I'm the caregiver

I am trying to find a support group for cancer caregivers and came across this site.  Big Momma is what my husband calls me!  He was diagnosed with PC 4 (when he was 54) years ago.  He has had his prostate removed, did the hormone therapy, Provenge, Zytiga, radiation,had a metal rod put in his left leg, and was in a drug study until yesterday.  His cancer moved into his bones.  He came off the drug study due to an increase in his PSA.  It went from 30 when he started, to 40, then 80 and now 180.  We are now looking at chemo.  The doc wants him to get a port.  I am trying to be strong for him, but sometimes I just cry.  Sometimes I just want someone to ask how I am doing!  This is getting scary. 


  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    Big Momma,Welcome and very

    Big Momma,

    Welcome and very sorry you need to be here. There is a long running thread on the Healing Well forum that is used by care givers. You might want to give it at try:


    Best wishes.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Much unpredictable outcomes

    Big Mom

    You are doing very well. Being active and believing that things get better is important. I do understand your frustration for not seeing an improvement in terms of cure, after so much effort, but cancer matters are very intrigue and the results much unpredictable.
    Doctors try their best without knowing for sure that “things” will work. Most of the time therapies are suggested based on guessing. Physicians follow previous experiences of patients in similar situations.

    You need a break from that feeling of feeling to be responsible of his treatments and their results. You are a supporter and surely doing your best. I believe your “patient” is grateful for your doings.

    His status seems to be very advanced with a very aggressive type of cancer. Such cases seem to do better in combo therapies (two kinds of treatment that address different paths). This is a way to attack the cancer from several “fronts” at the same time. Surely it is also suggested without any assurance but it is known to provide better outcomes. He could investigate possibilities before starting another sequential mono therapy.

    More treatments mean more side effects and such may become prohibitive if the patient has not recuperated fully from previous therapies. His age and health condition is considered in the decision process. Here you have a link regarding the results of a recent trial where the combo of Lupron (HT agonist) plus Taxotere (Chemo drug) have shown significant improvements in difficult cases;

    I would suggest you to look for help from a specialist medical oncologist (of the grade of Dr. Myers) about the above and to check on the possibility of your patient to continue treatment.

    Unfortunately we cannot help you with suggestions based on past treatments and a simple increasing PSA. Details of his present condition and previous status and exams are required, but we are not doctors and would provide only lay opinions. You also can try visiting a support group (face to face meetings) cloe to the place where you live. Here ia a link to them; http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.5856543/k.6599/Finding_a_Support_Group.htm

    Wishing improvements for him and peace of mind for you.
