Aussie Gleason 8 biopsy

PCGreg Member Posts: 3

Hi Guys,


So glad to have found this site. My GP received this shocker a few days ago. Been crusing the net to try to understand all the info here.

He asked for the biopsy as he found the left side of my Prostate was bigger than the right but was not that worried due to my PSA of 4.7, otherwise excellent blood work and general hood health. BTW I'm 68 and in good health. On no meds nor have any known medical issues except did get infected by Malaria about 6 years, which still pops up from time to time.

My research lead me to be concerned about the Gleason type 5 cells found in one core and that 5 of 6 of the left cores showed very significant PC cells and the PNI finding in one core.

I'm waiting to be advised when I can see the Oncologists and find out his views on what should happen next.

As PC was not found in the right side, my research suggests it still may be contained inside the Prostate, yet the PNI finding suggests otherwise.

I'm really not keen to have my Prostate removed and would like to trial the POMI-T mix that had good results in the UK test. Any comments on that trial would be most welcome. I do have a basic medical understanding from doing a Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy degree about 15 years ago.

Do I need to seriously consider the Prostate removal ASAP or is there time to try other means to slow down / reverse the PC cell growth or is that just a pipe dream? 

All comments most welcome.






  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,480 Member
    Sorry to read

    about the results of the biopsy.

    With such a high Gleason score, I wouldn't gamble with nutritional approaches as the sole means of fighting the cancer.

    Scans to see if the cancer has metastasized need to be on your program for the very near future (even though your PSA is relatively low).

    As far as treatment modalities is concerned, if you don't want to 'loose' your prostate, there are several radiation treatments that you can consider.

    Brachytherapy (comes in two flavors) and IMRT/IGRT. Or the two modes combined. Or Cyberknife (SBRT) combined with IMRT.

    I bet your oncologist will mention those. Don't be bashful and shower him/her with questions!


  • PCGreg
    PCGreg Member Posts: 3
    Old Salt said:

    Sorry to read

    about the results of the biopsy.

    With such a high Gleason score, I wouldn't gamble with nutritional approaches as the sole means of fighting the cancer.

    Scans to see if the cancer has metastasized need to be on your program for the very near future (even though your PSA is relatively low).

    As far as treatment modalities is concerned, if you don't want to 'loose' your prostate, there are several radiation treatments that you can consider.

    Brachytherapy (comes in two flavors) and IMRT/IGRT. Or the two modes combined. Or Cyberknife (SBRT) combined with IMRT.

    I bet your oncologist will mention those. Don't be bashful and shower him/her with questions!


    Hi Old Salt,Thanks for the

    Hi Old Salt,

    Thanks for the reply and yes the supplements are to be used in addition to other suggestions I'm presented with. There does seems to be quite a bit of good data on the benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

    Will start juicing pomegranates tomorrow as I don't trust what may or may not be in commercial juices and have ordered some of the 4 food combo capsules from this trial:

    Anyone have any pomegranate experiences to share?

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    PCGreg said:

    Hi Old Salt,Thanks for the

    Hi Old Salt,

    Thanks for the reply and yes the supplements are to be used in addition to other suggestions I'm presented with. There does seems to be quite a bit of good data on the benefits of Pomegranate Juice:

    Will start juicing pomegranates tomorrow as I don't trust what may or may not be in commercial juices and have ordered some of the 4 food combo capsules from this trial:

    Anyone have any pomegranate experiences to share?


    I'm sorry to read of your diagnois.

    Maany of us at this board who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer have made changes to our life styles. Bascially we need to eat heart healthly since we who have been diagnosed are still more likely to die of heart disease than prostate cancer. Generally heart healthy is prostate cancer healthy. I for one eat basically a vegetarian diet with some fish. I exercise daily. There are some foods that are excellent for prostate cancer. Here are a couple of them; green tea, lfoods with lypopene especially tomato sauce. I am familiar with pomegrante juice and some studies that have lowered psa. To be honest there are various other juices that have antioxidents that are comparable. In the attachement that I am listing , there is a UCSF isite which provide some guidelines of eating. In the past at csn we have discussed life style improvements., however at this time  since your diagnosis with a Gleason 8 is aggressive and requires proactive decisions for treatment the rest of this note is to determinining where you stand, and treatment.

    As Salt mentioned there a diagnostic tests to included tests such as MRI with a T3 that will give indication if the cancer has escaped the prostate. The Americaln Urological Association recommends a bone scan for those with a Gleason 8 and above. If the cancer is outsice the prostate which cis very likely in your case, having surgery only, will not solve your problem since the cancer will still be there, andyou will still need other trreatment(s) such as hormone treatment that may be combined with radiation treatment. Basically the side effects of more than one treatment iare cummulative. 

    Here is a thread that discusses cases that require advance treatments. There are other thread attached to this, so read this carefully. Come back to us with questions.

    We are here for you,








  • tarhoosier
    tarhoosier Member Posts: 195 Member

    As an amateur observer and completely unaware of your issues and choices I will say that with a G 9 cancer treatment is mandatory using the best methods available to you. Radiation or surgery according to your doctor(s)' recommendations. The G 5 sample that was nearly all of the core also supports my suggestion.  Homeopathic or nutritional options may be used only in conjuction with best medical care. Watching or surveillance is unwise. This is an aggressive tumor and significant volume. This report you provide commends prompt medical actions.