Interesting Hodgkin Lymphoma Article

Here is a recent article that I thought some of you would find interesting:


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,821 Member

    I have never understood people who prefer death over side-effects.

    Reportedly, the girl and her mother both agree on this. It would be interesting to learn where their "death-is-better-than-losing-hair" views originated from.  At her age with HL, her prognosis of total remission, and fifty more years of healthy life, are very, very high with treratment.


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    I have been following this unfortunate story. I saw today that the court has ruled against taking the girl off chemo. Good. She is a minor child who needs to be protected. 

    I hope the mother can be educated to stop calling her daughter's medicine, which will most likely save her life, "POISON". It reminds me of the time my little granddaughter referred to my chemo as "bad medicine" that made my hair fall out. (Not sure who told her that).  I quickly corrected her and told her that no, it was not bad medicine, it was strong medicine that got me well. And she was 4-years-old! Not the mother of a teenage cancer patient. 

    I hope the 17-year-old patient at the center of this controversy (or is it really about her mother?) will be getting gentle and caring counseling and encouragement. And the same tender loving care I had while going through chemo. I bet she will.
