Told Not Cancer, but still have questions

Pamela A.
Pamela A. Member Posts: 4

I posted this on the uterine cancer board and someone suggested I post it here. I hope that is OK.

I am 60 years old and have been in menopause since I had chemo for breast cancer over 11 years ago. I recently had spotting and pelvic pressure. I saw my gynecologist and she did a very painful uterine biopsy in her office and sent me for ultrasounds the following week. The biopsy came back as insufficient tissue. The ultrasound reported a heterogenic uterine canal thickened to 1cm so my doctor scheduled me for a D&C 10 days ago. She said my endometrium was in fact thin and there was scant tissue sent to the pathologist. That came back negative for malignancy.

Part of me feels extremely foolish for having had a procedure I didn't need, they said the ultrasound was wrong, but part of me is still worried. I wonder if my worry is my body telling me something is wrong or if I am just paranoid because I had breast cancer. My mother also had breast cancer, my sister had breast cancer, non-hodgekins lymphoma and finally died from yet a third cancer believed to be caused from the treatment of the other two. (MDS) I am still spotting from the D&C and have no idea if that is normal. I expected some bleeding for about 3 days after the procedure but thought it would have stopped by now. Has anyone else gone through this? * I did have genetic testing and I am not postitive for BRCA I or II.

I am also concerned that the ultrasound failed to show my left ovary. My right ovary was normal. I know it is common for ultrasounds to miss an ovary because they "float" but it still concerns me. Does not seeing it on ultrasound guarantee it's benign? I guess after having breast cancer I always feared ovarian cancer. I am not afraid of uterine cancer as long as it is diagnosed early, but I just read an article by the govenment about uterine cancer in post menopausal women who had been told they had cancer free biopsies and D&C pathology. *I am not even sure if ovarian cancer causes spotting? Please forgive my ignorance. Somehow when it comes to my own health, I can't stop second guessing myself.

I really want to move on with my life and put this all behind me, but it is so hard to when I get blood stained toilet paper when I use the bathroom. I would really like to hear from post menopausal women like myself, anyone who had a D&C. It is so hard to find specific information on the internet.

Thank you!


  • Pamela A.
    Pamela A. Member Posts: 4
    please ignore my original post

    I am sorry I wrote this here. I decided to just ignore the bleeding and go on with my life. I am sure the doctor is right and I have is a benign condition that is causing the bleeding.  I just let a moment of weakness get the best of me.  I would have deleted my post but I don't know how to do that. Sorry.

  • Jue
    Jue Member Posts: 80
    Missing ovary

    Hi Pamela , I too had missing ovary on a ultra sound scan in nov 2013 , I was sent for tests due to spotting bloating and occasional constapation I also had ca125 blood test which came back at 18 within normal levels. I went away happy after being told all was well. Being 47 years old I had a false sense of security . My symptoms continued until march this year when a laparoscopy was done due to spotting and pain, it was discovered my left ovary the one they couldn't find had become cancerous and I was stage 3c Ovca. My consultant oncologist said further investigation should have been done back in nov 2013, when ovarys aren't visible there's a reason maybe prolapse or worst case scenario cancer .please Pamela just get a further check it's probably nothing. My best wishes go  to you. Julie 

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Jue said:

    Missing ovary

    Hi Pamela , I too had missing ovary on a ultra sound scan in nov 2013 , I was sent for tests due to spotting bloating and occasional constapation I also had ca125 blood test which came back at 18 within normal levels. I went away happy after being told all was well. Being 47 years old I had a false sense of security . My symptoms continued until march this year when a laparoscopy was done due to spotting and pain, it was discovered my left ovary the one they couldn't find had become cancerous and I was stage 3c Ovca. My consultant oncologist said further investigation should have been done back in nov 2013, when ovarys aren't visible there's a reason maybe prolapse or worst case scenario cancer .please Pamela just get a further check it's probably nothing. My best wishes go  to you. Julie 

    Hi Pamela

    Please don't feel bad about posting here.  You are always welcomed to share your concerns and worries with us.   I myself have never had a D & C but it's my understanding that spotting is normal after the procedure.  However, if the spotting continues and/or your worries come back, please follow-up with your doctor.

    Take care,


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    Hi Pamela

    Please don't feel bad about posting here.  You are always welcomed to share your concerns and worries with us.   I myself have never had a D & C but it's my understanding that spotting is normal after the procedure.  However, if the spotting continues and/or your worries come back, please follow-up with your doctor.

    Take care,


    Me again, Pamela

    I just re-read your original post and realized that your spotting started prior to the D & C.  I would definitely follow-up, especially since you still have spotting. 


  • Susan P
    Susan P Member Posts: 103

    Me again, Pamela

    I just re-read your original post and realized that your spotting started prior to the D & C.  I would definitely follow-up, especially since you still have spotting. 



    Hi Pamela I knownothing about uterine  re cancer & bleeding - I had had a hysterectomy uterus only years prior to thr Ov Ca - My gyne/onc said that was a plus with my Ov Ca

    back to OvCa - my biggest symptom was the huge belly full of ascites like 3-4  mos preg couldn't keep food down - my gag reflex was in over drive the pressure from the ascites fluid caused me to have to pee all the time turns out my left ov had a 4" tumor   the ultra sound only showed something was up but not what -My PCP sent me for a contrast CT & to an awesome gyn - I live in Canada & have wonterful gov't health care - so these tests aren't a financial problem.


    the gyn was the one to say "sorry"you have Ov Ca ...and ...yoiur belly needs to have that fluid drained - in the next few days then we'll get you to the cancer center in a week a... and she did both - drained 8 liters - just under a gallon & I had my first treatment about 2 weeks after seeing her.


    the point of this stoy is (1)  we know when something is amiss in our body - I was thrilled to finally get a dx-- so we could start fighting it - Dr Oz had had  a show about OvCa - so I was pretty sure (2) even with a 4" tumor they couldn't dx until the contrast CT.



    Maybe ask your doc if you've had enough testing to rule OvCa out


    Best of luck Pamela - You do have reason for concern  BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATESusan P from Alberta  Canada & TX & WY

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Susan P said:


    Hi Pamela I knownothing about uterine  re cancer & bleeding - I had had a hysterectomy uterus only years prior to thr Ov Ca - My gyne/onc said that was a plus with my Ov Ca

    back to OvCa - my biggest symptom was the huge belly full of ascites like 3-4  mos preg couldn't keep food down - my gag reflex was in over drive the pressure from the ascites fluid caused me to have to pee all the time turns out my left ov had a 4" tumor   the ultra sound only showed something was up but not what -My PCP sent me for a contrast CT & to an awesome gyn - I live in Canada & have wonterful gov't health care - so these tests aren't a financial problem.


    the gyn was the one to say "sorry"you have Ov Ca ...and ...yoiur belly needs to have that fluid drained - in the next few days then we'll get you to the cancer center in a week a... and she did both - drained 8 liters - just under a gallon & I had my first treatment about 2 weeks after seeing her.


    the point of this stoy is (1)  we know when something is amiss in our body - I was thrilled to finally get a dx-- so we could start fighting it - Dr Oz had had  a show about OvCa - so I was pretty sure (2) even with a 4" tumor they couldn't dx until the contrast CT.



    Maybe ask your doc if you've had enough testing to rule OvCa out


    Best of luck Pamela - You do have reason for concern  BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATESusan P from Alberta  Canada & TX & WY

    Biopsy and Cancer..  Sorry

    Biopsy and Cancer..  Sorry for all the troubles you are having..  But I must let everyone know a bit I learned about Biopsy..  I am no doctor, but..  A Biopsy can confirm Cancer, but it can NOT rule Cancer out.  So, I learned that Cancer cells are like 5% of the total cells in a given mass. Thus the Biopsy sample may not have any Cancer cells in it.    There are good reasons to do a biopsy and I am not smart enough to know all of them.  You may need to get another opinion.

    Good Luck..


  • copperpenny
    copperpenny Member Posts: 2

    I personaly had no bleeding . I had enough fluid to look 10 mnoths pregnant. coudn't hardly breath with it pushing up on my diaphram. they took off 7 bottles from abdomn and lungs.

    Any questions get another opinion. My surgeons  assistant was easier tounderstand than my onocoogist.  Mine has metassized to my liver , 3 spots, and not sure this blend of Abroxone/Avastin  is working.  3rd line treatment. It's been amost 2 years , no relief yet.  you might consider alternative treatment  at some point also.  cannibis oil  and  ldn  are two I've been checking on.

    Hang in there.  It's not always easy but we are worth it!