Finished treatment almost 3 weeks - follow ups

I had stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue metastasized to lymph, 40 rads, 1/2 way through, cancer 90% gone according to pet scan.  Unfortunately, the side effects hit worse than ever a week after treatment and my son brought home a cold last week and now stomach bug.  I've maintained weight, stay hydrated.  I'm supposed to have a follow up tomorrow but it's a 2 hr drive and I'm really too sick to make it, no friends or family here.  One nurse made me feel bad if I rescheduled , the other said better to wait even though follow up is important.  If I didn't feel like I was risking my life to get there I would, but what am I really missing?  My understanding is that pet scan in 5 weeks is only indicator if it's gone and nothing can really be done between now and then.  But of course I haven't gone through hell to risk my health more- help, I'm feeling so depressed and defeated because I pushed through it all alone with no help or pain meds while being a single mom


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    If you are sick you are sick, simply reschedule.  It is not like you are quitting, you are understandably  “under the weather”.  You can finish when you are better.

    I did not have my first post PET until 12 weeks and some say that is early.  Everyone on your team must know what they are doing.

    Anyway, welcome to our forum, you certainly qualify.


  • Pjreilly
    Pjreilly Member Posts: 9
    CivilMatt said:



    If you are sick you are sick, simply reschedule.  It is not like you are quitting, you are understandably  “under the weather”.  You can finish when you are better.

    I did not have my first post PET until 12 weeks and some say that is early.  Everyone on your team must know what they are doing.

    Anyway, welcome to our forum, you certainly qualify.


    Just follow up

    It was just my first follow up.  I am definitely sick and felt like I was hit with a truck, from reading here and dr, I know my side effects are normal and I'm doing the best I can.  There are no other treatments in my plan, and pet is another 5 weeks away.  I'm praying for a NED but the nurse scared me that I might be missing something by delaying just a follow up appt


  • granmudder
    granmudder Member Posts: 41 Member
    Hi pjcongratulations on

    Hi pj

    congratulations on finishing :) my husband finished August 20th and yes was really  sick up to about a week ago. I think rescheduling for certain is a smart idea especially with being sick but call them ... a 2 hour them to discuss.. do you have any fever ?  because then you should see someone right away.. is there a clinic nearby ?... my husband only will have his pet scan end of dec.. we were told they like to wait as otherwise can get a false positive. . see s radiologist 29th for followup.. saw chemo oncologist for followup 2 weeks ago..)...good luck.. stay strong...

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    pj, you did the right thing

    pj, you did the right thing and nothing bad is going to happen in that short time.  not only is it best for you but for all the pateints as you dont' want to make them sick also.  i'm so sorry you're doing this alone.  it is a hard road to travle but you will be better soon.  it does get better and after tx, your time mostly becomes yours again.  reschedule the appointment for when you think you will be feeling better and i dont' think you have to worry about additional problems simply for rescheduling for that short amount of time.  like someone else mentioned though, if you run a fever, call the doc.  that can indicate something he needs to know about.  praying for you to feel better very soon.

    God bless you,


  • adkwmn
    adkwmn Member Posts: 3
    don't let nurse bully you!

    You have been trough "h--l" and you are sick now.  That's all there is to it!  Others have said that nothing is going to happen in this interval.  I had my post-treatment PET at about 2-3 months out.  My date book for two years ago is home so i don't remember exactly.  But.... two years and just had another clean CT scan this week for second anniversary.  Hold on to thoughts like that and take a deep breath.  I'm so sorry you don't have some help or someone to drive you.  Whatever,... please don't worry.  Good luck!