Radiation Tx change

 I have had a hysterectomy and the 6 chemo treatments. 9 of the planned 25 internal radiation treatments are done. Until today I expected to have 3 internal ones. I was staged w Endometrial Adenocarcinoma stage 3C grade 2. However, today my external radiation Dr told me that he and the internal specialist have talked. They decided, & my gyn/onc agreed, that just doing 3 more external treatments (aimed in a different way) can accomplish the same treatment goals. He said if cancer had been found at cervix it wouldn't be an option, but it wasn't.  Has anyone else had a change in treatment plan like this? or started out w this plan from the beginning? Guess I just need reassurance that I'm not missing an important part of treatment now. Thanks, Barb


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Barb, it is so interesting to

    Barb, it is so interesting to hear this.  I know I asked my radiologist why did I need any of it if they were "shooting" it and I don't own the equipment.  Yeah, he went on to explain it all, but you are right to ask. 

    Ask them how often they make a change like this?  It may be a better plan for you in the end.  You might want to explain you why you are concerned and your desire to be free of this disease and want the best possible treatment to achieve that. 

    Please let us know what they say.  It may teach all of us something.

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member

    Barb, it is so interesting to

    Barb, it is so interesting to hear this.  I know I asked my radiologist why did I need any of it if they were "shooting" it and I don't own the equipment.  Yeah, he went on to explain it all, but you are right to ask. 

    Ask them how often they make a change like this?  It may be a better plan for you in the end.  You might want to explain you why you are concerned and your desire to be free of this disease and want the best possible treatment to achieve that. 

    Please let us know what they say.  It may teach all of us something.


    Hi, I'm newly DX with endometrial adenocarcinoma that invaded the cervix and have my radical hyst scheduled for sept 8th after a long planned vacation, so I've yet to receive any treatment or even know what my treatment will be, but I wanted to say what thought I had about your change of treatment plan.  To me it sounds like they are trying to treat you with more focused radiation that will save you from having to go through unnecessary extra radiation.  I'm thinking about my future treatments and hoping I don't have to have radiation & chemo, so I lean more towards if you can get the least amount of radiation but still have it be effective then that sounds therapeutic to me. But I'm learning along with you.  Good luck to you! I'm sure you will hear more from the gals who have been through it all. You'll be in my prayers and positive thoughts!


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member


    At first, I wasn't supposed to get any radiation.  After my chemo, it was suggested that I get pelvic and brachytherapy.  However, my radiologist was against pelvic radiation for me due to how much I scar.   So I only had the brachytherapy.   So its not unusual that they change how treatment is given.  But ask as many questions as you can.

    My best to you,


  • Hybridspirits
    Hybridspirits Member Posts: 209
    Kaleena said:



    At first, I wasn't supposed to get any radiation.  After my chemo, it was suggested that I get pelvic and brachytherapy.  However, my radiologist was against pelvic radiation for me due to how much I scar.   So I only had the brachytherapy.   So its not unusual that they change how treatment is given.  But ask as many questions as you can.

    My best to you,


    change in radiation

    I also had a change in plans after I had a consult with Dana Farber.  They only want to do external radiation if they really think it is needed.  The long term potential impacts are not always fun and it is my understanding you can only really use that course of treatment once.

    I am all for asking questions and if you are unsure of the answer get a second or even third opionion


  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Barb did you mean you have had 9 of the planned external

     radiation treatments instead of internal treatments?  I was originally planned to have 25 external treatments, but ended up with 28 external treatments.  They did scans throughout the radiation, so I suspect that is why the number was increased.  I then had a 28 hour internal radiation treatment.  Not many have had that long of an internal treatment.  Most have had multiple short internal treatments.  I don't think it is unusual to change the plan after you have started treatment.   Good luck with the rest of your treatments.   In peace and caring.

  • Ro10 said:

    Barb did you mean you have had 9 of the planned external

     radiation treatments instead of internal treatments?  I was originally planned to have 25 external treatments, but ended up with 28 external treatments.  They did scans throughout the radiation, so I suspect that is why the number was increased.  I then had a 28 hour internal radiation treatment.  Not many have had that long of an internal treatment.  Most have had multiple short internal treatments.  I don't think it is unusual to change the plan after you have started treatment.   Good luck with the rest of your treatments.   In peace and caring.

    I had 9, now 10, of planned

    I had 9, now 10, of planned 25 external treatments. The 25 are still as originally planned. BUT now instead of getting internal when the external are done, I will get 3 more external. 28 total external and no internal. The external radiation Dr said the first 25 are hitting a broad area. He held his hands apart about  plate size. Then the last 3 will be more concentrated and his hands narrowed in more like a saucer. He said the same goals will be accomplished with less discomfort. Guess I'm going with it - if the internal specialist thought her treatment would be the most beneficial, don't think my treatment would have changed. Will probably never know what route would be the best.

    Thanks for your replies everyone, Such a caring understanding group.
