New to forum, 9 months into diagnosis

Hi All,

I am new to this forum.  I was diagnosed in February 2014 with endometrial cancer.  I was only 36 and wanted to preserve my fertility, so I opted for progesterone therapy.  My therapy is going well and my last biopsy was good.  But I wanted to know if anyone else on the forum is undergoing progesterone therapy instead of the very drastic hysterectomy option.

I also wanted to know if anyone on the forum has tried to get pregnant after progesterone therapy and if they were successful.

Thanks and I'm glad to join the community.



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Hi Dev

    just wanted to respond to your post.   However I did not have the progesterone therapy.  I did take lupron though for seven months.   I still had a hysterectomy.

      Glad your treatment is going well




  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Hi Dev

    just wanted to respond to your post.   However I did not have the progesterone therapy.  I did take lupron though for seven months.   I still had a hysterectomy.

      Glad your treatment is going well




  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Kaleena said:


    Hi Dev

    just wanted to respond to your post.   However I did not have the progesterone therapy.  I did take lupron though for seven months.   I still had a hysterectomy.

      Glad your treatment is going well




    Good morning

    I'm not familiar with this treatment.  Can you tell us more about it?  I'll google but I find the best education comes from those who have been there, done that.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Dev, I am sorry you have had

    Dev, I am sorry you have had to find us, but welcome.  I can't say I have seen anyone talk about this in the 2+ years I have been on the board but there may be a lady here who is familiar.

    Take care

  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member
    Dev - Welcome

    Welcome to the peach sisters club.  I'm sorry that you have to join but glad you found us.  I don't know anything about progestrone therapy you are talking about.  There is a facebook group called Uterine Support Forum and also My fight against Uterine Cancer that are good sources as well as this board.  I belong to both of those and there are some young women who have been diagnosed and they are still wanting to have children.  That might be a possible resource for you.

    Please stay with us and feel free to share your experiences as we will share our's with you.
