I am a Uterine Cancer Survivor: Do not base YOUR outcome on any of these posts!

I first must say that THIS site is the best of any out there. I was scared as hell two years ago, this past October, when I first found out I had uterine cancer. There is a lot of scary info lurking on the World Wide Web. DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! I know that not everyone is as lucky as me to have caught it at stage 1. I had had issues for years though and out of fear never checked into it. Everything suffered... Personal relationships (Cause I was always bleeding so heavy and was afraid to leave the house.) My sex life (which is obvious why) My happiness in general was affected. I was terrified that if and WHEN I had chemo that my hair would fall out cause it was CANCER... Chemo had to be involved I assumed. I was so wrong on all of these assumptions.
My surgery went well, although I swore I would be opened up and cancer would be foaming from my body and they would have to just close me back up cause there was so much they couldn't help me. YES, I really did believe that. I had my death list all ready and went over all my death info with my husband and discussed the possibilities with my kids. I was so sure after all.
I didn't need chemo. Uterine cancer is apparently "The best cancer to get" because it is similar to a water balloon says my GP. I also did not shrivel up in the sex department. I, of course, had instant menopause like I was informed. I believe I have now turned into Mrs. Robinson. I LOVE sex more than ever and cannot get enough. Drive is definitely not hindered by this surgery. I am wondering if there are outlining problems with some women because I was very scared about this. I also have extensive pleasure from it. That was not hindered by this surgery either. I was envisioning that I would be some sort of female eunuch from some of the posts I read. Definitely NOT true. It is so much better than before. I didn't even want to come back to the cancer pages after my surgery because I would cringe at every facebook post I wouold see (In which friends were trying to be supportive) about cancer awareness. I frikken loathed cancer and wanted to pretend it didn't even exist the last couple years. I now want to inform others that bad outcomes are not always the case and to not believe eveything they read and try and stay off cancer info sites as much as possible. This is the only one you REALLY need!
Good luck and my thoughts are with you and you are NOT going through this alone.
I'm glad that your cancer was stage 1. That was a blessing. I agree that this is the best site to gain knowledge and information and a shoulder to cry on or congratulations and friendships to make. We all hate cancer. Informing people of the signs and symptoms to catch it early is the best way to help other women. I didn't have any symptoms except what I thought was bleeding/spotting because I was heading to menopause. I am sorry that you had some scary preconceived thoughts though. That would of made me terrified too.
When I was dx'd with Serous Papillary Carcinoma in June, 2013, I didn't automatically think it was a death sentence, I didn't believe that I was going to have cancer, I figured that I would have the surgery and be done with it and go on with life. When I checked out the websites, it was a little unnerving because this cancer normally is diagnosed in women in their 70's and 80's. But it was also somewhat informative. It's the statistics that are outdated and in my opinion, should be taken off. After surgery, we found out that it had already spread. That was a little more unnerving and even scarey because I have a 50/50 chance of it recurring within 5 years. I tell everyone that I will be in the 50% that will make it past them.
So glad to hear that you are now wanting to inform people. One more survivor to get the word out.
Thanks for sharing your story. I love to read the stories of these women.
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In response:
I neglected to say I had all these preconceived notions because everyone on my Dads side has died of cancer quite young. They were all in their 50's and 60's. I am talking his entire family...Mom, Dad, grandparents, two brothers, a sister, aunts and uncles. It is also a broad spectrum of different cancers. My Dad died from prostate cancer at 60. My aunt, his sister died of 'some women's cancer' as they said to us when we were young. I still don't know which 'women's cancer' it was. She was 51.
We know so much more now and there is now great information available on nutrition and alternative options than they ever had. On other web sites there is a lot of terrifying information. That is the information that I want to tell people to stay clear of. In other words, if they read something like "You will never enjoy sex again" (As you can tell this was a BIG deal to me) and endless other statements THAT MAY BE TRUE FOR SOME WOMEN... It is not the case for all women.
Many women come out of this good. Many women have a fight AND THEN they are good. Many have long battles and then get well. We are all different. Of course I know some do not fair well, but one CANNOT assume this of themselves, EVER. It is wasted energy that you could be using for getting well. Stress releases those bad chemicals in the body. You don't want that.
One thing that got me through this all was after I realized something from enduring all my Dr. visits. At first I was confused and then sad and then mad as hell that I had this. Then I thought of all those kids that had some form of cancer, too, and were such strong troopers and fought the good fight with such AWESOME attitude. If they weren't mad, who was I to be angry, or sad any more. Life is a gift. When it's your time, it's your time. No need in stressing over it. I don't stress anymore. I love my life and the people in it. I am thankful for any days I am given. When the bad stuff happens I think, "Well, it could be worse." It can always be worse. Attitude is everything in this life.
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Definitely makes a differencejailergirl said:In response:
I neglected to say I had all these preconceived notions because everyone on my Dads side has died of cancer quite young. They were all in their 50's and 60's. I am talking his entire family...Mom, Dad, grandparents, two brothers, a sister, aunts and uncles. It is also a broad spectrum of different cancers. My Dad died from prostate cancer at 60. My aunt, his sister died of 'some women's cancer' as they said to us when we were young. I still don't know which 'women's cancer' it was. She was 51.
We know so much more now and there is now great information available on nutrition and alternative options than they ever had. On other web sites there is a lot of terrifying information. That is the information that I want to tell people to stay clear of. In other words, if they read something like "You will never enjoy sex again" (As you can tell this was a BIG deal to me) and endless other statements THAT MAY BE TRUE FOR SOME WOMEN... It is not the case for all women.
Many women come out of this good. Many women have a fight AND THEN they are good. Many have long battles and then get well. We are all different. Of course I know some do not fair well, but one CANNOT assume this of themselves, EVER. It is wasted energy that you could be using for getting well. Stress releases those bad chemicals in the body. You don't want that.
One thing that got me through this all was after I realized something from enduring all my Dr. visits. At first I was confused and then sad and then mad as hell that I had this. Then I thought of all those kids that had some form of cancer, too, and were such strong troopers and fought the good fight with such AWESOME attitude. If they weren't mad, who was I to be angry, or sad any more. Life is a gift. When it's your time, it's your time. No need in stressing over it. I don't stress anymore. I love my life and the people in it. I am thankful for any days I am given. When the bad stuff happens I think, "Well, it could be worse." It can always be worse. Attitude is everything in this life.
what happened in the past in your family definitely would of altered my thinking. My dad had prostate and is doing great after radiation. That was the first cancer in my family. The second was a cousin (not blood) who came down with breast cancer and then another cousin with esophegeal and passed away about a year after diagnosed. that was about 3 years ago. No other family history.
I agree about the new ways to treat and alternative ways to treat. I don't think about what caused the cancer because it could be many things. I, like you have quit worrying although it still creeps in once in a while. I have a great support group, I have my faith in my Lord and I am changing some of my eating habits and lowering my stress level and laughing out loud more etc. I've started reading a book by David Servan-Schreiber called, "Anti cancer A New Way of Life" He talks about attitude, support group, food, environment etc. and how important those factors are involved especially attitude and support group. I'm only on like chapter 4. Our immune system is so wonderful that most of the time, it can combat the cancer cells. It's when the immune system is compromised in some way, that cancer can get out of control.
Cancer has changed me in a number of ways for the better. I look at people differently now. I wonder what their story is. Doesn't matter how they are dressed or what they drive or what kind of purse, they all have a story. I feel a comradarey with cancer survivors now. A "club" that no one wants to be in but sometimes we are thrown into it. I love these women (and men) on this board for being so informative and so caring and encouraging. Glad I found it.
Thanks for sharing Jailergirl.
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Technology too...
Hi Jailergirl,
Thank you for making that very important point about reading the internet & assumptions about cancer. I just wanted to add that new technology, treatments & expertise come along every day that do not necessarily show up in internet searches. I remember looking at some cases like mine (small cell undifferentiated carcinoma) on the internet with incredibly sorry outcomes...but there were not very many cases out there for this rare cancer, and those described were outdated. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't read that stuff until I knew I was on the mend.
My very best to you,
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Yep, Cancer
Had a D&C in the summer, and while on a super family vacation in Estes Park I got a call about that pathology report. This is not my first D&C. Long story short- I ended up seeing a Gyne Onc for a 2nd opinion thanks to my daughter-in-law's suggestion. Had a total hysterectomy last week. My Dr. called me on Tuesday with part of the pathology report. I am now waiting for the tumor marker. They are meeting as a team tomorrow-I will then be seeing her next Thursday to have the real discussion, and the course that we will take. Another new journey. I have lost so many love ones to cancer, but I have also seen soooo many survivors. For me the waiting is a pain. Patience has never been a virtue of mine, but guess it just might one day.
It will be nice to meet you all!!!
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Hi, JoannejjCubbies said:Yep, Cancer
Had a D&C in the summer, and while on a super family vacation in Estes Park I got a call about that pathology report. This is not my first D&C. Long story short- I ended up seeing a Gyne Onc for a 2nd opinion thanks to my daughter-in-law's suggestion. Had a total hysterectomy last week. My Dr. called me on Tuesday with part of the pathology report. I am now waiting for the tumor marker. They are meeting as a team tomorrow-I will then be seeing her next Thursday to have the real discussion, and the course that we will take. Another new journey. I have lost so many love ones to cancer, but I have also seen soooo many survivors. For me the waiting is a pain. Patience has never been a virtue of mine, but guess it just might one day.
It will be nice to meet you all!!!
Yep, waiting is the pits. You'll find it much better when you have a plan and can get on with the job. We'll help.
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Welcome, JoanneConnieSW said:Hi, Joanne
Yep, waiting is the pits. You'll find it much better when you have a plan and can get on with the job. We'll help.
I am sorry you needed to join us here, but welcome nevertheless. Hopefully, you will find out Thursday that your situation is treatable/curable. Most uterine cancer is caught early and if it is the standard type of uterine cancer, endometriod adenocarcinoma, it is usually caught in an early stage. I recommend that you take someone supportive with you next Thursday, and obtain both your operative and pathology reports for your records. When in doubt, obtain a second opinion from another gyne oncologist. It is not easy to wait in your situation, but you can do this. Take a deep breath and try not to dwell on it.
Warm Regards,
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JoannejjCubbies said:Yep, Cancer
Had a D&C in the summer, and while on a super family vacation in Estes Park I got a call about that pathology report. This is not my first D&C. Long story short- I ended up seeing a Gyne Onc for a 2nd opinion thanks to my daughter-in-law's suggestion. Had a total hysterectomy last week. My Dr. called me on Tuesday with part of the pathology report. I am now waiting for the tumor marker. They are meeting as a team tomorrow-I will then be seeing her next Thursday to have the real discussion, and the course that we will take. Another new journey. I have lost so many love ones to cancer, but I have also seen soooo many survivors. For me the waiting is a pain. Patience has never been a virtue of mine, but guess it just might one day.
It will be nice to meet you all!!!
Welcome to this site, but sorry you have to be here. Hope you are recovering from your hysterectomy without too much pain. Glad to hear you went to a gyn/onocologist. Hope you get good news on Thursday that you have a low stage and low grade cancer. When you find out the plan it will be easier to move forward. Come back with any questions, fears or anxieties you may have. This is a great place to vent and to get up to date information. In peace and caring.
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JoanneRo10 said:Joanne
Welcome to this site, but sorry you have to be here. Hope you are recovering from your hysterectomy without too much pain. Glad to hear you went to a gyn/onocologist. Hope you get good news on Thursday that you have a low stage and low grade cancer. When you find out the plan it will be easier to move forward. Come back with any questions, fears or anxieties you may have. This is a great place to vent and to get up to date information. In peace and caring.
The waiting is unbelievably hard, at first you think that it must be a mistake that you have to endure it.
Then come to find out it's the norm. I also hope this is just one time you have to wait and find out it's over with and no further treatment Needed.Take it easy and try to enjoy a few movies and books while
you heal from surgery.
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Waiting for resultsjjCubbies said:Yep, Cancer
Had a D&C in the summer, and while on a super family vacation in Estes Park I got a call about that pathology report. This is not my first D&C. Long story short- I ended up seeing a Gyne Onc for a 2nd opinion thanks to my daughter-in-law's suggestion. Had a total hysterectomy last week. My Dr. called me on Tuesday with part of the pathology report. I am now waiting for the tumor marker. They are meeting as a team tomorrow-I will then be seeing her next Thursday to have the real discussion, and the course that we will take. Another new journey. I have lost so many love ones to cancer, but I have also seen soooo many survivors. For me the waiting is a pain. Patience has never been a virtue of mine, but guess it just might one day.
It will be nice to meet you all!!!
That was probably THE WORST part. I couldn't believe it took them a week to get back to me. That was the worst. At least after you know you kind of get a direction to go in. I hope you get good news, Joanne!
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