From the UK, expecting results soon



  • hogchick
    hogchick Member Posts: 42


    Hi - I am saddened to learn of your bad response to the treatment.  Thank you for sharing.  I think others are reluctant to share their misfortunes.  Luckily, I had a good local response but had mets to my lungs.  The thoracic surgeon took out a nodule & about 15 nodes (2+ were +) in Aug.  A new node has appeared but the docs do not know what it is.  I share your thoughts & hope the rest of your journey is as pleasant as is possible!


    Always hope

    It's just my story. I don't want others to be discouraged about what they are going through because each are different. But it's not always positive and that needs an outlet, too. I couldn't have surgery so you're fortunate, there is always hope! Thank you for your comments.

  • hogchick
    hogchick Member Posts: 42
    mp327 said:


    I'm very sorry to hear that your treatment was not successful.  I think all of us have thought about the "what ifs," including what we would do if the initial treatment did not work.  I, like you, would most likely decide to just go out with a bang, not a wimper caused by treatment that would only prolong the inevitable.  Still, I am very sad that you must face this.  Your grandchildren obviously think you are pretty awesome and so do I.  I send you my thoughts and prayers.


    Don't be sad, please. Hospice has great dope.  They helped my sister to live a normal life until the end. They handle pain better than hospitals for some reason. So that is better than the poision they were giving me. You'll have to excuse me, I am coping with humor, which some feel is inappropriate, and it helps my loved ones handle it better.

    Awesome is good! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, they are working. You pretty awesome too.

  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member
    hogchick said:

    Welcome UK

    I just found this site too and I think it will be helpful. I am 59 and went through chemo and radiation only to find it metastizied to my liver and lungs and have doubled in size and number. I was so sick with the first chemo, I weighed 106, and was in the hospital a couple times because I was dehydrated and white cell count was next to nill. The only option I have is a horrible chemo treatment that will not heal me and I will be sick for 4 months only to maybe get a year or two.  I have decided to let nature take its course and have been given 6-7 months and honey, I'm going to squeeze every bit of life out of every day.  I don't want my gradkids to remember me bald and 80 pds. I want to still "slay" as my granddaughter says, all of the other grandmas.  She said that meant I didn't look like and grandma. I hope you get better. Thoughts and prayers for my UK friend,.

    Dear hogchick....

    Your post is a sobering reminder that for the positive outcomes, there are negative ones. While it's true that we all will die sometime, there must be freedom in knowing approximately when. I'm so very glad that you will not go through it alone.

    Besides, what with car accidents, high blood pressure, falling off cliffs, heart disease, and frayed electrical cords, some of us may not survive you anyhow. Since we never can tell when it's our time, we should all live out loud!

    So, rev up that motor and "head out on the highway, looking for adventure in whatever comes your way. Yeah, ya gotta go and make it happen; take the world in a love embrace. Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space!"

  • 0626june
    0626june Member Posts: 73
    hogchick said:

    Welcome UK

    I just found this site too and I think it will be helpful. I am 59 and went through chemo and radiation only to find it metastizied to my liver and lungs and have doubled in size and number. I was so sick with the first chemo, I weighed 106, and was in the hospital a couple times because I was dehydrated and white cell count was next to nill. The only option I have is a horrible chemo treatment that will not heal me and I will be sick for 4 months only to maybe get a year or two.  I have decided to let nature take its course and have been given 6-7 months and honey, I'm going to squeeze every bit of life out of every day.  I don't want my gradkids to remember me bald and 80 pds. I want to still "slay" as my granddaughter says, all of the other grandmas.  She said that meant I didn't look like and grandma. I hope you get better. Thoughts and prayers for my UK friend,.

    Hi Hog chick

    I just read a book by Suzanne Sommers (I know, unlikely) called "Breakthrough" and she talks about many alternatives to conventional treatment.  Since you've decided not to put yourselfe through chemo and radiation again, why not check out some options? I had the misconception that if I chose to go a different route, I'd have to go to a clinic in Mexico or something...not so. If interested, there's a personal message function on here and if you send your address, I'll send you the book, or you can get it on Amazon too. Best wishes to you hog Chick,


  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    Adam26 said:

    Well that's already a lot

    Well that's already a lot more positive.

    If you read through the pages you'll see plenty of people have had stage 3a anal cancer and survived.



    Good luck for your scans


  • Didiabolical
    Didiabolical Member Posts: 18
    pializ said:


    Good luck for your scans


    Thanks Liz. Had CT scan today

    Thanks Liz. Had CT scan today and got MRI tomorrow. Trying to stay positive for the results on 6th february 


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    Don't be anxious about test results!!  Just assume that the results will be exactly what you hope for. That way you can relax until you actually know.  Then it is time to rejoyce or deal with them,

    Best of juck to you!!