The results are in ....

Jeff148 Member Posts: 184

The two little spots that showed up in the "halfway scan" were still there. Most likely I have two forms of lymphoma. Somehow my dr. set me up with my surgeon right after my appt. with him so I'm currently waiting in the waiting room to see him. I've already met with his "fellow."  So the plan is to biopsy the two nodes or spots to see what they are before coming up with a treatment plan. The two nodes that were removed in April had two different things going on. The big one was nlphl while the small one had folicular lymphoma insitu. My onc surmised that the two spots could be folicular lymphoma.  The good news is I feel great physically, am only a little upset emotionally, the two spots are small 1.9 cm or less, they haven't spread or grown and everything else was clear. As I was writing this, I just met with my surgeon. He is going to get me in in the next few weeks. So at least it is going quickly. Thanks for the positive thought and prayers AND please keep praying. Jeff


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Darn it!

    Sorry Jeff.  I remember how we felt when the doctor told us Bill had relapsed, we just knew the doc would say he was in remission, it was a shocker and we just didn't know how to feel.  I know you just want to be rid of it.  On the positive side, at least they caught this new one early and no doubt your new treatment should not be near as difficutlt or as drawn out.  We sure hope that's the case for you.  You are a warrior too Jeff, and we pray that you get the best care out there.  Sounds like you have some pretty good doctors.

    Thinking of you always, B&B

  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161
    Absolutely Jeff. Praying and

    Absolutely Jeff. Praying and wishing and hoping. I'll be doing "P.W.H" for your journey to remission.  You are strong and remember nothing can defeat the man with a vision of health and joy and happiness in your near future. Oh wait I think I hear Christmas bells ?

    Be well my friends. 

    GG :)

  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161

    Absolutely Jeff. Praying and

    Absolutely Jeff. Praying and wishing and hoping. I'll be doing "P.W.H" for your journey to remission.  You are strong and remember nothing can defeat the man with a vision of health and joy and happiness in your near future. Oh wait I think I hear Christmas bells ?

    Be well my friends. 

    GG :)

    I like and agree with all

    I like and agree with all that Becky said.And is so on the nose with wanting to be rid of it. Also the fact is you do sound like you have some really good Dr's.  I think alot of time we get blessed or just lucky and end up with some awesome specialists. Even sometimes we don't see it till we step back for a while. 

    GG :)

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member

    Jeff, I'm very sorry that there might be a little lymphoma still poking around. I am also a bit surprised; I did not expect anything but clear sailing. If it is a different strain that would perhaps explain why the chemo you have already taken did not wipe it out, since these are very disease-specific in the cells they target.

    I can related a little bit. Whereas my blood tests and physical exam for lymphoma were totally negative about a week ago, I still have to get CT results from a scan I did a few weeks ago regarding a small spot discovered in the base of my right lung four months ago by a lung specialist.  And I have to see a urologist on the 9th, since my PSA keeps climbing.  "No rest for the weary."

    Praying for you. Keep that thumb up !


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Jeff

    I'm sorry this isn't over yet but I know you will get through this.  Your attitude and strength are phenomenal! 

    Hang in there, buddy and you know we're here.


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    What a bummer Jeff :(
    I know

    What a bummer Jeff :(
    I know how frustrated you must feel right now that you will have to go through more treatment but you're a strong person and I know you will beat this stupid cancer!! Will keep you in my prayers...take care

  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    Keep on Fighting

    I am sure you will beat it this time. I am also preparing my battle for next fight.  Back in June the CT show a node in the neck grew 2mm in size in last 6 months checkup. I'll find out in 3 weeks what's my course will be. Keep us updated. Praying for you.

  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50
    Sorry to hear the news. :(

    Hi Jeff,

    It's been a while since I read any of the new posts and was very upset to find out about your results. The good news is that you already did this once and you will do it again, except this time you know what to expect and how to face the ups and downs. This time you will get rid off it for good! :) Keep a positive attitude and be strong even though sometimes this can't be the only solution.... What we all have in common is a big desire to live and a second chance in life. I find that I enjoy every day (esspecvially the days I feel better and can get out) so much more and see things different than before. I wish though we didn't have to get cancer to realise that. 

    Good luck!  

    P.S. Just a little update so I don't have to post separately. I had my chemo # 5 today and there are 7 more to go! I still have most of my hair and everyone (nurses and my oncologist) are very surprised. I doubt it will last much longer but I'm happy about it. I had my monthly appointment with my doctor yesterday and after checking my lymph nodes he told me that he can't find any left! I got very excited but after reading your post I calmed down. As you can see I'm writing this at 2 in the morning. As usual I have insomnia because of the steroids taken. At least it only lasts a couple of days.

  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Bill_NC said:

    Keep on Fighting

    I am sure you will beat it this time. I am also preparing my battle for next fight.  Back in June the CT show a node in the neck grew 2mm in size in last 6 months checkup. I'll find out in 3 weeks what's my course will be. Keep us updated. Praying for you.


    Prayers coming your way too!! 

  • amanda_christy
    amanda_christy Member Posts: 60
    Praying for u

    Hi Jeff,

    Sorry to hear your not so good news. Sending all my love and prayers to you. Hang in there. Please stay in touch and let everyone know how you are, if you're up to it.
