience.  It's been about two weeks and I have started to take glutamine to stave off problems with my feet (I walk about 5 miles a day and it keeps me sane!) I did develop mouth sores almost immediately, and have been using salt/soda water to help.  I'll keep you posted.  Again, many thanks.

  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    daylady said:

    Thanks so much for sharing

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience.  It's been about two weeks and I have started to take glutamine to stave off problems with my feet (I walk about 5 miles a day and it keeps me sane!) I did develop mouth sores almost immediately, and have been using salt/soda water to help.  I'll keep you posted.  Again, many thanks.

    I had three treatments with Doxil

    Compared to Carbo/taxol it was pretty easy.  Tired, some neuropathy and the dry sloughy feet.  I slathered them in udderly smooth cream and put socks on over them which did help.  Used moleskin on the really bad patches Which did get pretty raw but that did the trick.  Those spots were where shoes rubbed.  I head some headaches but took Aleve.  This was for progression and recurrence found at my first three month checkup.  then I was put on Avastin which I am still on after six treatments and now stable.  Sending you wishes for strength and health.  You can do this!  Anne

  • daylady
    daylady Member Posts: 122
    AWK said:

    I had three treatments with Doxil

    Compared to Carbo/taxol it was pretty easy.  Tired, some neuropathy and the dry sloughy feet.  I slathered them in udderly smooth cream and put socks on over them which did help.  Used moleskin on the really bad patches Which did get pretty raw but that did the trick.  Those spots were where shoes rubbed.  I head some headaches but took Aleve.  This was for progression and recurrence found at my first three month checkup.  then I was put on Avastin which I am still on after six treatments and now stable.  Sending you wishes for strength and health.  You can do this!  Anne

    Thanks Anne!  So helpful to

    Thanks Anne!  So helpful to hear from others who have walked the walk.  I agree that compared to Carbo/taxol, Doxil is pretty easy.  I'm hoping this works.  My oncologist is going to do a CT scan after two treatments to make sure it is working, heart scan every three months.  I thought I would have six months for my body to respond, but they are looking for faster results than that.  If it doesn't work, not sure what is next, so hoping it does!

  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    daylady said:

    Thanks Anne!  So helpful to

    Thanks Anne!  So helpful to hear from others who have walked the walk.  I agree that compared to Carbo/taxol, Doxil is pretty easy.  I'm hoping this works.  My oncologist is going to do a CT scan after two treatments to make sure it is working, heart scan every three months.  I thought I would have six months for my body to respond, but they are looking for faster results than that.  If it doesn't work, not sure what is next, so hoping it does!

    Your doctor is managing it like mine does

    I am praying that it will work.  I have had so many scans in the last nine months that I have lost count.  But I am okay with that!  And when you had your heart scan did they let you watch it?  I think mine have been ultrasounds for 3D image because of the tumor on my heart and it was so cool!  My cancer has certainly brought out the inner science geek in me.  You can do this!  Cheering you on.  
