New Update on Mom

 Today, we had good news they had switched her sedation from verset(sp?) which is similar to valium to propoflo (the michael jackson drug) and that has eased her discomfort greatly. They also took her off of the blood pressure supporters and she managed her pressure on her own. Her fever was once again into normal levels and they had reduced the force of the oxygen going through the vent. They will no longer be giving her breathing tests and will instead slowly walk back the force of the pressure on the vent until she is breathing on her own and then remove the tube. We are very happy with this news. They took a CT scan yesterday but the anti inflammatories would not have had a chance to work by then. The scan showed little change in her plueral effusions and they finally decided to drain the larger loculated area in the upper quadrant of her right lung, but did not think that would give her much relief as the fluid had been there for so long and in such large quanities that the lung was probably trapped in that area. This irritates me because from day one I was asking about the fluid and removing it and was told repeatedly that the fluid was not the problem, they weren't going to drain it and I shouldn't worry about it. Now they're saying the fluid is a problem and and has likely caused an even worse problem and could not give an explanation as to why it wasn't drained sooner as her INR levels had regulated back to a theraputic level a couple of days after admission. It just feels to me that the doctors are passing the buck on her, not wanting to be the name on the chart if she should take a turn for the worse. It just doesn't seem like they are taking an aggressive enough approach; I think they fear us suing them. If we didn't sue after the three ring circus in the ER when nobody could find the adaptors for her catheters while she was going into shock, we are not going to sue over them trying their best to help her.


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    Your mom is lucky to have you watching over her.  I'm so glad that her discomfort has eased.  I hope and pray that she continues to improve.


  • seatown
    seatown Member Posts: 261 Member
    Best wishes

    Glad to hear that things have improved slightly for your mom, but so sorry she & you are having this struggle with her caregivers. Stay strong, & take care of yourself too.

    Best wishes, Carole