Peritoneal Spread of Endometrial Adenocarcinoma : Advice Needed

I am posting on behalf of my sister.

Brief History 

My sister had Fibroids, during laproscopic surgery the frozen sample indicated malignancy and the surgeon removed and cleaned the entire Uterine Vault. (Complete Histerectomy) but did not examine the lymph nodes. The biopsy indicated Stage T3B Nx Mx. We underwent subsequent staging surgery, and the stage was defined as T3B N0 M0., ie all the nodes and omenta and peritoneum were clear (55 samples) The CT at this stage was also clear.

Treatment decided was 

3 Rounds of Chemo (Taxol & Carboplatin), Radiation (5Weeks), Brachy(2 weeks) and again 3 Rounds of Chemo

After the first 2 rounds of Chemo, my sister had excruciating stomach pain and was hospitalized. This is 75 days after the last CT.

The CT found multiple Deposits on the Peritonium and Omenta. (17+ sites and some are fairly large)

The doctors are now saying the cancer is behaving like a ovarian cancer and are planning to do 2 rounds of chemo using drugs for ovarian cancer in an attempt to shrink the cancer and then consider surgery. The prognosis is not looking good and hence, 

I am curious whether there are other treatments that one should consider : 

I have seen HIPEC, but don't know the best global centre for it or if she is a valid candidate.

Any advice would be appreciated.




  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dear Nikhil:So sorry to hear

    Dear Nikhil:

    So sorry to hear about your sister and everything she and your family is going through.   Although I don't know if I can give you much information, I wanted to respond to your post.   I do want to say that the frontline treatment for ovarian cancer is the Taxol & Carboplatin before they try other treatments.

    Did they do a tissue assay to find out what drugs would be better for her?   Also, if she does go in for surgery again, see if they are going to remove her appendix also.

    Sending hugs and prayers your way.    Sorry I could not be of much help.


    P.S.  Have you checked out the Ovarian Board on this site?   They may be able to assist you too.

  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Dear Nikhil:So sorry to hear

    Dear Nikhil:

    So sorry to hear about your sister and everything she and your family is going through.   Although I don't know if I can give you much information, I wanted to respond to your post.   I do want to say that the frontline treatment for ovarian cancer is the Taxol & Carboplatin before they try other treatments.

    Did they do a tissue assay to find out what drugs would be better for her?   Also, if she does go in for surgery again, see if they are going to remove her appendix also.

    Sending hugs and prayers your way.    Sorry I could not be of much help.


    P.S.  Have you checked out the Ovarian Board on this site?   They may be able to assist you too.


    I, too, am so sorry to hear this.  Kinda sounds like a rare form of Uterine cancer, which acts like Ovarian cancer.  I had Carboplatin and Taxol and had 6 rounds 1 every 3 weeks apart.  Some of this board have had radiation, brachytherapy.  I didn't need it according to my doctor.   If you are uncomfortable with the doctors diagnosis, get a second opinion.  If the surgeon is not an ob/gyn oncologist, you need to find one ASAP.  There are others on this board that might have more insight.  I'm fairly new at this.

    I will pray for your sister and yourself.


  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member


    I, too, am so sorry to hear this.  Kinda sounds like a rare form of Uterine cancer, which acts like Ovarian cancer.  I had Carboplatin and Taxol and had 6 rounds 1 every 3 weeks apart.  Some of this board have had radiation, brachytherapy.  I didn't need it according to my doctor.   If you are uncomfortable with the doctors diagnosis, get a second opinion.  If the surgeon is not an ob/gyn oncologist, you need to find one ASAP.  There are others on this board that might have more insight.  I'm fairly new at this.

    I will pray for your sister and yourself.



    Hi Nikhil, so 75 days after hysterectomy she had the stomach pains and hospitalization? What type of cancer did the DR initially say it was? UPHC? Clear cell? Adenocarcinoma? Or do you know.  I too am sorry to hear about all that is going on. Did a Gyn/onc do the initial hysterectomy? Does your sister have other health issues? What about clinical trial which her Gyn onc would be able to advise I'm assuming.  

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Nikhil, you came to the right place...

    Nikhil, you came to the right place, as there are women here who are very knowledgeable, as I am sure you can tell from the responses you have received so far.  Taxol and Carboplatin are used for ovarian cancer and uterine cancer and probably some other female below- the- belt cancers as well.  It doesn't sound like the Taxol and Carboplatin are helping her, but there are other chemo drugs that can be used to shrink the tumors.  I've read that shrinking the tumors and then doing surgery for further "debulking" or removal of visible cancer tumors is a standard practice with various cancers.  Hopefully, your sister will respond well to this approach.  I know that uterine papillary serous carcinoma acts like epithelial ovarian cancer.  I was diagnosed with this UPSC and went through 6 cycles of Taxol and Carboplatin. 

    I wish you and your sister and family the very best outcome.  Please keep us informed.


    Take Care,
