New and help!

I received the results of my last transvaginal ultrasound-

Leiomyomatous uterus with an indistinct endometrial stripe, which my represent accompanying adenomyosis

The uterus is 9.0 x5.5x5.8 ill -defined, heterogenous myometrium. There is also a rounded hypoechoic intramural leiomyoma in the posteriour body measuring 4.3 cm maximally- strip is approx. 9mm..


I have a endometrial biposy scheduled- can anyone help me with what this means?

thank you so much.


didn't sleep last night :(


  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member
    I don't know what that means but

    Wanted to tell you that you joined the right group.  I agree, don't stress over what you don't know.  I'm sure one of the other ladies on this board will respond with a definition.  I just wanted to tell you that this group is great.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,533 Member
    kimmora, as they are still

    kimmora, as they are still running tests I don't think there is anything to tell you.  The endometrial biopsy is where they will take a sample of the lining to see what is going on.  Please try to relax. 

    They went to do an endometrial biopsy on me and since it would have hurt too much she didn't even charge me!  Imagine that!  I got signed up for a D&C and my friend was told they found polyps.  I had to wait to find out what they were, and while it ended up not being good, I had to keep doing everything. 

    BTW, "Ask" says:  A leiomyomatous uterus contains leiomyomas, or benign (non-cancerous) growths, on its muscular wall. Leiomyomas are also called myomas, fibroids and fibromyomas because they contain fibrous tissue. They are the most common type of pelvic tumor.

    Take a breath.  You are still being tested.  I hope it is nothing major.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    As the others have said, take

    As the others have said, take a breath.   Leiomyomas are pretty common and mostly benign.   As a precaution, they probably want to give you the biopsy.   Since I am not sure why you were sent for a transvaginal ultrasound, I must assume that you were having some issues.   But if this was your first ultrasound, then the physicians would normally do a biopsy if they see a leiomyoma just to rule out stuff and get a baseline for future reference.

    Hang in there!  Let us know how it goes.



  • kimmora
    kimmora Member Posts: 2

    kimmora, as they are still

    kimmora, as they are still running tests I don't think there is anything to tell you.  The endometrial biopsy is where they will take a sample of the lining to see what is going on.  Please try to relax. 

    They went to do an endometrial biopsy on me and since it would have hurt too much she didn't even charge me!  Imagine that!  I got signed up for a D&C and my friend was told they found polyps.  I had to wait to find out what they were, and while it ended up not being good, I had to keep doing everything. 

    BTW, "Ask" says:  A leiomyomatous uterus contains leiomyomas, or benign (non-cancerous) growths, on its muscular wall. Leiomyomas are also called myomas, fibroids and fibromyomas because they contain fibrous tissue. They are the most common type of pelvic tumor.

    Take a breath.  You are still being tested.  I hope it is nothing major.

    thank you

    Thank you for your response. I have been fighting malignant melanoma and pray that this will be something not as threatening. Thank you so much. Take care.