Very scary moment!


My 17 year old son has a swollen lymph node on the back of his neck.  I immediately got him to the doctor to have it looked at....I don't mess around with bumps, lumps and other things anymore!!  He felt positive that it was "just a swollen lymph node" but wanted to try to determine WHY it was swollen.  The doctor said "let's do a rapid blood screening to check for infection, leukemia, and other cancers".  My heart almost stopped.  Rapid means about a half hour.  The LONGEST 30 mins of my life!  All of his bloodwork came back normal but they want to recheck him in 4 weeks.  They will see if it's grown or changed and then see if he needs a scan or anything.  I am so thankful that his bloodwork showed nothing serious and I pray the darn thing just goes back down.  It's bad enough when YOU get tested for this mess, but when they want to check your's terrifying.  I really hate cancer and what it does to you.  It gives me this crazy fear all of the time.  


  • ahollie
    ahollie Member Posts: 84
    be careful

    my husbands blood work all came back normal...three different times..and he ended up having stage 4 be careful...not trying to scare you but just trying to inform 18 year old guy he works with had this exact same happens..stay on top of it and i will be praying for your family...

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    ahollie said:

    be careful

    my husbands blood work all came back normal...three different times..and he ended up having stage 4 be careful...not trying to scare you but just trying to inform 18 year old guy he works with had this exact same happens..stay on top of it and i will be praying for your family...


    I can understand how terrifying that must have been for you. Am sure there are many many possibilities for why it is enlarged. Sending prayers for your family and waiting to hear good news.


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570

    Hey Tracy,

    I'm sorry to hear that you, your son, and your family have to go through this.  It is always scary when a lymph node goes off the rails and a cold or flu virus is not the apparent culprit.  Hopefully, there will be a non-beast explanation for your son's big node.  Who knew that hoping to have a virus would ever be thoughts that we would have.  It's kinda like a couple of years ago when we discovered that some ridiculous symptoms that were knocking me off my feet turned out to be a bleeding ulcer, and not the beast back for another round; Diane and I high fived and hugged the GI doc when he gave us the diagnosis.  I hope that you and your son will be high fiving, and hugging your doc too. 


  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    Tracy I pray its not what u

    Tracy I pray its not what u fear. God bless ur boy.


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member

    Prayers and positive MOJO on the way.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    oh, Tracy, i can't even

    oh, Tracy, i can't even imagine your fear.  i'm so sorry this is happening.  you know what they say, "it isn't cancer until a biopsy says its cancer".  i know that doesn't do much to calm the nerves but wanted to remind you of that.  putting you and your family in my thots and prayers.  please let us know when you get the good news.  pm me if you want to talk or anything.

    God bless you and your family,


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tracy

    Remember he is still growing and lots of changes are going on in his body. Being he is only 17 I can only image all the things he is doing and all the bacteria that is around him every day. As you know the lymphatic system and the body’s immune system work hand and hand and sometimes a viruses or fungi will cause swelling. But like you I too would want it checked just to be on the safe side with my children.

    Will keep him in pray

    Tim Hondo

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    thank you all!

    I rub the poor kids neck a few times a day to "check" it.  He has had no discomfort and actually forgets about it.  We go back in about 3-4 weeks for a recheck and to decide what needs/or not needs to be done. 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    thank you all!

    I rub the poor kids neck a few times a day to "check" it.  He has had no discomfort and actually forgets about it.  We go back in about 3-4 weeks for a recheck and to decide what needs/or not needs to be done. 

    Tracy, I know that 3-4 wks is

    Tracy, I know that 3-4 wks is going to be the loooooooooongest time for you.  I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Very sorry

    Tracy i'm so sory your son is going through this. I do know how hard it is when it is a child of yours. Even worse when you have gone through it. 

    Some times lymph galnds are just diong there job and that is why some get enlarger. Some times they get enlarged and stop working like the should. I had one do that when I was very young [groin area]and is was sore and had to be removed. It was only one and just stopped working the right way. Not sure if I had been sick or any infection, it just filled up with the fulid. They went in and took it and I never had any problem sence. I hope that is all your son's is. Sending prayers anyway for luck.


  • hope3210
    hope3210 Member Posts: 27
    Prayer for ur family.

    Prayer for ur family.