Pet Scan Results

jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member

Hi all - we've had lots of sad news here lately and I wanted to share my husband's good scan results.  He had a pet/ct last Friday and we met with the onc yesterday and she said it was a perfect scan - nothing of concern.  First scan since he was diagnosed 2 years ago that had nothing of concern.  I know I have to update my profile, but he had bone mets lasts Nov,, had an almost  2 month hospital stay, surgery to replace both femurs and did folfox with Avastin from Dec - April I think.  He just went back to work June 30th after a 9 month leave.  He started low dose daily Xeloda in June along with Avastin every 3 weeks and has been doing well.  Last CEA check was .6.   He is starting to get some skin peeling on his hands and feet are sore, plus platelets are dropping so she wants him to take a few days off from Xeloda.  The dose has already been dropped twice - he's now at 1000 mg morning and night.

With the good news about his scan, we've had bad news with my mom.  She's been in the hospital all summer and has been stuggling, but she is our Poster Child for doctor's dont always know what they are talking about!  She was given 2 months to live, almost 30 years ago.  She's been on dialysis for 28 years and has had a decent quality of live.  She has lived to see her daughters get married and has been here for the birth of all of her grandchildren.  Amazing when you consider that she didn't think she's see my sister and I graduate HS.  She is the most amazing person I know, always kind, so forgiving, always puts others first - and an incredible will to live!  My husband says she is his role model on how to live with disease and  how to keep fighting.  While things don't look good now, I have seen her battle back and overcome many times before so I have not given up hope.  I just want her to not be in pain.  


I've not had much time to reply to posts lately, but I do read them daily and pray for you all and celebrate good news with you and mourn bad news too.  This is not an easy life for any involved.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    That is awesome news about

    That is awesome news about your husband. It is really incredible to get scan results like that considering where he was a year ago. I am sorry about your mon but you said she has fought back before and she has had a long life. The important thing is for you and your family to clelbrate the good scan results.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
     This is for your husband.

    image This is for your husband. What superb news.

    Your mother sounds like a truly wonderful person, and I am glad to hear that, even with her medical issues, she has lived a full life. I will pray for her confort, and that she will be able to return home.

    And yes, it is wonderful to read the good news. It lifts us.

    Sue - Trubrit

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    The good news is really good!

    I'm just going to leave this here...


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    clear scans should always be celebrated!

    Especially after what your husband has been through.  May he continue to do well.  It's sad to hear about your Mom, but wow what a woman!  No wonder your husband is modelling her.  I hope she improves and is no longer in pain.  Traci

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member

    The good news is really good!

    I'm just going to leave this here...


    Happy dance

    My wishes for many more clear scans!

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    traci43 said:

    clear scans should always be celebrated!

    Especially after what your husband has been through.  May he continue to do well.  It's sad to hear about your Mom, but wow what a woman!  No wonder your husband is modelling her.  I hope she improves and is no longer in pain.  Traci

    Love to hear good news!

    Love to hear good news!  Thanks for sharing.  Your Mom is super woman!  :)

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    First scan...

    ... with nothing of concern!! Music to our ears! 
