How about a roll call? Haven't heard from many of you in a while.

artist49 Member Posts: 87 Member

State age, geographic location, when diagnosed, stage at diagnosis, treatments, current status,

complementary treatments, source of strength (or something like that).



  • TAyers
    TAyers Member Posts: 86 Member

    Hi my name is Tami  and I live in Girard, Pa. I was diagnosed with UPS when I was 46 years old on May 18 2012, after very heavy bleeding a few d&c's, an ablation, more bleeding, and very stinky clear mucousy fluid, bloating and left sided leg pain over the course of a few years, but the later symptoms about 4-6months. My stage was a 3C and a grade 3.I had total radical hysterectomy, 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol every 3 weeks, 25 external radiation treatments with 3 internal brachytherapy treatments. My strength came from The Lord, my family, and friends. The discussions on this board also helped me look for facts, hope, and encouragement. It also helped me not to feel so alone. I welcome any questions and friendships.  I have not gone to a naturopath like many others on the board. I am not sure which one I should trust to go to. I cut back my hours at work and chose not to do the disability route at this time. If I should have a reaccurence I will do so then. I also was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer right before I started radiation. I had a thyroidectomy right after all of my radiation treatments.They also removed 5 spots of cancer and had the I-131 pill as well. It has taken my body a while to bounce back from treatment. I am also a previous gastric bypass patient and sometimes I wonder if my body succumbed to cancer because of all of my nutritional deficits. You can drive yourself crazy with the what ifs, you just have to focus on survivorship. It has been 2 years since diagnoses and 18 months since my last treatment for UPS and there are no signs of cancer. My Ca-125 marker is not a good marker for me, since the highest it ever climbed was a 27 and I had 3 lymph nodes involved. I still have my port, but may get it out in Janurary as long as I remain NED. I try not to dwell on statistics, since I am a statistic of one. Any questions please ask.

    Your cancer sister,


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    I'm Debra{Jo}, from Texas.  UPSC stage 1a/2, grade c.  Fifty seven at dx.  Now 62.  Six rounds of Taxol/Carboplatin, five rounds bracheytheropy.  Finished chemo May 8, 2010 and have  been N.E.D. ever since!  Last checkup was this May...ca125 was 15.8. This group is my only source of strength and information...and really, in the long run it was all I needed to have with help from my God!  If this cancer doesn't kill me, it will have saved my life!  Thanks to cancer, M.D. Anderson found a 95% death causing heart birth defect no one knew of.  I had open heart surgery eight weeks before cancer surgery.  According to the heart dr. I should have been dead at least 12 years before my cancer dx! So, I am still here, still fighting the fight,hoping for the future and living in the moment!  Best, Debra

  • artist49
    artist49 Member Posts: 87 Member
    debrajo said:


    I'm Debra{Jo}, from Texas.  UPSC stage 1a/2, grade c.  Fifty seven at dx.  Now 62.  Six rounds of Taxol/Carboplatin, five rounds bracheytheropy.  Finished chemo May 8, 2010 and have  been N.E.D. ever since!  Last checkup was this May...ca125 was 15.8. This group is my only source of strength and information...and really, in the long run it was all I needed to have with help from my God!  If this cancer doesn't kill me, it will have saved my life!  Thanks to cancer, M.D. Anderson found a 95% death causing heart birth defect no one knew of.  I had open heart surgery eight weeks before cancer surgery.  According to the heart dr. I should have been dead at least 12 years before my cancer dx! So, I am still here, still fighting the fight,hoping for the future and living in the moment!  Best, Debra

    Thanks both of you for your response! It gives everyone hope when they see people do well

    despite the progtnosis of  this aggressive disease.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Thanks for doing this

    Thanks for doing this artist!  I know there are a lot of survivors out there who visit and don't post and I hope they will post to give everyone hope.

    DX at 49 with type I and II (UPSC staged at 1A) endometrial cancer and feel extremely fortunate it was caught early!  DaVinci complete hysterectomy with a ton of lymph node removal.  All lymph nodes were clear but because it was UPSC it was recommended (and I did) full sandwich chemo (carbo/taxol) / radiation (25 ext/3 int) / chemo.  I think my gyn/onc is BORED with me and sends me to my regular gyn twice a year and vist with him twice a year.  NED but fear creeps in every now and then and I try to push it out of my mind.

    The ladies on this site are AMAZING.  I have learned more from the women here and pray for them everyday as I could NOT have made this journey without them. 

    I am a different person today than I was before cancer. Life is precious.  Time is precious.  Make sure you tell the people you love just how much you love them everyday.  I know there are women on this board who may attack me (if I don't get my commented erased by CSN) for saying God's touch and love was as much as part of my healing as the doctors and treatment, but I will not get in to a war of words with anyone who disagree.  As I said, I pray for all the warriors out there every day. 

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member

    Thanks for doing this

    Thanks for doing this artist!  I know there are a lot of survivors out there who visit and don't post and I hope they will post to give everyone hope.

    DX at 49 with type I and II (UPSC staged at 1A) endometrial cancer and feel extremely fortunate it was caught early!  DaVinci complete hysterectomy with a ton of lymph node removal.  All lymph nodes were clear but because it was UPSC it was recommended (and I did) full sandwich chemo (carbo/taxol) / radiation (25 ext/3 int) / chemo.  I think my gyn/onc is BORED with me and sends me to my regular gyn twice a year and vist with him twice a year.  NED but fear creeps in every now and then and I try to push it out of my mind.

    The ladies on this site are AMAZING.  I have learned more from the women here and pray for them everyday as I could NOT have made this journey without them. 

    I am a different person today than I was before cancer. Life is precious.  Time is precious.  Make sure you tell the people you love just how much you love them everyday.  I know there are women on this board who may attack me (if I don't get my commented erased by CSN) for saying God's touch and love was as much as part of my healing as the doctors and treatment, but I will not get in to a war of words with anyone who disagree.  As I said, I pray for all the warriors out there every day. 

    Thank you for the personal stories!

    Hi! Thank you for sharing! Your personal experiences are yours and no one can take them away NTFC (hope you don't mind me putting NTFC for No Time For Cancer?).  Different people will get help from you saying those words and who cares about others who don't like's your personal story and experience.  Anyway, I'm awaiting results from my conization I had on Monday so then maybe I'll be able to put down more details about what is exactly happening to me.  All I know is they think I have endometrial adenocarcinoma, for sure endocervical CA, but not sure what kind, definitely VAIN, CIN & VIN. I've learned so much from you ladies!! I learn more from you then from my GYN /ONC & his office.  I think I'll get a 2nd op soon. I have been doing lots of research these last several days as I wait yet again for results.  I definitely know I do NOT want to get treatment for my CIN, VIN & VAIN!  So many horror stories from those wonderful ladies who have it over on the "other Gyn cancers" discussion board!! 

    Thanks to you SURVIVORS for sharing!  I get so much help from reading your stories! P.S. Nice to meet you Tami! Thanks for sharing!


  • Ardnasnit
    Ardnasnit Member Posts: 29 Member
    My brief story

    Hi, my name is Sandra, I am 39 and I live in VA. At the end of May, I was diagnosed with Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade 1 by my GYN after a hysteroscopy/D&C. I met with a GYN/ONC a couple of days later. My surgery was on June 9th. I had a total hysterectomy and staging. At my post-op appointment I found out that my cancer had spread to my myometrium (less than 50%) and that the pelvic wash came back positive. After my surgery I was considered to have Grade 2, Stage 1a Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. I will begin 6 rounds of chemo on Friday, 7/25. It will be a combination of Taxol and Carboplatin. I will also have internal radiation at some point.

    My source of strength comes from my family and God. With them I would probably have fallen apart. Shortly after my surgery I found this discussion board and it had been a tremendous help and a blessing.

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member
    Ardnasnit said:

    My brief story

    Hi, my name is Sandra, I am 39 and I live in VA. At the end of May, I was diagnosed with Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade 1 by my GYN after a hysteroscopy/D&C. I met with a GYN/ONC a couple of days later. My surgery was on June 9th. I had a total hysterectomy and staging. At my post-op appointment I found out that my cancer had spread to my myometrium (less than 50%) and that the pelvic wash came back positive. After my surgery I was considered to have Grade 2, Stage 1a Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. I will begin 6 rounds of chemo on Friday, 7/25. It will be a combination of Taxol and Carboplatin. I will also have internal radiation at some point.

    My source of strength comes from my family and God. With them I would probably have fallen apart. Shortly after my surgery I found this discussion board and it had been a tremendous help and a blessing.

    Ardnasnit, Good luck next Friday!

    We'll be thinking and praying for you! Let us know how you do ok? I'm awaiting results which I'm supposed to get this upcoming Tuesday. So this is our big week! We can handle it! I'm not going through what you have to go through but my thoughts are with you!


  • dkdrew
    dkdrew Member Posts: 15
    I'm 56 years old and I live

    I'm 56 years old and I live in Maine. Jan. 26 of this year, 2014 I woke up to bloody pajamas and called the doctor the next day. They did blood work that day. Feb. 3 did a transvaginal sonogram and on Feb 11 did a biopsy and gave me the diagnosis of endometrial adenocarcinoma. March 27 they did a total hysterectomy and removed 13 lymph nodes. I had my 4 week follow up on Apr 9. I was told then that the cancer was contained, it was stage 2, grade 2. Lymph nodes were all negative, pelvic washing negative, and the I was told that it was UPSC not adenocarcinoma like they had thought. It was really scary as she started to tell me that this cancer has a high rate of recurrence, is very aggressive and is incurable when it does come back. I'm currently doing chemo(taxol-carbo). I just finished round 4 and I have 2 more rounds to go, then I'll have 3 rounds of vaginal brachytherapy radiation.

    I just went to a naturalist this past week and she said she could find no evidence that I have cancer(but she couldn't say if it's actually gone or if it's the chemo working). She did tell me the cancer came from past stress and that right now my PH is way out of control(.09 acidic). She did say considering everything I've been through so far I'm looking pretty good health-wise. I'll take all this as good news. I will be glad when all the treatments are over. This last round, the anemia has really wiped me out and the tingling in my feet is driving me crazy.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Ardnasnit said:

    My brief story

    Hi, my name is Sandra, I am 39 and I live in VA. At the end of May, I was diagnosed with Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade 1 by my GYN after a hysteroscopy/D&C. I met with a GYN/ONC a couple of days later. My surgery was on June 9th. I had a total hysterectomy and staging. At my post-op appointment I found out that my cancer had spread to my myometrium (less than 50%) and that the pelvic wash came back positive. After my surgery I was considered to have Grade 2, Stage 1a Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. I will begin 6 rounds of chemo on Friday, 7/25. It will be a combination of Taxol and Carboplatin. I will also have internal radiation at some point.

    My source of strength comes from my family and God. With them I would probably have fallen apart. Shortly after my surgery I found this discussion board and it had been a tremendous help and a blessing.

    Sandra, if you have any

    Sandra, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  I had NO IDEA what to expect and got so many surprises.  The things we aren't told probably out number the things we are told!  Take a breath and I promise you - you will AMAZE YOURSELF!

    BTW, it is ok to call me NTFC, I took that name as defiance and to spit in the eye of this evil disease.

  • Ardnasnit
    Ardnasnit Member Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Jude and NTFC

    Hi Jude and NTFC,

    Thanks for your support and the prayers. I appreciate all the prayers I can get. Jude I will also keep you in my prayers and pray for good results on Tuesday.

    I will let you know how chemo goes on Friday. I have my chemo teaching on Tuesday so hopefully I will be more informed. I will definitely ask questions when I have them. I have been scanning the posts and learning whatever I can from the women who have posted about their experiences. At the moment I am nervous but I know that is coming from the unknown.

    NTFC I love your defiance and that you are spitting in the eye of this evil disease.


  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member
    Ardnasnit said:

    Hi Jude and NTFC

    Hi Jude and NTFC,

    Thanks for your support and the prayers. I appreciate all the prayers I can get. Jude I will also keep you in my prayers and pray for good results on Tuesday.

    I will let you know how chemo goes on Friday. I have my chemo teaching on Tuesday so hopefully I will be more informed. I will definitely ask questions when I have them. I have been scanning the posts and learning whatever I can from the women who have posted about their experiences. At the moment I am nervous but I know that is coming from the unknown.

    NTFC I love your defiance and that you are spitting in the eye of this evil disease.


    Basically had no symptoms

    I am 52, was 51 at Dx.  I live in Iowa.  Feb. - May 2013, I was spotting or bleeding.  I thought I was getting ready for menopause.  My doc sent me to ob/gyn.  Pap showed two different atypical cells.  June had a colposcopy.  Showed endometrial cancer with serous cells.  Sent me to University of Iowa Ob/gyn oncologist.  Found out from that doc that I had UPSC.  Shock.  July, 2013 had radical hysterectomy and the staging was determined 3A Grade 3.  The cancer tumor in uterus was small but it had already spread to back of pelvis, on left ovary, on left paracolic gutter.  No lymph node involvement.  Aug. 2013 started 6 rds of carbo/taxol. Doctor said radiation would not benefit me.  Finished chemo. Jan. 2, 2014.  At 3 month, am currently in NED.  CA125 not a good marker.  I started a caring bridge blog and between my faith in the Lord, family, friends and caring bridge, that is what got me through.  I have an incredible family.  My 10 year old boxer was by my side and knew when I was having a rough day.  Prayer, Faith, determination and support is getting me through.  I love this discussion board because I, too, have been so educated.   They used the davinci robot and that is what caught the pea sized tumor on the back of the pelvis.  They did a pelvic wash and I can't remember what it was.  I think it was positive.  Thanks for sharing your stories.  I learn so much from you ladies.   I was never married and never had kids and uterine cancer was the last kind of cancer I thought I would ever get.   I have really cut back from eating sugar and fat as I was told that cancer likes sugar and fat.  I am taking more anti-oxidants as supplements and trying to eat as much natural food as possible.  My next appointment will be Aug. 11 and am anticipating that my 6 month check-up will be NED as I don't think I am having any symptoms.   I never realized how slow regaining my strength and stamina is taking.  I am self-employed as a massage therapist and I was out of work from the end of July until April and am just now only doing half hour massages, about 6 per week.  I have applied for disability, so we'll see what happens.  So far, all bills have been paid.  My church, family and friends sent me checks to help me get through.  I feel totally blessed.  I have found that you have to make these things fun and I had to help people more comfortable.  I am more thankful and make sure I tell others what I am thankful for.  I'm probably telling you all more than you wanted to know, but I have to tell you, I don't ever want cancer again, but I would never trade the experience I have had.  The love and generosity of people, my life and perspective changed, my spiritual walk with God.  I have a peace deep in my soul like I've never had before.   You ladies are amazing. 

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Still here!

    Trisha. Current age 57  58 in 10 days. Dallas, Tx. Doing ok. Dx April 1st with Uterine cancer after bleeding for a month and having a D&C.  Surgery on April 8 2011. 6 cheno treatments no radiation. On 6months checkups now. Great hosiptal and dr. UTSouthwestern in Dallas and Dr. Lea. Doing good getting ready to hit 3 years from last treatment 22August. Dancing with NED everyday and enjoying my life.  Do not post that much anymore cause busy with work and family. Trish

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member

    Basically had no symptoms

    I am 52, was 51 at Dx.  I live in Iowa.  Feb. - May 2013, I was spotting or bleeding.  I thought I was getting ready for menopause.  My doc sent me to ob/gyn.  Pap showed two different atypical cells.  June had a colposcopy.  Showed endometrial cancer with serous cells.  Sent me to University of Iowa Ob/gyn oncologist.  Found out from that doc that I had UPSC.  Shock.  July, 2013 had radical hysterectomy and the staging was determined 3A Grade 3.  The cancer tumor in uterus was small but it had already spread to back of pelvis, on left ovary, on left paracolic gutter.  No lymph node involvement.  Aug. 2013 started 6 rds of carbo/taxol. Doctor said radiation would not benefit me.  Finished chemo. Jan. 2, 2014.  At 3 month, am currently in NED.  CA125 not a good marker.  I started a caring bridge blog and between my faith in the Lord, family, friends and caring bridge, that is what got me through.  I have an incredible family.  My 10 year old boxer was by my side and knew when I was having a rough day.  Prayer, Faith, determination and support is getting me through.  I love this discussion board because I, too, have been so educated.   They used the davinci robot and that is what caught the pea sized tumor on the back of the pelvis.  They did a pelvic wash and I can't remember what it was.  I think it was positive.  Thanks for sharing your stories.  I learn so much from you ladies.   I was never married and never had kids and uterine cancer was the last kind of cancer I thought I would ever get.   I have really cut back from eating sugar and fat as I was told that cancer likes sugar and fat.  I am taking more anti-oxidants as supplements and trying to eat as much natural food as possible.  My next appointment will be Aug. 11 and am anticipating that my 6 month check-up will be NED as I don't think I am having any symptoms.   I never realized how slow regaining my strength and stamina is taking.  I am self-employed as a massage therapist and I was out of work from the end of July until April and am just now only doing half hour massages, about 6 per week.  I have applied for disability, so we'll see what happens.  So far, all bills have been paid.  My church, family and friends sent me checks to help me get through.  I feel totally blessed.  I have found that you have to make these things fun and I had to help people more comfortable.  I am more thankful and make sure I tell others what I am thankful for.  I'm probably telling you all more than you wanted to know, but I have to tell you, I don't ever want cancer again, but I would never trade the experience I have had.  The love and generosity of people, my life and perspective changed, my spiritual walk with God.  I have a peace deep in my soul like I've never had before.   You ladies are amazing. 

    That was beautiful IHTM!

    Thank you IT Happened to me (IHTM).....beautiful!

  • survivingsu
    survivingsu Member Posts: 134 Member
    I had a rare form of


    I had a rare form of uterine cancer - undifferentiated small cell carcinoma back in 2009.  I underwent chemo/radiation simultaneously, then surgery, then follow-up chemo.  While treatment was rugged, and took a while to get over, I'm doing great now, went back to work after my treatment and periodically get CTs, lab work, exams.  It's been five years since my diagnosis in July, and will be 5 years since treatment in December.  I'm very glad to be alive!

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    2005 diagnosis

    Hello Everyone.  

    I am Kathy - I am from Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania (southeast of Pittsburgh)

    Age at diagnosis:  45

    When diagnosed:  After a routine hysterectomy in Sept of 2005. (I was placed on Lupron for six months prior to my surgery to help soften the lesions).  Then after the pathology came back, I had to go for another surgery for staging in Oct. of 2005.   They didn't find any other cancer.   However, since the cancer was found in my uterus and in my left ovary, I was treated as ovarian, even though it was finally concluded that I had Stage 3a, Grade 2 Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.  But they were never able to find the origination of the cancer.   They thought it might be MMM but ruled that out.

    Treatment:   Carbo/Gemzar (I had a reaction to Taxol) then 3 brachytherapies.   Unable to do pelvic radiation (gyne/onc wanted it but radiation/onc did not due to my extensive scarring caused by the endometriosis.

    Recurrence:  Had a small mass by my rectum - it was there from the initial surgery.  However, in 2009, one of my physicians thought it was a recurrence.  Even though the CT scan, MRI scan, and PET scan did not indicate anything, a biopsy revealed endoemtrial adenocarcinoma again.   Therefore, I had this removed by a totally different doctor due to the fact that the current one at the time indicated that it was inoperable and they wanted to start chemo, then surgery, and indicated that I may have a permanent colostomy.   Had the surgery in Feb of 2010 and the mass was tested negative.  But a lymph node tested positive for microscopic cells - no treatment - just a wait and see approach.

    Curent Status:  Once again, I have a soft tissue mass which has been noted since at least 2010.  However, recently it has grown.  Although it is still in the normal or slightly over normal range on a PET Scan (it is now a 3.2 from a 2.4), I did have this biopsied and it resulted negative.   However, I now have moderate hydrouteronephrosis and as of July, it is starting to cause damage to my left kidney.   I have in my process of finding an Urologist to put in a stent prior to or just have the mass removed.

    In the meantime, I am very active and work full time.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Ardnasnit said:

    My brief story

    Hi, my name is Sandra, I am 39 and I live in VA. At the end of May, I was diagnosed with Endometrioid adenocarcinoma Grade 1 by my GYN after a hysteroscopy/D&C. I met with a GYN/ONC a couple of days later. My surgery was on June 9th. I had a total hysterectomy and staging. At my post-op appointment I found out that my cancer had spread to my myometrium (less than 50%) and that the pelvic wash came back positive. After my surgery I was considered to have Grade 2, Stage 1a Endometrioid adenocarcinoma. I will begin 6 rounds of chemo on Friday, 7/25. It will be a combination of Taxol and Carboplatin. I will also have internal radiation at some point.

    My source of strength comes from my family and God. With them I would probably have fallen apart. Shortly after my surgery I found this discussion board and it had been a tremendous help and a blessing.

    Lynch syndrom?


    Do you know whether or not they tested you for Lynch syndrom after your hysterectomy?   It is now common that they do this, especially for someone younger than 54 to get endoemtrial adenocarcinoma.   They didn't do it with me, but just recently they are rechecking my slides from 2005 to see if lynch syndrom is involved because they didn't do those types of testings back then.  If you had someone in your family history that was diagnosed with colin cancer, then it is possible for lynch syndrom.  I think if you are positive for Lynch Syndrom then they will watch your symptoms a little more closely than if you didn't have it.

    My best to you.


  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43

    Basically had no symptoms

    I am 52, was 51 at Dx.  I live in Iowa.  Feb. - May 2013, I was spotting or bleeding.  I thought I was getting ready for menopause.  My doc sent me to ob/gyn.  Pap showed two different atypical cells.  June had a colposcopy.  Showed endometrial cancer with serous cells.  Sent me to University of Iowa Ob/gyn oncologist.  Found out from that doc that I had UPSC.  Shock.  July, 2013 had radical hysterectomy and the staging was determined 3A Grade 3.  The cancer tumor in uterus was small but it had already spread to back of pelvis, on left ovary, on left paracolic gutter.  No lymph node involvement.  Aug. 2013 started 6 rds of carbo/taxol. Doctor said radiation would not benefit me.  Finished chemo. Jan. 2, 2014.  At 3 month, am currently in NED.  CA125 not a good marker.  I started a caring bridge blog and between my faith in the Lord, family, friends and caring bridge, that is what got me through.  I have an incredible family.  My 10 year old boxer was by my side and knew when I was having a rough day.  Prayer, Faith, determination and support is getting me through.  I love this discussion board because I, too, have been so educated.   They used the davinci robot and that is what caught the pea sized tumor on the back of the pelvis.  They did a pelvic wash and I can't remember what it was.  I think it was positive.  Thanks for sharing your stories.  I learn so much from you ladies.   I was never married and never had kids and uterine cancer was the last kind of cancer I thought I would ever get.   I have really cut back from eating sugar and fat as I was told that cancer likes sugar and fat.  I am taking more anti-oxidants as supplements and trying to eat as much natural food as possible.  My next appointment will be Aug. 11 and am anticipating that my 6 month check-up will be NED as I don't think I am having any symptoms.   I never realized how slow regaining my strength and stamina is taking.  I am self-employed as a massage therapist and I was out of work from the end of July until April and am just now only doing half hour massages, about 6 per week.  I have applied for disability, so we'll see what happens.  So far, all bills have been paid.  My church, family and friends sent me checks to help me get through.  I feel totally blessed.  I have found that you have to make these things fun and I had to help people more comfortable.  I am more thankful and make sure I tell others what I am thankful for.  I'm probably telling you all more than you wanted to know, but I have to tell you, I don't ever want cancer again, but I would never trade the experience I have had.  The love and generosity of people, my life and perspective changed, my spiritual walk with God.  I have a peace deep in my soul like I've never had before.   You ladies are amazing. 


    Wow, your story could be mine. I'm 68 now and was dx in June 2013 one month after my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He had kidney removed June 26 and I had surgery o July 10. It is uterine papillary serous carcinoma and I was diagnosed stage 3c with one bad pelvic lymph node involved. My chemo was 3 weeks on and one week off with Neulasta shot after third chemo. Total of 18 chemos with four bracytherapies in February 2014' just had second post checkup and good news so far. CA125 tumor marker is down to 11 and ct scan is clear. I'm getting strength back but it sure takes time. Feeling good and so grateful for the family and friends that got me through this. Wish I had discovered this site sooner. I'm glad to share anything I can with someone else that is on this same scary journey. At least my husband and I are in this together and we certainly understand the emotions. Gary had a kidney out but no chemo or radiation. He has very small tumor on his other kidney and we are just watching it. Married 49 years and never thought we would share this. 

  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    Kaleena said:

    2005 diagnosis

    Hello Everyone.  

    I am Kathy - I am from Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania (southeast of Pittsburgh)

    Age at diagnosis:  45

    When diagnosed:  After a routine hysterectomy in Sept of 2005. (I was placed on Lupron for six months prior to my surgery to help soften the lesions).  Then after the pathology came back, I had to go for another surgery for staging in Oct. of 2005.   They didn't find any other cancer.   However, since the cancer was found in my uterus and in my left ovary, I was treated as ovarian, even though it was finally concluded that I had Stage 3a, Grade 2 Endometrial Adenocarcinoma.  But they were never able to find the origination of the cancer.   They thought it might be MMM but ruled that out.

    Treatment:   Carbo/Gemzar (I had a reaction to Taxol) then 3 brachytherapies.   Unable to do pelvic radiation (gyne/onc wanted it but radiation/onc did not due to my extensive scarring caused by the endometriosis.

    Recurrence:  Had a small mass by my rectum - it was there from the initial surgery.  However, in 2009, one of my physicians thought it was a recurrence.  Even though the CT scan, MRI scan, and PET scan did not indicate anything, a biopsy revealed endoemtrial adenocarcinoma again.   Therefore, I had this removed by a totally different doctor due to the fact that the current one at the time indicated that it was inoperable and they wanted to start chemo, then surgery, and indicated that I may have a permanent colostomy.   Had the surgery in Feb of 2010 and the mass was tested negative.  But a lymph node tested positive for microscopic cells - no treatment - just a wait and see approach.

    Curent Status:  Once again, I have a soft tissue mass which has been noted since at least 2010.  However, recently it has grown.  Although it is still in the normal or slightly over normal range on a PET Scan (it is now a 3.2 from a 2.4), I did have this biopsied and it resulted negative.   However, I now have moderate hydrouteronephrosis and as of July, it is starting to cause damage to my left kidney.   I have in my process of finding an Urologist to put in a stent prior to or just have the mass removed.

    In the meantime, I am very active and work full time.


    UPSC was discovered after I

    UPSC was discovered after I began having atypical endometrial cells (AGUS) pap smears at the age of 58, which was June of 2011. 
    All tests prior to my hysterectomy, including both an endometrial biopsy and a vaginal ultrasound were considered "normal" with no indication of cancer. My pap smears were sent through pathology by my oncologist, since I had received treatment for vaginal cancer in 2007 (age 54) and was still being watched carefully. UPSC was confirmed (4.5 MM polyp) after the uterus was cross sectioned during the pathology process. I received 6 cycles of Taxol/Carboplatin spaced 3 weeks apart. No radiation was given as I had already had radiation treatment during my vaginal cancer treatment in 2007. On a side note, prior to vaginal cancer I had never had an abnormal pap smear, and faithfully had one every year.  

    I'm a teacher and worked during both cancer treatments. My very dear sister (retired teacher) became my sub during days I missed for chemo and recovery. I don't think I could have done it without her!

    I'm doing fine, now and count myself as very blessed for having gone through cancer treatment twice and emerging with no long term side effects. I'm still being watched carefully by my doctor, who says I need to see her for life. My checkups have just gone to 6 mth rather than 4 mth visits. 

    Best wishes to all the warrior ladies here! We're in very good company! I gain inspiration from each and every one of you here!

    PS  Forgot to say I'm from Houston Texas 

  • Mary27609
    Mary27609 Member Posts: 22
    Thanks for this-- I feel like

    Thanks for this-- I feel like I need to do an emotional download and have been looking for a safe place to do it.

    I'm Mary and I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I will be 54 a week from Saturday. I'm having a bad day and I don't really know why. My surgery was a year ago today-- the day Prince George was born. Televisions all over the hospital were tuned to the news and so as long as the media keeps track of his birthdays-- I'll be reminded. I never ever thought I'd mind being reminded. The day went very well. I love my surgeon (she's now my Gyn)-- she used the DaVinci robot so only four tiny slits. I had been diagnosed after a D&C earlier in the month, so there was no bad news after the surgery.

    I went home the next morning and recovery was smooth. I was back to work in three weeks. Chemo was much harder :) Of course I didn't know that yet. But now today I'm sort of weepy-- fighting it, but it's enough to distract me.

    Which brings me to a question I've been meaning to ask. I had a radical hysterectopy-- everything including ovaries. But I still feel a sort of a cycle. I have a week every month where I'm cranky and a bit bloated and headachy. I thought this would all be GONE. And it's a year later.

    I have a 22 year old daughter at home-- I know females match cycles and our bitchy weeks do match :)-- the week before she gets her period. Is the affect of another female that strong? Or are there residual hormones still cycling in me for this long? I thought I was mid-way through menopause already when I got sick-- now I feel more hormonal than I had in years. 

    ANYWAY-- enough with the questions :). I was diagosed as Stage IIIc1 Endometrial Cancer-- ovaries and cervix not involved but some evidence in pelvic lymph nodes. After surgery I had three rounds of chemo (Carboplatin/Paclitaxel), 25 doses of external radiation and then three more rounds of chemo ending on February 26.

    I had a CT-scan and also an MRI in May (there was a shadow on my liver in the CT-scan). My doctor reported no evidence of disease on May 27. Coming up on two months cancer free.

    My emotions have surprised me the most. The medical side effects I was warned about, knew about and wasn't ever surprised. I certainly had miserable times, but there was a goal and I knew I was supposed to feel miserable. This emotional stuff has really thrown me for a loop. I was fine during treatment-- better than I ever expected to be-- driven and focused. But since it's ended I'm just a big bag of fear and apprehension. Bleh. Anyway-- I've posted about this before and have gotten wonderful responses and great advice. I have pockets of thankfulness and joy and I have faith that it will get better. It was just very surprising.

    I'm enjoying reading all of your stories-- the best thing is knowing I'm not alone.  



  • dkdrew
    dkdrew Member Posts: 15
    Mary27609 said:

    Thanks for this-- I feel like

    Thanks for this-- I feel like I need to do an emotional download and have been looking for a safe place to do it.

    I'm Mary and I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I will be 54 a week from Saturday. I'm having a bad day and I don't really know why. My surgery was a year ago today-- the day Prince George was born. Televisions all over the hospital were tuned to the news and so as long as the media keeps track of his birthdays-- I'll be reminded. I never ever thought I'd mind being reminded. The day went very well. I love my surgeon (she's now my Gyn)-- she used the DaVinci robot so only four tiny slits. I had been diagnosed after a D&C earlier in the month, so there was no bad news after the surgery.

    I went home the next morning and recovery was smooth. I was back to work in three weeks. Chemo was much harder :) Of course I didn't know that yet. But now today I'm sort of weepy-- fighting it, but it's enough to distract me.

    Which brings me to a question I've been meaning to ask. I had a radical hysterectopy-- everything including ovaries. But I still feel a sort of a cycle. I have a week every month where I'm cranky and a bit bloated and headachy. I thought this would all be GONE. And it's a year later.

    I have a 22 year old daughter at home-- I know females match cycles and our bitchy weeks do match :)-- the week before she gets her period. Is the affect of another female that strong? Or are there residual hormones still cycling in me for this long? I thought I was mid-way through menopause already when I got sick-- now I feel more hormonal than I had in years. 

    ANYWAY-- enough with the questions :). I was diagosed as Stage IIIc1 Endometrial Cancer-- ovaries and cervix not involved but some evidence in pelvic lymph nodes. After surgery I had three rounds of chemo (Carboplatin/Paclitaxel), 25 doses of external radiation and then three more rounds of chemo ending on February 26.

    I had a CT-scan and also an MRI in May (there was a shadow on my liver in the CT-scan). My doctor reported no evidence of disease on May 27. Coming up on two months cancer free.

    My emotions have surprised me the most. The medical side effects I was warned about, knew about and wasn't ever surprised. I certainly had miserable times, but there was a goal and I knew I was supposed to feel miserable. This emotional stuff has really thrown me for a loop. I was fine during treatment-- better than I ever expected to be-- driven and focused. But since it's ended I'm just a big bag of fear and apprehension. Bleh. Anyway-- I've posted about this before and have gotten wonderful responses and great advice. I have pockets of thankfulness and joy and I have faith that it will get better. It was just very surprising.

    I'm enjoying reading all of your stories-- the best thing is knowing I'm not alone.  



    weepies too.

    Hi Mary, I hope you're past the "weepies" now. I have problems with that myself. The past couple of days, in fact. I went to a naturalist last week and some of the herbs she gave me she said may bring on the emotions. But even before that I'd think things were going along fine and then they'd hit me. Maybe it's just a release we need every so often. Hope your feeling better today.
