Ms. Grouchy

Hi,  I was diagnosed last week or so.   For the first seven days I was Ms. Positive.  Now the last three days I have been Ms. Grouchy and depressed.   Is this normal?  What can help with positive outlook and keeping up.  I feel like I should get a pet to cheer me up.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,515 Member
    Sorry you have had to find us

    Sorry you have had to find us but it is a safe place to vent, ask questions, etc...

    I know I went through a roller coaster of emotions, and suspect some of the other women have too.  There is a fear in the back of your mind that pops out every now and then, but you get back on the 'fight this thing' wagon.  It is a journey, and there will be tough days, but you can do it.


  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Is this normal? Absolutely!

    There is nothing positive or easy about being told one has cancer . Mention cancer and watch how others react with fear. When I was told that I had uterine cancer and then a week after my hysterectomy told that I had one of the worse types any woman could get, I started thinking that I may die from this disease. I am 14 months out from my hysterectomy and not any closer to believing that I will survive this disease.  I have chosen to live each day fully and I try not to think about what I may be facing in the future. Try to live each day with meaning and purpose, because tomorrow is not promised to any of us and we have less control than we would like to believe. It is both normal and healthy to grieve the loss of one's health. Eventually, the tears will stop and you will try to move on. I wish you the very best in this new journey.


  • artist49
    artist49 Member Posts: 87
    a new life

       There is no getting around this. You have entered a new and

    different life - like the rest of us here on this board. Yes,

    you'll   be  depressed (esp. in the beginning) but you will

    find strength you never knew you had.  You will view life in

    ways that are  unimaginable to people outside this "club."

    You'll find your own coping mechanisms to get through the

    days and years to come.  Every day  new advances are being

    made that will help everyone with this disease  and you will

    be there to benefit from them. I was diagnosed almost 4 and a half years

    ago and   I  can see   the progress that's been made in that time.

    Also, find a good naturopath immediately.  The importance of

    nutrition is becoming more evident every  single day. Good luck.


  • dshapiro
    dshapiro Member Posts: 28
    Hey Prissy777,
    I too was

    Hey Prissy777,

    I too was just diagnosed in early November and I've been on the same emotional roller coaster as you are now and as everyone here has been. I crashed really hard but I'll tell you this, the ladies on this forum have helped me keep my head above water and moving forward. I just very recently added some xanax to my other meds and that has helped a lot. Especially when I try to sleep at night. That's when my brain really puts the screws to me. lol. My first chemo treatment is Jan 7th. Stay proactive and remember, You Can Do This. Best of luck to you and hope to hear more from you in the near future. Ask questions. These ladies know what they are talking about and on a couple of points made here I gave my Doc a run for his/my money. But, I did my answers
  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43
    dshapiro said:

    Hey Prissy777,
    I too was

    Hey Prissy777,

    I too was just diagnosed in early November and I've been on the same emotional roller coaster as you are now and as everyone here has been. I crashed really hard but I'll tell you this, the ladies on this forum have helped me keep my head above water and moving forward. I just very recently added some xanax to my other meds and that has helped a lot. Especially when I try to sleep at night. That's when my brain really puts the screws to me. lol. My first chemo treatment is Jan 7th. Stay proactive and remember, You Can Do This. Best of luck to you and hope to hear more from you in the near future. Ask questions. These ladies know what they are talking about and on a couple of points made here I gave my Doc a run for his/my money. But, I did my answers

    Ms. Grouchy

    I have to tell you that I chuckled as I read the last line of your posting. First off I was diagnosed with UPSC in June, 2013. Stage 3C followed by hysteromy, chemo and radiation. Not a walk in the park but we women do what we need to do. Last year at the holidays I was at my lowest. Almost done with chemo and so tired. But I learned to delagate and still really enjoyed the holidays.

    My 43 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer in late October and just underwent a double mastectomy two weeks ago. Through these last few weeks all I have heard from her is how she needs a cancer pet or a cancer puppy. Friends gave her one from Build-A-Bear. You have to know that she and her kids live with us along with four dogs and two cats. So although this is a serious diagnosis and you have to be feeling all sorts of feelings from I can handle this to "oh ****". Hang in there, take one step at a time and know that many of us are still taking this journey and are here to anwer question and buck you up. All feelings are legit and you will have many ups and downs but you CAN handle it.

    Anyway - I didn't want to negate the feelings you have but I couldnt help but chuckle. I think you deserve a cancer pet unless you live with your parents and a zoo like I do. Take care and keep us posted.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    Ms. Grouchy

    I have to tell you that I chuckled as I read the last line of your posting. First off I was diagnosed with UPSC in June, 2013. Stage 3C followed by hysteromy, chemo and radiation. Not a walk in the park but we women do what we need to do. Last year at the holidays I was at my lowest. Almost done with chemo and so tired. But I learned to delagate and still really enjoyed the holidays.

    My 43 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer in late October and just underwent a double mastectomy two weeks ago. Through these last few weeks all I have heard from her is how she needs a cancer pet or a cancer puppy. Friends gave her one from Build-A-Bear. You have to know that she and her kids live with us along with four dogs and two cats. So although this is a serious diagnosis and you have to be feeling all sorts of feelings from I can handle this to "oh ****". Hang in there, take one step at a time and know that many of us are still taking this journey and are here to anwer question and buck you up. All feelings are legit and you will have many ups and downs but you CAN handle it.

    Anyway - I didn't want to negate the feelings you have but I couldnt help but chuckle. I think you deserve a cancer pet unless you live with your parents and a zoo like I do. Take care and keep us posted.

    Pets are wonderfully healing!

    I am blessed with three tuxedo kitties and they have helped me get my mind off my own troubles.  After my hysterectomy, my oldest cat, Mew Mews, started to treat me more gently.  Before the hysterectomy, she would run across the bedroom, fly through the air, and land with all four legs stiffly on my abdomen.  This was her not so gentle way to wake me up!  She somehow knew that after the hysterectomy it wasn't a good idea to land on my stomach.  Well, I am all healed now and she's back to her old ways.  Ha!  Four dogs and two cats are a lot of pets, Joanne.  At my worse, I had three cats and a dog...

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Abbycat2 said:

    Pets are wonderfully healing!

    I am blessed with three tuxedo kitties and they have helped me get my mind off my own troubles.  After my hysterectomy, my oldest cat, Mew Mews, started to treat me more gently.  Before the hysterectomy, she would run across the bedroom, fly through the air, and land with all four legs stiffly on my abdomen.  This was her not so gentle way to wake me up!  She somehow knew that after the hysterectomy it wasn't a good idea to land on my stomach.  Well, I am all healed now and she's back to her old ways.  Ha!  Four dogs and two cats are a lot of pets, Joanne.  At my worse, I had three cats and a dog...

    You get to be grouchy and feel what you feel

    A cancer diagnosis is an emotional experience with many ups and downs.  I found it helpful to just allow myself to feel rather than stuff those feelings and act like everything was fine.  Not many folks saw that side of my experience and I don't even know if my husband "got it", but I certainly was down more than once.  My dog really "got it", tho.   I agree with all, that a pet is without a doubt such a comfort.  Unconditional love. 

    I would not want to commit to a puppy (too much work) but a kitten or an adult dog might just be the ticket for you.  Besides, we're supposed to exercise and walking the dog is what I did a lot of. 

    Good luck to you.  We're here for any support you need.
