
taysho Member Posts: 19

I just found out on 10-20 I have breast cancer. I am 27 with no family history nor do I personally know anyone that has had breast cancer. I have an appointment tomorrow 10-23 with a surgeon and was hoping that you could provide me with some questions to ask and a little insight of what to expect. I also go on Monday 10-27 to meet with the Oncologist to come up with more of a plan. This is all still unreal! Thanks in advance for your help!!




  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    This might be a starting

    This might be a starting point.  The ACS has a segment that relates to this question:

    I have been in remission for two years, and so I am not too far removed from all the decisions that needed to be made.  I do know that treatments depend on size of tumor(s) and lymph nodes affected.  My decision I made regarding my surgery was based on the results of biopsies done.  I opted to tackle the disease vigorously because I really do not want to have to do that again.

    My doing chemo and rads was based on what the pathology reports showed from my surgery.  I currently do hormonal therapy.

    I opted not to mess with prep for reconstruction, as I did not want the extra surgery or extra weeks of recovery.  I wanted to just get on with life.

    All my decisions were a step-by-step process, as it is impossible to decide everything at one time.

    Understand that all we can do is offer support and encouragement.  Any one of us who might have the exact same diagnosis as someone else probably will not have the same experience.  Our bodies are different.  Our inner strengths are different.  Our current health statuses are different.  Our ages are different.  Our DRs are different.  So, if you find that things go differently for you than what you expected, know that that is normal.

    None of us would wish this disease on anyone; but we will tell you that it is do-able. 

    Wishing you well . . .


  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19

    This might be a starting

    This might be a starting point.  The ACS has a segment that relates to this question:

    I have been in remission for two years, and so I am not too far removed from all the decisions that needed to be made.  I do know that treatments depend on size of tumor(s) and lymph nodes affected.  My decision I made regarding my surgery was based on the results of biopsies done.  I opted to tackle the disease vigorously because I really do not want to have to do that again.

    My doing chemo and rads was based on what the pathology reports showed from my surgery.  I currently do hormonal therapy.

    I opted not to mess with prep for reconstruction, as I did not want the extra surgery or extra weeks of recovery.  I wanted to just get on with life.

    All my decisions were a step-by-step process, as it is impossible to decide everything at one time.

    Understand that all we can do is offer support and encouragement.  Any one of us who might have the exact same diagnosis as someone else probably will not have the same experience.  Our bodies are different.  Our inner strengths are different.  Our current health statuses are different.  Our ages are different.  Our DRs are different.  So, if you find that things go differently for you than what you expected, know that that is normal.

    None of us would wish this disease on anyone; but we will tell you that it is do-able. 

    Wishing you well . . .


    Thanks for the info, I

    Thanks for the info, I greatly appreciate it!

  • mtmom
    mtmom Member Posts: 59
    So sorry

    It is a hard thing to hear and there are alot of emotions you are going through right now. Do you have someone, family, friend that can come with you to these appointments? So much of what my hubby remembers I don't even remember hearing or discussing. Having someone with you to take notes and just to listen is such a tremendous help. You are going to get far more info than you can contain. And write your questions and thoughts on paper before you go. It is easy to get talking about something else and then get home and realize you had a ton of questions you didn't get to ask. And I agree, take each decision step by step. Understand what kind of cancer you have and become an advocate for yourself. I'm back in the rodeo doctor wanted to wait 2 weeks to see how I was responding to some new hormonal drugs I was on (this was my second txt on this drug). On Monday, I called to say I was ready to start chemo, I didn't want to wait, and on Tuesday we were doing chemo. This forum has been a great help for encouragement for me and everyone on here is very understanding. We are walking with you.



  • mtmom
    mtmom Member Posts: 59

    1. Ask for a copy of your pathology report if they have done a biopsy.

    2. What kind of breast cancer do you have?

    3. What kind of options do you have? Lumpectomy, first or possibly chemo first?

    These are just a few questions that popped in my head. I know there are many more ladies out there with better thoughts.


  • Desmonds1
    Desmonds1 Member Posts: 54 Member
    So sorry but you are strong

    So sorry but you are strong -

    Great advice Mtmom- bring someone to your appointments-

    ask for genetic testing- this will help determine your treatment plan-

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    a few more thoughts

    Welcome to the group that no one wants to join. I was just diagnosed in May, had a lumpectomy and chemo this summer and currently am having radiation. I remember well that overwhelming feeling of everything happening so fast and so many decisions to make. The ladies above have given you excellent advice, and yes, do remember that each of us is different and travels our own journey. Knowledge is power, and ultimately it's what you feel is right for you to do for you.

    My first suggestion is to not only bring someone with you to appointments but to also ask each doctor if it's OK for you to record the appt to listen to later. I found Lew just couldn't keep up taking notes with what the Dr was saying, we have to remember it's overwhelming for our family too. A smart phone or iPod is perfect. Have it open to your Voice Messages and as soon as Dr says OK hit record and just set it aside. All 3 of my docs were OK with it when I approached it that way, and I've recorded every session since. It was 4 months between the time I first spoke with the radiologist about having radiation and when we met again, and it really helped to be able to review that first appointment.

    There is lots of scary stuff out there on the internet about breast cancer and not everything is accurate. My oncologoist recommended as a reliable source of info and I have found it invaluable, along with this one. Be sure and check it out. They also have Discussion Forums according to topic. For now, look for the ones for those newly diagnosed and read what others have to say. Be sure and mark any you find that you like as Favorites so it's easy to find them again, also when you check in the next time, it will say if there's been any new posts to your Favorites. Keep checking the forums as you move along in your journey. I chose to have a lumpectomy with radiation (my surgeon told me percentage of reoccurrence was the same between mastectomy and lumpectomy/radiation - I'm 63, that could be different for someone that's 27) so I joined a Lumpectomy forum, then when I needed chemo I joined the July 2014 Chemo forum, then the Fall Rads forum, and now that I'll be starting hormone therapy in Nov I joined the Arimidex forum, which has been helpful in making my list of questions for Friday's meeting with my oncologist.

    Try not to look too far down the road at a time, the present is enough to handle. Make sure you have confidence in your medical team and your cancer center, if you don't, get a second opinion elsewhere.

    Your surgeon may want to do more tests, mine had me do an MRI to make sure there wasn't anything else going on in my breasts that mammagram and ultrasound didn't show, which would affect my decision. Ask if he/she will be doing a sentinel node biopsy as part of the surgery. This is where they inject some dye the day of surgery into your breast, it shows the doctor where the first lymph nodes are, they take a couple of those first ones out and test them while you're still in surgery to see if they're clean.

    Good luck today, and let us know what the surgeon has to say. We're all here to help you through this.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry to hear..but great you 

    sorry to hear..but great you  found this site. I didnt' come across this until years after the fact for me. YOU will get so much great advice here from others-from experience.



  • Lilly9
    Lilly9 Member Posts: 155

    sorry to hear..but great you 

    sorry to hear..but great you  found this site. I didnt' come across this until years after the fact for me. YOU will get so much great advice here from others-from experience.



    So sorry to hear of your

    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis


    You're so young but we all know cancer doesn't discriminate.  


    Totally agree with the others.  Have someone with you at your appointments to be your extra set of ears.   It's a lot to take in.  Don't be afraid to have pen & paper in hand and ask the Dr or nurse to repeat something if you didn't catch it or to explain if you don't understand.


    Make sure you are comfortable with your Dr.  If you're not - seek out another.  A 2nd opinion is never a bad thing.


    Remember you are in control of your treatment.  It may not feel that way now - but ultimately the decisions are yours to make.  Don't be rushed or pushed.


    Please keep us posted

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Lilly9 said:

    So sorry to hear of your

    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis


    You're so young but we all know cancer doesn't discriminate.  


    Totally agree with the others.  Have someone with you at your appointments to be your extra set of ears.   It's a lot to take in.  Don't be afraid to have pen & paper in hand and ask the Dr or nurse to repeat something if you didn't catch it or to explain if you don't understand.


    Make sure you are comfortable with your Dr.  If you're not - seek out another.  A 2nd opinion is never a bad thing.


    Remember you are in control of your treatment.  It may not feel that way now - but ultimately the decisions are yours to make.  Don't be rushed or pushed.


    Please keep us posted

    How did it go?

    Looks like you haven't been back since day you hope you will let us know how you are doing.....

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    oncolology meeting tomorrow

    according to your post, your meeting with the oncologist is tomorrow. Let us know what the surgeon and oncologist have come up with for a plan. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19
    Hey everyone, thanks so much

    Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the information and support! The appointment with the surgeon went well. We basically just discussed what my options are and I have an MRI and ultrasound Tuesday. I see the Oncologist tomorrow, and I'm excited to she how her plan is in agreeance with the surgeons. 

    You know the saying, "when it rains it pours...." Well that's totally me, I was on my way to a breast cancer 5k that some coworkers made a team for and I was rear ended, hard!! So between my trying to break the news to my students , and trying to set out lessons for the afternoon, I get to deal with the insurance company and try and get me a rental, so I can make alll my appts! I feel like I'm due for some good luck, so hopefully tomorrow I will get some good news! My family is in from out of town so I will have some support! 

    I also made a Facebook page ( Team Tayla ) this weekend if you would like to also stay up to date on there feel free! It was very humbling and exciting to be at the walk today and receive a survivor shirt, eventhoigh I'm just beginning my journey, I know I've got this!!!


  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    taysho said:

    Hey everyone, thanks so much

    Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the information and support! The appointment with the surgeon went well. We basically just discussed what my options are and I have an MRI and ultrasound Tuesday. I see the Oncologist tomorrow, and I'm excited to she how her plan is in agreeance with the surgeons. 

    You know the saying, "when it rains it pours...." Well that's totally me, I was on my way to a breast cancer 5k that some coworkers made a team for and I was rear ended, hard!! So between my trying to break the news to my students , and trying to set out lessons for the afternoon, I get to deal with the insurance company and try and get me a rental, so I can make alll my appts! I feel like I'm due for some good luck, so hopefully tomorrow I will get some good news! My family is in from out of town so I will have some support! 

    I also made a Facebook page ( Team Tayla ) this weekend if you would like to also stay up to date on there feel free! It was very humbling and exciting to be at the walk today and receive a survivor shirt, eventhoigh I'm just beginning my journey, I know I've got this!!!


    thanks for posting

    Thanks for posting an update - we worry about people who post and then disappear!

    I had an MRI too before my surgery, having that come back clear was helpful in making my surgical decisions.

    Keep up the positive attitude, and let us know what the oncologist says.

  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19
    getting closer

    Most of the things I heard today I already knew. Except now it seems we are leaning closer to stage 3, based on the size of the tumor, I am still just so thankful that I found this on my own, if I would have waited until I actually had symptoms my situation would be way worse!! Anyway.... We will hopefully have something going next week not sure if I'm having surgery first or chemo, it all depends on the MRI results. The oncologist said we may have to do chemo first to shrink the tumor so they can have clear margins or whateve. It's called. At times I feel like time is flying, then I stop and realize I've only known I have had cancer for a week... When did they add more hours to the week?! 

    I will let you all know what the plan is, once I know! I'm just ready to get started fighting so I can put this behind me!!

  • Lilly9
    Lilly9 Member Posts: 155
    taysho said:

    getting closer

    Most of the things I heard today I already knew. Except now it seems we are leaning closer to stage 3, based on the size of the tumor, I am still just so thankful that I found this on my own, if I would have waited until I actually had symptoms my situation would be way worse!! Anyway.... We will hopefully have something going next week not sure if I'm having surgery first or chemo, it all depends on the MRI results. The oncologist said we may have to do chemo first to shrink the tumor so they can have clear margins or whateve. It's called. At times I feel like time is flying, then I stop and realize I've only known I have had cancer for a week... When did they add more hours to the week?! 

    I will let you all know what the plan is, once I know! I'm just ready to get started fighting so I can put this behind me!!

    Your MRI will give them the

    Your MRI will give them the answers they need.


    I had chemo prior to my surgery - 8 rounds - to shrink the tumor.  The Dr told me it would go 1 of 3 ways.  It wouldn't affect it (highly unlikely); It would shrink the tumor or it would break the tumor up (sort of like you put a cookie in your hand and hit it in the middle.     #3 is how mine went.   The Dr was pleased and they were able to get clean margins.   I followed up with 33 rounds of radiation.

    You are already fighting - you're gaining knowledge and getting ready for treatment.  Take a few deep breaths.   Your last line reminded me so much of myself from the day I was diagnosed.  My Dr's said to me - this isn't a sprint it's a marathon.  I wasn't "hearing" that part.   This won't be over in a matter of weeks or even months.  Prepare yoursslf to be in this for the long haul.  Diagnosed 1/8/13 - final surgery on 7/1/14.

    Please keep us up to date!

  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    taysho said:

    getting closer

    Most of the things I heard today I already knew. Except now it seems we are leaning closer to stage 3, based on the size of the tumor, I am still just so thankful that I found this on my own, if I would have waited until I actually had symptoms my situation would be way worse!! Anyway.... We will hopefully have something going next week not sure if I'm having surgery first or chemo, it all depends on the MRI results. The oncologist said we may have to do chemo first to shrink the tumor so they can have clear margins or whateve. It's called. At times I feel like time is flying, then I stop and realize I've only known I have had cancer for a week... When did they add more hours to the week?! 

    I will let you all know what the plan is, once I know! I'm just ready to get started fighting so I can put this behind me!!

    thanks for posting

    thanks for the update, hope everything goes well with the MRI and that you don't have to wait too long for the results. It took them several days for mine. Waiting is soooo hard.

  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    taysho said:

    getting closer

    Most of the things I heard today I already knew. Except now it seems we are leaning closer to stage 3, based on the size of the tumor, I am still just so thankful that I found this on my own, if I would have waited until I actually had symptoms my situation would be way worse!! Anyway.... We will hopefully have something going next week not sure if I'm having surgery first or chemo, it all depends on the MRI results. The oncologist said we may have to do chemo first to shrink the tumor so they can have clear margins or whateve. It's called. At times I feel like time is flying, then I stop and realize I've only known I have had cancer for a week... When did they add more hours to the week?! 

    I will let you all know what the plan is, once I know! I'm just ready to get started fighting so I can put this behind me!!

    I did 5 rounds of chemo prior

    I did 5 rounds of chemo prior to surgery as I had a 5cm tumor and some other smaller ones. It worked well and was able to get good surgery. That was followed by 5 more rounds of an easier chemo and then target therapy and radiation which were both easy. My surgery was in Sept 2012 and I'm doing great. Just ran the Race for the Cure 5K at 29 minutes last month!! I've never felt this great in my life. My hair is past my shoulders now. I can't believe I've got this far and I wish I had known then, when my world was falling apart. You'll do great too, I can tell with your positive attitude!!! Keep on posting and I hope waiting for the MRI isn't too agonizing. Hugs, Anna

  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19
    Lilly9 said:

    Your MRI will give them the

    Your MRI will give them the answers they need.


    I had chemo prior to my surgery - 8 rounds - to shrink the tumor.  The Dr told me it would go 1 of 3 ways.  It wouldn't affect it (highly unlikely); It would shrink the tumor or it would break the tumor up (sort of like you put a cookie in your hand and hit it in the middle.     #3 is how mine went.   The Dr was pleased and they were able to get clean margins.   I followed up with 33 rounds of radiation.

    You are already fighting - you're gaining knowledge and getting ready for treatment.  Take a few deep breaths.   Your last line reminded me so much of myself from the day I was diagnosed.  My Dr's said to me - this isn't a sprint it's a marathon.  I wasn't "hearing" that part.   This won't be over in a matter of weeks or even months.  Prepare yoursslf to be in this for the long haul.  Diagnosed 1/8/13 - final surgery on 7/1/14.

    Please keep us up to date!

    Yes, I am getting closer to

    Yes, I am getting closer to accepting the fact this is going to be a long process. Im already stressed about the amount of time I'm going to have to take off. I love my job and it's going  to be so hard! I teach 7-12th grade special ed in a self contained classroom, and many of my students I have had for the last 6 years, this is going to be so tough on them, and me...thank god for Face time and Skype

  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19
    all the waiting....

    All of the waiting is enough to make me go crazy! At least I already know I have cancer, nothing they say will shock me! Oh well everything is starting to fall into place... Should have MRI results by Friday, oncologist again on Monday, plastic surgeon on Thursday, and then hopefully it will go time!!


    The last few days I've been a little creeped out at the fact that I have cancer, they are fairly certain it's aggressive and growing, but nothing is being done, it's a little crazy for me to be thinking that my body is being invaded and there isn't anything I can do to stop it! Apparently I'm moving along quickly in the process, but I feel like it's dragging on forever. 

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    taysho said:

    all the waiting....

    All of the waiting is enough to make me go crazy! At least I already know I have cancer, nothing they say will shock me! Oh well everything is starting to fall into place... Should have MRI results by Friday, oncologist again on Monday, plastic surgeon on Thursday, and then hopefully it will go time!!


    The last few days I've been a little creeped out at the fact that I have cancer, they are fairly certain it's aggressive and growing, but nothing is being done, it's a little crazy for me to be thinking that my body is being invaded and there isn't anything I can do to stop it! Apparently I'm moving along quickly in the process, but I feel like it's dragging on forever. 

    Waiting is Hard

    We all know about how hard the waiting is and we are hoping for good results for you tomorrow....which is Halloween in case you have a sense of humor(the dark kind) (got to keep laughing you know)...........although you are probably in shock seem to have a good handle on things and attitude makes a great deal of difference with this Beast.    We have a Pink Waiting Room full of Pink Cookies and Pink Wine......most of the time it is pretty full of other survivors too, but after you realize that that you can't live in Fear and that you can't control a lot of the begin to let go and relax about it a bit more.   Sending you Prayers and Hugs.........


  • taysho
    taysho Member Posts: 19
    its go time

    Well I finally have a date! My surgery is Wednesday Nov. 19th, I'm so ready to get things moving, but I guess I can't complain diagnosed 10-20 and surgery 11-19, from what I hear that's super fast although it felt. Like forever! I Am having a double mastectomy so I can do this once the right way and then move on with my life and not have to worry! Thanks for being so supportive on here, I appreciate it, I guess in the future I will be taking on your roles and supporting others as they tackle life and it's detours!!