My book on OC awareness

Julie's Sister
Julie's Sister Member Posts: 18 Member


I was the caregiver for my sister, who died from OC March 20, 2014.  I am broken hearted, but I am determined to write a book about her journey.

First of all, I am not a writer.  I am a retired school teacher.  I am going to attempt to write a book about my sister's journey with OC.  Two reasons:  1.  I want to honor my sister.  2.  I want to create awareness about this tricky, sneaky disease. 

I have started the book about what my sister experienced, but after being on this support board and the OCNA support board, I have gotten the bright idea to include other stories.  This diesease is so different for each women.  In my hope of creating awareness, I'd like to share different stories of symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, etc as they all seem to vary.

If you are at all interested in sharing your story with me, I'd love to put it in my book. (if it ever gets done).  I pray for all of you ladies daily.  The OC journey is frustrating and no fun.




  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    So wonderful

    to honor your sister by doing this. She would have loved it. My journey is on and off..five year survivor stage three. Many ups and downs...I always have hope....stay strong...Val 

  • seatown
    seatown Member Posts: 261 Member
    Good for you!

    Congrats on what you are doing for your sister! If I am remembering right--your sister was last here as Julie Belle, right? I was SO glad to have a chance to get to know her a little. She provided much helpful personal advice when I lost my hair for the 1st time, plus so much more. Miss her.

    FYI, I've written about my experiences on my"cancer blog" at You'll no doubt see more than you care to about symptoms, treatments, etc. However, my cancer is primary peritoneal cancer, which is different from ovarian cancer but is treated the same.

    I am also writing a book-- a memoir of a fortunate life traveling the world & meeting notable people from all walks of life. My "cancer blog" will be an appendix to the book. My book is for family & friends only, not for publication. We both better get busy!